I wanted her

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Jacks POV

We were all sat around the breakfast bar. Well it was Me Zoe Alfie Conor Joe and Caspar. Marcus, Jim and Tanya have also come down for the party so we were all gathered around the counter. Josh and Arielle were outside talking to some guys having a fag. She was laughing and smiling. She was very confident even without alcohol.

"you actually like her don't you?" Joe whispered to me

"I can't help myself Joe" I huffed. I never really liked girls. I was more of a guy that fucked them. Which is as bad as it seems it was true.

"You wanna know a secret?" he replied back with. I nodded "Alfie told me that she said she likes you too" he replied back with. I laughed

"Your just saying that Joe" I huffed "she doesn't give me enough attention to like me" I said truthfully

"But she flirts with you" he argued. You can never really tell when people are flirting with you but you can tell when other people are flirting with other people. I didn't reply but I did a half hearted smiled and grabbed another beer.

"Hey!" I heard a voice say. I turned around and it was Arielle

"Hey" I said back. Joe walked off leaving us two. "Where's Josh?" I asked her

"He went off, saw a girl he liked the look of" she said throwing her hand in a direction where he went. "I like your shirt" she smiled and ran her hand across the collar. "Where's Lydia anyway" she bounced back

"I don't know" I laughed "should I?" I questioned

"I think it's best if you don't" she smirked. "Let's dance" she smiled grabbing my hand and pulling me to where everyone was dancing. She wrapped her arms around my neck as I wrapped mine around her waist. Sexual tension was at an all time high right now. She looked so hot and I wanted her. I made eye contact with Joe and Conor who were at the opposite side of the room. They made funny faces and made sexual actions trying to put me off. I smiled at them and looked at Arielle. We were getting closer and closer. And then it happened.

We kissed

It felt like I have waited forever for this. But it was worth it. In a way it made it better. She tasted like strawberry lipgloss mixed with smoke but honestly now this is the best taste. She smiled in the kiss making my heart flutter. I have never really felt this way about a girl before.

"Are yous sleeping here tonight?" She asked after the kiss which didn't last long enough.

"Only if I get to sleep in your bed" I winked back. She laughed.

"If your lucky" she winked back

Arielle's POV

Last night me and Jack kissed. I couldn't help myself honestly. I woke up in my new bed next to him. He was still asleep and his hair was a mess and he was shirtless, wearing his pants from last night. I was in my matching bra and panties. Red lace. I threw on Jacks shirt over the top. I walked into my bathroom and jumped into the shower. I was hungover as hell and felt disgusting so I am hoping a shower would help the situation. I washed my body and my hair and then jumped out drying my body and getting back into my bra and panties and jacks shirt again. I wrapped my hair in a towel and walked over to the sink brushing my teeth and then doing my make up hoping that would make me look more acceptable is well. I let my hair out of the towel and then threw the towels into the wash bin. I decided I was going to leave my hair to dry naturally so that they would form some messy waves.

"Morning babe" Jack walked in. He had morning voice which was my weakness and he knew that. I can't really remember what happened last night, I'm not too sure weather he fucked or not. I hope we didn't anyway.

"Wanna go to the cafe?" I asked already bored.

"Yeah but I'm going to need the shirt back" he laughed

"Shit sorry" I laughed taking it off and handing it too him. I could feel his eyes watching me. I threw on a pair of leggings and a oversized white t-shirt. I grabbed my bag and we left.

"Can I have a full English please but no bacon and extra mushrooms" I smiled to the waitress "oh an a chocolate milkshake" I added as she smiled and jotted it down

"Yeah can I just have a full English is well please and a coffee" Jack smiled closing his menu and handing it to the waitress.

"Really extra mushrooms" Jack said pretending to throw up

"Mushrooms are buff" I said back. Pulling my phone out of my pocket and seeing I have got an email from someone I haven't spoke to before. Oh my god

"Everything alright?" Jack asked

"Erm yeah fine" I said blocking out what I read.  Me and Jack carried on speaking over breakfast. He's cute, funny, very charming. Of course I would fall for someone like him.

"Please let me pay this time" I insisted to Jack

"Nope I am paying. I am a gentleman" he replied with

"Jack I am paying, I'm not having this argument with you" I said finding my purse and pulling out £30

"I'll let you pay on one condition" Jack then said

"Hit me" I said standing up and gathering all my things.

"You give me a repeat of last night" he winked

"You cheeky fucker"

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