You're still ugly

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Arielle's POV

Me and Jack awoke to the smell of a good English breakfast being cooked downstairs.

"Breakfast!" I heard his mum call up the stairs. I got out of bed and put on a pair of fluffy socks. They must of had the heating on for some time now because it was warm and cosy in there house. Jack put on a scrumpled t-shirt on that needed more then ironing to fix. As my t-shirt was so long I decided that it was acceptable to wear and Jack said it looked fine so. I followed Jack downstairs to be greeted by everyone.

"Morning" Helen said to me. I replied with a smile and saying morning back. "Okay I still cannot remember what everyone likes and doesn't like so I have just laid everything out on the table so please help yourself" she said to all of us but mainly aiming the last bit at me. I thanked her and then began to put different foods onto my plate.

"So Arielle how long have you been doing YouTube for?" Jacks Dad asked me.

"Oh about 6 years now" I nodded taking a bite out of my toast.

"Yeah oh my god have you checked any media today?" Conor said dramatically.

"No why?" I said kinda panicked. Because let's face it if anything happens to my media it's like my work is over.

"Well congratulations baby you have hit 20 million subscribers!!" Jack clapped

"You've got to be shitting me" I said but them immediately covering my mouth realising that I just swore "I am so sorry" I then added. His parents both just laughed.

"Don't worry it's not like we don't hear it from Jack anyway" his mum said. Jack then handed me his phone which showed my channel.

ArielleRogers: 20,000,000 subscribers.

"Oh my god" I said my eyes tearing up for some reason.

"Are you about to cry?" Jack laughed.

"No no no" I said fanning my face. "I'm just so shocked what the hell" I laughed looking at his phone again.

"Wow we have to make today extra extra special" Helen then said. I smiled and then took a selfie with Jack, Conor and Anna on snapchat and wrote the caption as 20 million of you guys out there, love you all millions xo. I uploaded it and then carried on eating my breakfast.

"So what should we all leave in like 2 hours? That gives everyone times to shower and stuff?" Jacks dad said. Everyone agreed and went upstairs into their rooms. As Jack, Conor and myself were going back home tonight I decided there was no point showering here and just waiting until I get home. As it was still very cold outside I had no clue what to wear. I put on a pair of light blue jeans which had rips in the middle, I then put on a plain white turtle neck and then the black fur jacket which I sold in my fashion rage. I sat down at the dressing table and began curling my long blonde hair. I brushed it out to make some waves. I then did my make up deciding to go all out of the eyeshadow and then keeping the rest of my face more natural.

"My girl has just got 20 million subscribers what the hell maaaan" jack said whilst shoving his phone is my face obviously taking a snapchat

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"My girl has just got 20 million subscribers what the hell maaaan" jack said whilst shoving his phone is my face obviously taking a snapchat.

"Oh my god you got the most unflattering angle of me ever" I laughed looking at his story. Whilst we were waiting for everyone I replied to people's tweets saying congratulations and things.

"Oh yeah did I tell you what Zoe said about Alfie to me?" I asked Jack.

"Nope" he said simply whist he was trying on several different hats.

"She said she's not too sure if she wants to actually get married to Alfie" I explain. When I said it it actually hit me that Zoe and Alfie might actually get married.

"Yeah when we went out for lunch Joe had that chat with Alfie but like they say they're fine but I just know there is still tension there" he said finally deciding on a black SnapBack. "Shit is gonna go down at the football match" he laughed. The day after next the boys are having a friendly 5 a side football match for charity but let's face it, it's not gonna be friendly.

Jacks POV

"Okay so me and Jacks family are going to take a walk down the the pier and then to the beach for a couple of hours and then we are gonna head back home" Arielle began speaking into her vlog camera. I was walking. Slightly behind her so I pulled funny faces in the background. We all began walking to the pier.

"Jack Jack Jack" Ari ran up to me.

"What?!" I said kinda panicked as if something was wrong.

"I wanna win a toy but I'm not tall enough to throw them" she laughed and then giving me a puppy dog eyes. She grabbed my hand and pulled me over to the game.

"Okay 6 balls for 3 pounds" the guy said to me. I handed him 3 pounds as he then passed me six little balls. Basically I had to knock down all of the cans to get a big toy. £15 later I finally won her a giant teddy bear.

"What you gonna call it" I asked her as we were walking down the pier towards the beach.

"We'll do you think it's a boy or girl?" she then asked all cute. Sometimes when she's not in her little miss savage mood she's actually like a cute human.

"Definitely a boy" I nodded as she began to think deeply as if this were a life changing decision.

"Hmm I like Jakey" she giggled.

"Yeah Jakey will do"

"Jakey and jackey" she laughed.

"Oh my god please never call me Jackey ever again, it makes me sound like a girl" I laughed. She shrugged it off and then put her hand into mine. Again when she isn't in her little miss savage mood she does actually have feelings and is actually affectionate.

"I am well proud of you, you know that?" I said to her after a couple of minutes of just waking in silence. Listening to the sound of the crashing waves.

"Why?" She laughed.

"You know like you hitting 20 mill and everything I'm just a proud boyfriend init" I shrugged.

"Lil cutie" she nudged my waist. I nudged her back.

"But you're still ugly so" I said deciding that this whole situation was way to cute for us. She just laughed and then ran towards the sea with Anna.

Wow I really really really like this girl.

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