Thats my girl

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Arielle's POV

Me and Zoe found 2 bar stools and sat on them.

"What do you want to drink?" I asked Zoe

"I can't have another one" she held her hands up

"You've had 2" I said with a straight face. "One more defiantly can't help" I laughed

"Vodka and Lemonade please" she reluctantly said

"Okay erm one beer and a vodka lemonade please" I asked the bar tender

"Double or single shot?" He then asked

"Double" I replied with quickly before Zoe could say anything. I winked at her and the man passed us a glass and a beer bottle. I handed him a £10 note. He handed me my change and then walked off to another customer.

"Come on. Cheer up" I said shaking Zoe's leg. She was looking over to Alfie. He was standing with Joe and Conor who were talking to a group of girls who looked about 22. Blonde, long legs, Boobs out. All that.

"Let's find some guys" Zoe perked up jumping off the stool

"That's my girl" I laughed. We walked around the club slowly trying to find some guys to speak with.

"What about you and Jack?" Zoe said taking a sip of her drink.

"There is no me and Jack for the last time" I laughed

"He keeps looking over at you" she winked. I looked over at Jack. Jack looked over to Me. I smiled. He smiled back.

"He likes Lydia anyway"

"You don't know" she replied. By now we were standing my a ledge.

"You girls here alone?" 2 guys came over to us. Both taller then us but that wasn't difficult.

"Chris" one of the guys smiled. He had young Leonardo dicaprio styled hair, which he ran his hand through multiple times. He was cute; wearing a pair of black jeans with a rip in it, a white t-shirt and a leather jacket.

"Jake" the other man said. He was slightly shorter then Chris. But he had his hair quiffed upwards which added him more height. He was wearing a black button up shirt with shirt trousers. He was wearing a black bomber jacket on top.

We got talking to them for a while. Zoe was happy, laughing, almost cry laughing. It was great. Zoe and Alfie are cute together but I think maybe they have spent too long with eachother that they're either getting bored of eachother. Or annoyed. Or both.

"I'm just going outside" I smiled to them all. Zoe gave my the eyes trying to say 'I can't believe your leaving me here' I gave her a wink and then walked outside. I rummaged through my bag and found my cigarette packet and a lighter. I lit it and took a deep inhale. It's bad really, been smoking since I have been 15. But trying to explain to someone that doesn't smoke about why you smoke just doesn't work. Funny.

"Smoking a bad habit" I heard someone say. I turned around. Jack

"Well so is flirting with girls you don't like" I said biting my lip

"Like who" he raised an eyebrow

"Hmm Lydia" I laughed back "let's hope she doesn't see you here though she might kill you" I joked. He laughed

"What's erm the situation with Alfie and Zoe?" He asked taking a gulp of his beer

"I don totally know" I half laughed "I think they're just going through a rough patch" I smiled

"And the house?" He then asked

"Yeah I've picked one and Joe said he wants to move is well so we're going to sort things out tomorrow and hopefully move by the end of the month"

"Oh Joe's moving with you?" He said shocked

"Yeah" I said "nothing like that though. It's just a bit boring living by yourself you know. And also I could never get with Joe" I said pretending to throw up

"That's good then" he winked. I laughed

"You like to flirt don't ya?" I said. My west London accent coming out

"Who doesn't"

"Flirting a a bad habit you know" I winked

"Two wrongs make a right" he then said walking closer. Our lips were a few centimetres apart. Our eyes were locked.

"Jack!" Lydia came hobbling over. Definitely had a couple more drinks then she should off. Jack rolled his eyes.

"It was going so well" he said quietly but loud enough for me to hear. I just laughed

"What yous talking about? By the way I love your dress and Jack wow that jacket looks so good on you" she rambled on.

"I'm gonna leave you two love birds alone" I winked to Jack. I then my cigarette on the floor and stepped on it. I walked past Jack brushing against him. I breathed against his neck making him roll his head backwards.

"See you later doll face". I felt his eyes watch me. As I got to the door I turned around and looked over at Jack. Lydia's arms were around his neck but he was looking at his phone. At one time I want to rip her off him but I like playing the game. Acting like I don't like him.

Zoe's POV

I have been talking to Jake for a while now. We were standing where we met them.

"What did I miss" Arielle finally came back

"We were just generally chatting" I replied back. Chris flung his arm around Arielle's shoulder as she warmed up towards him.

"Want another drink?" Jake asked. I said yes whilst Arielle and Chris said no.

"Hey i found you!" Alfie came over very intoxicated. Lipstick stains over his jawline and love bites on his neck

"Well done you" I replied back sarcastically

"Here you go babe" Jake then came over with a drink. I thanked him

"Hi I'm Alfie"


"This is not going to end well" Ari muttered

"I'm Zoe's boyfriend" Alfie then started

"What with lipstick marks and hickeys on your neck?" Jake replied

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" Alfie raised his voice

"Please I have known Zoe half an hour and I have payed her more respect then you have"

"You don't know anything about me or Zoe"

"I'm not fucking stupid I can clearly see what's happening here" Jake said

"Swear at me one more time mate" Alfie said taking a step closer

"Alfie please" I begged. "Don't"

"Don't fucking mate me, mate" Jake replied with. He emphasised the swear word. By now everyone was standing around watching. Alfie clenched his jaw as Joe came over and stood next to me and squeezed my hand. I looked up to him and smiled.

Then Alfie threw a punch. Jake threw one back 2 times harder.

"He's a professional boxer" I heard Chris say to Ari. His arm was still around her but it was more tight now. Almost keeping her safe. She wasn't bothered though she was staring at Jack. Jacks arm was over Lydia's but he wasn't bothered by her. He was staring at Arielle.

We are all now lying around in Joe's house. Mattresses all over the floor trying to create some type of bed

"I can't believe you tried to fight a professional boxer" Oli then said laughing. Everyone then laughed. Alfie didn't reply. He had a black eye and his lip was busted open.

"Let's play a game" Joe suggested

Oh god.

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