Plan B

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Alfies POV

"Alfie Alfie Alfie" Lydia woke me up. We stayed he night in a hotel after last nights party. I wish I drank one more glass last night so I wouldn't of had to remember what happened. First of all I had to kiss Lydia. And don't get me wrong this was all my idea but it was just appalling, and secondly Zoe kissed Conor. I know she has said that Conor has been helping her out with the baby and all of that but there is no need to kiss him?! It's just all wrong.

"What's happened?" I said thinks nothing of it. Knowing Lydia she had probably just broken a nail, or has found a split end in her hair.

"I've made a huge, big, massive, terrible mistake" she said, again in a very panicked tone.

"What?" I said pretending to be concerned.

"Well I may have just accidentally told Jack that you're paying me to be with you so Zoe will get jealous" she said but getting slowly more quite.

"You did what?!" I said standing up quickly, realising what she actually said.

"Well I told Jack why I'm actually with you" she said back. Not looking me in the eye.

"Why? Are you stupid?" I panicked.

"Well, no" she said and then handed me her phone. I read through the conversation they had.

"Do you not know that Jack is crazy over Ari?" I pointed out. "Did you not see hem last night?" I added.

"Yeah I know, but I wanted to believe it" she huffed. At this moment I did feel weirdly sorry for her. I ran my hands through my newly cut hair. "I'm so sorry" she then added me looking me in the eye. You know when someone looks you in the eye they really mean it. I huffed but walked round to her and gave her a hug.

"What should I do?" I asked Lydia. Her being a girl and all that.

"I think you're going to have to come up with plan b" she half laughed sitting down at the dressing table.

"Yeah I've figured that" I laughed.

"Do you want Zoe back?" She then asked, emptying her make up bag out onto the table.

"Yeah of course" I said, that's obvious right?

"Then you have to get her?"

"I tried that at Christmas. But that just failed miserably" I laughed

"Erm maybe you could try again?" She said. "Let's face it Alfie, you have nothing to really loose. But a lot to gain" she smiled. This is the most true thing she has ever said.

"So what should i do?" I then asked.

"Just text Joe that you are coming over to speak to Zoe. Because A) he won't tell Zoe B) he will support you" she smiled.

"Thanks Lyd's"'I smiled and gave her a hug. I pulled my phone out from the charger and began typing to Joe.

From - Joe

We are all staying in all day to record a bunch of videos today so just text me when you are on your way X

I looked at joes reply and panicked. This is actually going to happen.

Arielle's POV

Today we have all decided to film loads of main channel videos so then we won't have to sit and record one for a while. Currently me Jack Zoe and Joe were doing one of those videos where you just sit down and have a chat. Like Louise does on her channel.

"Can we have a round of applause because Jarielle is a thing again!" Joe said, making me turn a shade of pink.

"Yes yes it's true" Jack said back and squeezed my face. I am going to dread uploading this because more and more people can tell when you have edited parts out, and in these type of talk videos you aren't really meant to edit things out. That's the point.

After we finished filming I exported it onto my laptop and quickly edited in my intro and any other subtitles I needed.

"Ari I need to tell you something" Joe came over to me whist Zoe was filming with Caspar.

"Go ahead" I smiled, taking out one of my headphones.

"Alfie is coming tonight" he said

"He's brave" I laughed back.

"Should I tell Zoe?"

"Joe, somethings just have to be left as a secret, it's better that way" I smiled at him as I began to upload the video. I tweeted the link to it as it uploaded and then closed my laptop.

"Okay we have to film for my channel now!" Zoe clapped. I put my phone in the pocket of my grey tracksuit bottoms. Another reason why I love recording the fact you only have to sort out your top half.

"What are we actually filming?" I asked.

"YouTuber whispers" she laughed

"Oh my god Zoe you are so original" Joe joked

"Fuck off" she swore back.

It was just me and Joe left in the room next door so we couldn't hear what was being said.

"Alfie said he's walking down the road" Joe stated

"Oh gawd" I laughed. Zoe walked in and said it was my go. I walked in the room and Jack was sitting opposite me with headphones on also. Caspar, Oli Josh and Conor were all sat in a line behind us like crying of laughter. I could only imagine what the sentence is.

"Jack only started YouTube because his parents thought he had no talent" is what I heard Jack saying to me but knowing that I had Drake Feel no Ways on the loudest volume in my headphones it was most likely wrong. I repeated the same words to Joe as he took of his headphones.

"Okay Joe what did you hear?" Zoe said. Half to Joe and half to the camera. Joe repeated exactly what I said to him. I have him a high five in response.

"Thing is you're so wrong" Conor laughed even more.

"What was it then?" I asked confused.

"Jack only got back with Arielle because he missed the sex" Conor read of his phone, yet again causing him to best out into another fit of laughter.

"Just an extra, I didn't not get back with Ari because of the sex I genuinely do like her" he smiled to the camera. My heart went all fluttery when he said this. I smiled and rested my head on his shoulder.

"Okay next round" Zoe stood up after we had another laughing fit at the fact that Josh dribbled everywhere when he was trying to tell one of his shit jokes. 

"Oh my god Alfie"

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