In like with her

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Jacks POV

After half an hour of walking aimlessly around the park i finally found Arielle sitting on the grass. Her phone on one hand and a cigarette in the other. Bentley was running around the field chasing another dog.

"You alright?" I asked her sitting down next to her giving her my black bomber jacket to wear as she was obviously cold.

"I'm fucking pissed off" she half laughed taking a pull of her cigarette. She definitely had not been crying though. "Has Joe just got stupid or something? Like yeah hooking up with someone like that is fine but seriously a girlfriend?" She then laughed almost out of pity.

"Let's get some lunch" I said as we stood up putting the lead back on Bentley. We then took a short stroll to a little cafe on the corner which had some outside sears which meant we could sit outside with Bentley. Arielle tied Bentleys lead to her chair whilst I went in and ordered some food.

"So we are flying at 2 in the morning?" I asked her taking a sip out of my glass.

"Yeah but if we sleep we land at like half 2 in the afternoon so we have a day or two to do some sightseeing and then well I have to do a day of interviews then I think the 4th or 5th day is the actual day my range is being shown" she smiled all excited and then taking a gulp of her hot chocolate "oh my god I burnt my tongue fuck"'she said waving her hands in front of her gave sticking her tongue out as if it would help. I just laughed. The woman came and handed us out food and we just ate whilst chatting.

"What's that look for?"'she giggled all cute after it fell silent for a bit

"Nothing" I raised an eyebrow

"Tell me" she frowned

"Your just cute" I blushed

"Stop it you" she laughed. She would never really talk about her feelings seriously like that so she would just turn it into a joke all the time. 

"Okay let's go. I'll give you a lift back to yours" she smiled. We then walked back to her house with Bentley. She unlocked the door and saw Amy straddling Joe things getting pretty heated between them two. She took off Bentleys lead and collar and he walked this his bed falling straight asleep. She said nothing to
Joe and grabbed her car keys. I then followed her too her car

"So I'm thinking of getting another car" she said pulling off her hoodie her top half coming up with it

"Woah what's that?!" I said shocked. Her back had this huge scar over the left side of her back 

"Oh it's nothing" she insisted.

"No tell me" I said

"Just when I was like 15 maybe 16. I got in the fight with this bitch and well she was loosing so then she got out her key and then stabbed me all along of my back" she laughed throwing the hoodie which was actually mine on the back seats. Wow she's been through a lot of shit in her life. "So erm yeah new car" she coughed feeling awkward I guess.

"Yeah what are you thinking?" I said as she lit a cigarette.

"I really don't know. Something flashy though, you know me" she laughed pulling into the front of my flat.

"Okay so the can will come here just before midnight" she smiled.

"See you later" I smiled to her. She waved and then pulled off. I definitely can't love her yet. But I'm definitely in like with her. In like haha. I walked into my flat and said hey to Josh and just caught him up on stuff. Arielle asked if Josh felt left out with all of us so she said that he could come New York if he would like with us.

"Mate that would be sick! Are you sure?" He asked

"Yeah course mate. she was just like yeah I feel like Josh might feel left out sometimes so now that Joe isnt coming he can definitely come now" I said impersonating her voice. Which then reminding me that I needed to upload the video from her birthday. I picked my laptop up from the coffee table and uploaded the video.

That day.

I thought that the name doesn't give too much away. The thumbnail was just black with the title written on it in white.

From Arielle:

What is your video omg???????? All my mentions are talking about it

To Arielle

You will have to watch it yourself ;)

I thought that was a pretty smooth reply. I hope her mentions haven't given too much away.

Arielle's POV

I literally have so much work to do before I get to New York but all my mentions are about Jacks video. I mean like I always get questions about Jack in my feed which I sometimes answer but I mean they basically know everything. I'm really open when it comes to relationships. Anyway I text Jack and all he said was I will have to watch it myself. Annoying right? I do normally watch his videos even before they come out but now was so inconvenient. I opened a new tab on my laptop and went onto YouTube

That day

What the hell? Jack never did videos like that. He normally does challenges or QnAs and stuff. I pressed play and turned up the volume

So today is Arielle Rogers 20th birthday he narrated I have made this video for her. It was him setting up the hall where he held the ball type thing for my birthday. Okay so Arielle is due here is under half an hour. Everyone is arriving and I have just got dressed and I am in the men's toilets filming this. This made me laugh

Arielle. You are the most special person I have met. You have changed my view on how a should treat girls and that people actually have feelings and well how I actually have feelings. And I know I have been an ass so I have done this too make it up to you he smiled to the camera and then walking out placing the camera on the side. The camera angle changed to the door opening and Zoe walking through followed by myself.

She's beautiful he whispered but wrote it at the bottom of the screen as a subtitle. Fucking hell this kid knew how to play with my heart strings. It then played the dance we had to fool for you by Zayn. And the kiss and every other magical moment.

Arielle you are amazing and I honestly don't deserve you. Neither does this world really but you guys can't steel her because hey guys Arielle Rogers is officially my girlfriend.

And with that the video ended.

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