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Arielle's POV

It's been a week or so since my fashion launch and no one has really done anything since. Just staying in a filming lots of videos

"Guys guess what!" I ran down the stairs. Everyone was sat on the sofas or at the breakfast bar so they could still hear.

"What?" Zoe said eating some type of porridge or something.

"So Kylie Jenner wore my fur coat and my heels out the other day and she mentioned me in her snapchat and suddenly loads of people started messaging myself and Danny"

"That's so cool!" Zoe replied with

"So they've asked me to show my range and New York Fashion week!" I jumped up and down "and by the way you guys can all come!"

"When?" Caspar asked

"Tomorrow. The flights at like 2 in the morning though" I said trying to apologise through my facial expressions.

"Amy's invited right?" Joe asked me

"Well no" I said as if that were obviously. Not going to lie I don't like her and I think Joe know that's. Well it's not just me that doesn't like her. Everyone really doesn't like her.

"Oh then I don't think I can come" he said as if that was casual

"Are you serious?!" I said pissed off automatically

"Well I mean it's going to be our 1 month anniversary"

"Are you serious" I laughed almost out of pitty

"Well yeah why wouldn't I be?" He said seriously

"Well I mean your not coming to New York with your supposed best friend which you've known for almost 5 years for a girl you haven't even known for a month" I raised my voice slightly.

"Yeah but she's my girlfriend" he replied with as if that was an excuse

"Joe don't piss me off" I laughed.

"Explain how this is pissing you off" he said all cocky walking towards the sofa area where I was standing.

"Joe don't" Zoe said knowing that this was going to end in an argument.

"You wanna know how this is pissing me off? Are you fucking stupid?" If you haven't realised when something gets me angry. It gets me  angry

"I'm angry because you know what Joe I'm actually doing something good with myself. You know what I used to be like. You out of all people Joe. So I've fixed myself up and doing something good and your not even going to show up for some stupid little slut that is clearly using you Joe. Yes sweetie catch up she wants to get know. Get out there. But whatever Joe. You have fun with your girlfriend. I mean you two must clearly be in love" by now I was screaming. People have commented on my temper sometimes saying I'm like megan McKenna. After my rant I grabbed the pack of cigarettes on the table and walked out grabbing Bentleys lead as he followed me out. I slammed the door shut and breathed in the fresh air.

Zoes POV

"Rule number 1. Never get in an argument with Arielle" Zoe laughed standing up and picking up all the bowls and putting them in the dishwater.

"She was out though like did you hear her" Joe slumped onto the sofa running his hands through his hair.

"Your not going to see her clothes be presented at New York fashion week too see Amy" Jack laughed. It was cute the way he stuck up for her. We all for interrupted by the doorbell.  

"Hiya!" The most annoying familiar voice shouted from the front door. It was then followed by that sound of people snogging but all soppy and that. Amy then strutted in with her killer heels on. She was also wearing a very short pair of white denim shorts with a black vest top and obviously a push up bra which was bright pink. She then bad a full face of make up on whilst her face was a totally different colour to her neck.

"And your not coming for that" Jack laughed standing up and grabbing his keys and wallet. "I'm going to find Arielle"he huffed. He was clearly annoyed at Joe for pissing off Ari. He then slammed the door shut. Oli, Conor and Caspar had all gone out for lunch.

"Shit we have a doctors appointment" Alfie jumped up reminding me is well.

"Yeah we should go" I said grabbing all my stuff and putting on my shoes. "Well erm have fun" I said not meaning it. I then walked out with Alfie and jumped into the car. I never actually get annoyed at Joe any more like since we have got older. But this has really annoyed me.

"Text Arielle of my phone and ask her if she's alright" I said to Alfie whilst I was driving.

"Oh yeah she's fine she said she's gone out for lunch with Jack" he then said after the ping sound of my phone vibrates. After a 20 minute drive we arrived at the hospital and found a parking space.

"Hi Zoe Sugg. I'm here for an ultrasound" I smiled to the woman

"Oh yes okay please take a seat. Dr Alexander will be with you shortly" she smiled. I smiled back and then walked over to the waiting area. I sat down whilst Alfie got 2 cups of water from the water dispenser

"Thanks" I smiled to him as he handed it to me.

"Trust me everything will be okay" Alfie rubbed my leg. He must have know that I was nervous as I haven't really spoken to him.

"But what if there's something wrong with him or her" I huffed

"So what" he started. "That doesn't matter. We will still love it unconditionally and I will still love you unconditionally. That doesn't change one little thing" he smiled squeezing my hand.

"Miss Sugg and Mr Deyes" a doctor called out. We stood up and Alfie took my bag for me. we followed the doctor down various corridors and made it to his room.

"Okay so if you lift your top up I'm just going to put some jelly on it. Sorry but it will be a bit cold but definitely not painful. Then I'm just going to put this on your belly and locate your child" he said then holding up this thing that you use to scan with. I laid down the the bed and lifted my top up. I shuffled around a bit until I was comfortable and then the doctor put a thin layer of the see through jelly like liquid over my belly. He then connected the thing he used to scan to a monitor and then placed it onto my belly.

"Well?" I asked a bit concerned

"Everything is perfectly fine ma'am. As you can see here there is a heartbeat and this will be the head and this will be the body" he said pointing to various parts of the screen. A tear fell from my eye. Wow I'm going to have a child

"Would you like to know the sex?" He then asked us. I looked over to Alfie

"Erm yeah" I smiled. I mean why wouldn't you like you wouldn't know what clothes to buy and all that.

"Well congratulations you two. Your having a girl" the doctor smiled

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