We are back bitches

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Zoe's POV

"Hey guys so today I am doing the boyfriend vs Bestfriend challenge. So here is my boyfriend Alfie. And my Bestfriend Arielle" I started pointing to them when I said their names. We have been back in London for a couple of days now and we have only just really got over our jet lag.

"So the winner is" I said everyone else creating a drumroll. "Ari!" I shouting holding her arm up in the air as if she had just won a boxing match.

"Suck on that alfie" she said sticking her tongue out. Arielle doesn't stick to that tradition woman figure. She swears, smokes snd drinks but she doesn't really care.

After filming we sat around the tv. We were at me and Alfies house. Arielle and Conor have gone to the shops as no one actually wants pizza for once and we are all craving fruit and pancakes. Odd.

"Who's excited for the premiere tomorrow" Joe jumped up and down. Tomorrow is the red carpet premiere for Joe and Caspars film hit the road. So today we are all just having a lazy day. Filling any videos that we need to do.

"We are back bitches" Arielle walked through the door. Holding 3 bags of food shopping. Conor followed holding another 2 bags. Arielle's also that type of girl who is fierce and strong, she doesn't believe in I can't do this, I can't do that tripe of attitude and she definitely isn't scared of anything.

"How much did this all cost? I'll give you half" I said

"Zoe shut the fuck up" she laughed putting the bags on the table unpacking the food. She opened a pack of chocolate chips and started eating them

"How are you two so skinny" Oli laughed waking over to me and Arielle laughing at us. We shrugged and then started to make the pancakes whilst the guys sat around just well being guys.

"Food!" I shouted putting the last pancake onto the stack. And then placing it on the table. Everyone sat around as we had cooked enough for like 3 pancakes each as we got a bit carried away when making them. Arielle walked over with a coffee for Jack and a tea for herself

"Oh Arielle you love me" Caspar said

"Tea or coffee?" She huffed

"Yes please milk and half a sugar" he smiled. She smiled and walked back out into the kitchen.

"You're a lucky guy" Caspar said patting Jack on the back.

"She's not my girlfriend" he laughed

"Why do you get like this?" I asked Jack.

"Like what?" He laughed

"Well one minute you want her to be your girlfriend and the next tour denying it at every opportunity" I laughed "I'm just saying"

"You don't know anything about me and Arielle" he laughed, all arrogant

"Trust me darling. Arielle tells me everything, even if she says to you she doesn't tell anyone she does" I smiled sitting back down

"Like erm that night in the motel you fucked, 6 times. Oh and the time you went to the cafe your stomach rumbled so loud but she didn't say anything because she didn't want to make you feel embarrassed and when your around her you don't act like this" Jack didn't say anything "I'm not having a go at you but I'm just protecting Arielle"

"I heard my name" Ari walked into the room sitting down next to Jack. He put his hand on her thigh. She handed the tea to Caspar "it's really hot" she added before Caspar was about to take a sip.

"We were just saying you and Zoe should open a restaurant" Jack laughed. Making eye contact with me. I laughed but everyone sat awkwardly.

"So what's everyone wearing tomorrow?" Arielle said taking a sip from her coffee looking immediately energised.

"I'll show you my dress after" I said all excited to her and then taking a huge bit out of my pancake.

"Well I only think it's fair that you guys to the washing up now" stood up ruffling Alfies hair

"Yeah I agree Zoe" Ari laughed standing up

Arielle's POV

Me and Zoe walked into one of the spare rooms that they had. I sat down on the bed

"So show me the dress!" I clapped

"How are you so happy?" Zoe asked unexpectedly

"What do you mean?"

"Well I mean everything that's happened to you in your life. With your parents and all that and now Jack"

"What do you mean now Jack?" I said confused

"Well I mean you act like a couple but you both say your not with eachother" She said

"Zoe people have different views on life. Different thing a make different people happy" I started "I'm happy and there is nothing that I cannot handle. Now stop worrying you" I ruffled her hair and then fixing my glasses and my bun. "So show me the dress" I smiled.

She pulled out this long black dress with nude sequins down the side and at the bottom it went out slightly with it nude and black at the bottom.

"That's stunning!" I said feeling the material of the dress

"I know. I fell in love with it when I saw it" she replied back with. She put it back in her wardrobe knowing things down.

"Crap" she said

"I'll help you" I said crouching down picking up what was in the ground

"Zoe what's this?" I said holding up a white stick.

"Are you pregnant?"

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