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Arielle's POV

"Something just doesn't seem right about them 2" I shook my head scrolling through my Instagram feed and stumbling across a picture that Alfie posted of him and Lydia.

"Something just doesn't seem right about them 2" I shook my head scrolling through my Instagram feed and stumbling across a picture that Alfie posted of him and Lydia

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Had a happy new year last night. Sending love to all you guys through the last year.

The comments quickly realised that it wasn't Zoe in the picture and that in fact Alfie actually tagged Lydia in the picture.

"Let me see" Jack said finally waking up. I handed him my phone as we read through some of the comments.

"Do you think Zoes seen it?" I asked

"Okay I'm fucking done with that little boy. Do you know how many questions people are going to ask now? Is he actually stupid?" Zoe screamed and walked into my room, followed by Joe and then Conor.

"Okay they answers my question" I laughed. Jack just smiled into my neck. Bentley and Nala then ran in and jumped onto my bed. "And I have just changed these sheets" I huffed looking down onto my plain white sheets which now had brown paw prints on it.

"Zoe you clearly still love him" Joe huffed and laid down on my bed. Causing myself and Jack having to move up.

"Please explain how" she huffed, pacing up and down my room tripping over something different ever time but all of us knowing that because she is in a really bad mood that if one of us even half laughed we would be dead.

"Because you are stressing that much" I stated.

"This is bullshit" she said kicked over my bin which had nothing in it as whenever I tried to throw something in it just completely missed.

"We need to contact Lydia. Find the truth" I huffed.

"She would never tell us" Conor shook his head, by now everyone had managed to find their way into my room and found a place to sit.

"I was so looking forward to morning sex" Jack groaned into my ear. A little bit too loudly causing Joe to hear.

"Could of really done without knowing that" he just burst out laughing. I cuddled up to Jack and buried my head in the crook of his neck. Very embarrassing.

"No no no. We just have to get the right person to speak to her" Zoe said. Zoe was quite clever when it came up to thinking of plans. Everyone immediately turned their head to Jack.

Jacks POV

"Come on Jack she is obsessed with you" Zoe said.

"Yeah but she finally left me and Arielle alone. Once I speak to her she's gonna think I'm interested. For all she knows me and Ari are nothing" I whined.

"Jack. Pretty pretty pretty please" Zoe pleaded and jumped onto my bed which was now holding 5 people as Caspar had jumped in next to me.

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