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Arielle's POV

I woke up in a really soppy mood you could say.

"Nooo stay in bed" I begged holding onto jacks arm so her couldn't move.

"Why are you like this?" Jack laughed.

"I don't know. I'm just feeling needy" I laughed as he gave up trying not to get out and got back into bed. Adjusting his position to suit me.

"What do you want to do today?" Jack asked.

"I need to edit my vlog and my video so looks like I'm spending the day in" I laughed

"Alrighttttt" he longed out. I finally got out of bed and then walked into my bathroom. I brushed my teeth and had a quick shower. I wrapped my hair in my white towel.

"What you doing today?" I asked him already knowing the answer. That's he's going to go nandos with the lads.

"Yeah I think me and the lads are going to go to nandos for lunch. Then we might hit the shops" he replied with. Knew it.

"Where?" I asked

"Probably westfields" he said. Again I could see where this is going. "And we'll you know you love me and the guys so so so much" he began

"You guys won't all fit in my car" I said back before he could even ask for a lift up there.

"No it's only me Joe Mikey and Conor" he said "everyone else is busy" he added and did some form of puppy dog eyes that really didn't work. "I'll pay for you petrol is well" he then added.

"When are you leaving?" I finally gave in.

"In like an hour" he smiled.

"Ergh fine" I huffed. Jack gave me a kiss and then walked into the bathroom. I release my hair from my towel which I decided I would let dry naturally to form some type of waves. I threw on jacks khaki hoodie which I have worn for about 3 days straight and then put on a pair of fully leggings as it was January and in London so it wasn't the nicest of weathers.

"I prefer your blonde hair you know" Jack said as he threw on a black t-shirt.

"Yeah I quite like it too" I said flicking my hair behind my back like one of the stuck up bitches do. I didn't really mind dropping the guys off to westfields, even though it was a trek I have nothing better to do and they are good company even though they are very annoying. I put on a pair of baby blue fully socks and then my light brown ugg boots. I packed my bags with everything I would need.

"Okay I'm starting the car be there in 5 or I'm not taking you!" I shouted up to Conor, Jack and Joe. I grabbed my keys for my Range Rover and walked out. The cold air smacking my face. I jumped in the car and started it turning on the heating straight away. I placed my phone, fags and my bottle of water in the holders that were next to me.

"Okay to Mikey's please" Jack jumped in the front.

"Yeah yeah" I rolled my eyes and began driving. Jack connected his phone straight to the aux cord.

"Not jacks shitty music" Joe joked.

"Shut up mate better then your fucking love ballads" Jack rolled his eyes back as I pulled up to Mikey's block of flats. I beeped a couple of times as he ran out and jumped in.

"I can't believe I'm doing this" I huffed as we got stuck again at another red light.

"It's a sign that you and Jack are actually in love" Conor winked.

"Naa the next argument they have Jack will be proposing" Joe then laughed. Clearly referencing Zoe and Alfie.

"Leave it out" I said but resulting in laughing.

"Really Ari you actually think that Alfie wants to get married?" Joe then said.

"Well yeah?" I contemplated

"Piss off" Jack then laughed.

"Why not?"

"Come on he clearly just panicked and thought that's the only way that he can get Zoe back. He fucked off when she had a baby so how can he just suddenly want it all back?" Joe then explained.

"And don't even get me started on Zoe" Jack then said. I huffed.

"Go on then" I rolled my eyes.

"She just thinks she can stay at yours for what? Like 2/3 months? And then as soon as Alfie comes back she just leaves with him straight away and just say 'thank you' and thinks it's okay? Naaa you're alright mate" Jack said getting all annoyed.

"Just leave it" I huffed.

"No I'm not gonna leave it. That's really annoyed me" Jack then said. I looked at Joe in the mirror kinda asking for his opinion.

"Zoe is my sister but yeah I do agree. Like she did get a bit too big for her boots. Like she did just kick me out of my own house" Joe then said.

"Well are you guys going to tell Zoe this?" I then asked. I could see where they were coming from and the more and more they spoke about it the more I got annoyed.

"Let's face it. Again we are not going to see her for what a week or so because she is so terribly in love with Alfie again" Conor then said putting in a bit of a voice when talking about the love part. I just laughed.

"Oh my god Zoes uploaded the video that we recorded yesterday and I think she's left in the Alfie thing" Mikey then half shouted. Everything Mikey does just makes me cry laugh for some reason. The guys forced me to pull over and Mikey got up the video. I managed to lean it in a position where everyone could see it.

"No way she's definitely left it in" Joe then said, shocked. As the video went on you could clearly tell that Zoe had tried to edit it, trying to make it more romantic then it was. Adding music and stuff in the background.

"Oh god this is overly cringy" I said having to cover my face. We somehow managed to watch the video all the way through without having to throw up. I then handed Mikey's phone back and went straight into my Twitter.


Was the number 1 trend worldwide. I had a look at what people were tweeting. People were all tweeting how it's meant to be. Or any other love-y stuff.

"Yeah the tweets aren't going to help their ego either" I could see Joe looking over shoulder onto my phone.

"Maybe you guys are just over thinking it" I shrugged. I locked my phone and pulled back out.

"Trust me Zoe is my sister and Alfie is one of my Bestfriends I don't think I can really over think it" Joe then huffed.

"She better take us out for that dinner is well" Jack then huffed. I have never really seen Jack this annoyed about something before.

"Aww does Jack really really really care about Arielle" Mikey then began putting on one of them silly voices. All of the guys then joined in saying different things to take the piss out of Jack. I just laughed as I finally pulled up to the entrance of Westfields.

"Okay have fun!" I waved to them as they all jumped out.

"For the petrol" Jack then said and handed me some money.

"Don't be so silly I was only joking" I said refusing to take any money from him.

"Right I'll buy you something then" he said.

"No you won't" I then laughed. I gave him a quick kiss and then drove off as they all walked into the shopping centre.

As I was driving I just kept thinking about Zoe. She would usually text me straight away in the mornings or send me funny snap chats or whatever. And I mean it's 2 o'clock now and Zoes an early riser so it's just strange. I understand that you have days where you spend all the day with your partner but in my mind you should always make time for your friends.

From: Zoe

Me and Alfie are going to Brighton too see his family for a couple of days. But I haven't forgotten about you and Jacks meal! Love you xo

I read the text whilst I was waiting at a red light. I didn't even bother to reply I just locked my phone and carried on driving home.

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