Little Children

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Arielle's POV

"WE ARE GOING ON HOLIDAY!" I shouted to the camera.

"Shut up. It's like half 2 in the morning" Jack groaned. We had already checked in our luggage and we were all just roaming around duty free. I picked up a perfume and some sun lotion whilst Jack picked up sweets and some more sweets. We all sat down on the cold metal seats waiting for our gate to open.

"I can't wait to get a real tan!" I exclaimed looking down at my legs which were turning more and more pale by the day.

"I can't believe you've planned this all during 1 day!" Zoe then said shocked.

"What can I say" I laughed flipping my hair over my shoulder. The flight attendant person called out of flight and said it was ready to board.

"How longs the flight?" Caspar asked

"Like 6 and a half hours?" I said not totally sure. I tied my hair up which matched my all black tracksuit which I was wearing. The air hostess told us where are seats were but I just followed Alfie down the isle.

"Thank the Lord" I laughed as we got seats on the back row. For some reason I love sitting at the back row. I feel like no one really bothers you and you are also close to the toilets. Jack placed my hand luggage up the holder as I could definitely not reach. And then we all sat down in our usual seats. Jack, myself, Zoe and then Alfie. After finally going to the toilet and sorting myself out I took off my glasses and leant on jacks shoulder slowly falling asleep.

I was woken up by the air hostess walking around offering us some breakfast.

"Tea or coffee?" she asked "or we have orange juice?" She added

"Juice is fine thanks" I smiled as she handed it over to me along with some bread and butter with a yoghurt. I thanked her again and wiped my eyes putting back on my glasses so I could see everything again.

"You alright gorgeous?" I could hear Zoe ask Alfie. I could hear him then say something else but not too sure what.

"You guys are cute" Jack teased as Zoe rolled her eyes as Alfie handed her a plastic thing to open which had his plastic knife and fork on it. She opened it with one try and handed it over to him.

"What time is it when we land?" Zoe asked

"I think about midday. Maybe 1?" I smiled back taking a sip out of juice. The air hostess took my tray and then I stood up shuffling past Jack and into the bathroom. I got into the small room and did my business. I got up and looked at myself in the mirror. My face was still pretty fucked up but instead of stirring some shit up Joe finally convinced me to blame it on I fell over when I was drunk because well I mean Alfie already used the dog excuse when he got in the fight with the guy. I mean the bruise has gone down but there was still a pretty big cut. At least we haven't really heard from her since then. I washed my hands and walked back out sitting down in my seat and doing my seatbelt up ready to land.

Zoe's POV

As soon as we got out of the plane we could feel the heat hit us like a ton of bricks.

"I'm so excited!" Ari clapped running ahead with Caspar as they were like 2 excited little children.

"Looks like we are going to have more then 1 child" Alfie laughed taking my hand luggage from me insisting to hold it. We finally caught up with Ari and Caspar after one of them walks where you have to get on a train and everything.

"How did you get here already?" I laughed

"We ran and get the first train thing and then ran again" Ari laughed holding her vlog camera up

"The most exercise I have ever done ever" Caspar added causing everyone to laughed.

"Wow trust your luggage to be last" Jack laughed at Oli who was the only one who hasn't collected his bags yet.

"What does it look like?" Ari moaned. Bored as hell and just wanted to leave. It was already 3 o clock.

"Oh my god it's here!" Oli half screamed causing a crowd of people to stare over at us.

"Thank the fucking Lord" Ari groans lifting her head up from Jacks shoulder grabbing her suitcases and leading the way.

"Okay we are going to need 3 cabs please" she smiled to the man who was in charge of making sure all the cabs were running smoothly and fairly.

"Okay where to?" He said in his Asian accent which we were all going to have to get used to over the week.

"The palm please, building 3" she smiled.

"Have you been here before?" I asked her as me and her jumped into a taxi. Jack, Oli and Joe jumped in another and Caspar, Connor and Alfie got into another.

"Yes I love it here!" She clapped. So so so excited. Arielle has rented out an apartment for us so is to share as yeah even though she likes spending her money she knows her limits. So an apartment for each couple or whatever was not even possible.

"I will transfer you the money in a second" I said remembering

"Cheers baby girl" she laughed looking out of the window looking at the huge skyscrapers.

"Take 60" Arielle smiled to the taxi man giving him a tip as he took out the bags from the boot. We said a thankyou to him and stood outside the building waiting for the boys.

"It's so hot!" Arielle started to say. I turned around and saw that she was talking to a camera. "And by the way guys I'm not going to vlog everyday this week I think I am just going to make a big mash up of the week" she smiled

"Stop saying week we are here for 5 days" I laughed "that's really stressing me out" I added which both caused us to laugh.

"Dubai baby!" Jack shouted as he jumped out of the car jumping Ari, picking her up and spinning her about.

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