Alex from Love Island

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Arielle's POV

Not going to lie hearing that Lydia is coming tonight kinda scares me. The facts that me and Jack are not official again yet makes me worry that he can do what he wants with her and I can't have a problem with it. I sprayed some perfume onto myself and then walked down stairs. Joe was getting ready at Jack, Conor's and Josh's house as all the guys have complained that they are not having enough 'lad time'. I sat down on the sofa and wrapped a blanket around me, feeling a bit down I turned on the TV and put on Love Island.

Is it just me or doesn't Alex from Love Island just make everything better😍

I tweeted it and locked my phone. Shortly Zoe joined me after she finished telling the babysitter all the facts she needs to know.

"Terry is literally the hottest" Zoe said pulled out her vlog camera. And half talking to the camera and half to me.

"Are you serious it's all about Alex" I said back almost disgusted. As these were old episodes I already know what happens at the end because everyone always tweets about it so you physically can't see what's happening.

"The guys are outside" I said to Zoe reading the text the Jack sent me. I became more and more reluctant about this night by the second. I put on my black Jimmy Choo heels which were black and criss cross design.

These shoes made me just about a normal ish height but when I stood next to someone like Josh or Zalfie I still looked like I could be their daughter or something

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These shoes made me just about a normal ish height but when I stood next to someone like Josh or Zalfie I still looked like I could be their daughter or something. I grabbed Zoes hand as we walked out and jumped into the Uber. The boys had quite clearly pre drunk as they were already very loud and boisterous. I didn't really say much during the car journey, the guys were all in their lad mood so they were all doing laddish things whilst me and Zoe were just having small talk.

"Honestly everything will be fine" Zoe gave a supportive smile. She clearly guessed that I was worried.

"We haven't even said hi yet. Come on now" I laughed. I was never really like this with guys and especially when I first met Jack. But now if you haven't been able to tell yet I clearly like him. A lot. So the fact that the girl he used to flirt with the most is coming to a New Year's Eve party which is the time of the year where you usually get the most drunk, does not make me feel very secure.

"It's like we are in Love Island oh my" I laughed to myself trying to make this situation some what positive.

"You're obsessed" Zoe then laughed.

The uber reached our destination as someone paid for it we all got out. We arrived at one of these country houses which the YouTube team always rent out for when they have parties. We walked up the long brick stairs and handed out invitations over to the bouncer who was at the door. He signed us all off and we all entered.  The main room everyone was in was huge and there was every British YouTuber you could think of. But Lydia and Lucy stuck out like a sore thumb. Both of them looked at me and Zoe whilst Me and Zoe looked at them both.

"Hey babe you alright?" Jack walked over to me and Zoe. Joe then followed.

"Yeah not bad you?" I said back. Not really showing any expression.

"Erm Joe come help me choose a cake" Zoe said half awkwardly; realising that this was a time to leave me and Jack alone. Joe agreed as he finally caught on to what was happening. He gave Jack one of them man pat things that guys do for support.

"What's up?" He frowned.

"It's nothing" I huffed not really being bothered to argue.

"Don't be silly. I know something is up" he grabbed my hand and began playing with my fingers. I couldn't look him in the eye. "There is no need to be worried about her" he then added realising that I was looking at Lydia.

"It's hard to explain" was all I could say.

"Well try" he said taking a sip out of a beer bottle.

"Jack you know I out on this whole little act about being all confident and that I don't give a shit but let's face it you know I give a bit more then a shit about you" I started. "And like the fact that we aren't like official at the moment and she's here just makes me scared. It's not like you haven't flirted with her infront of me with her is well"

"Yeah but you know I wouldn't do that to you now. After everything" he smiled. "You know I like you. A lot" he then winked, kissing my forehead.

" you know what Jack, I don't like you. I love you" I winked deciding to make this whole situation more cringy then it should be.

"Err oh my god, guys Ari just said she loves me! Oh my god! Joe guess what, Ari dropped the L word" Jack said all childish.

"Why are you being muggy?" I laughed all embarrassed. I lightly pushed him and walked off to the bar.

Zoes POV

"Go on Ari tell me about Alex from love island. Bet you wouldn't drop to L bomb on him" Jack laughed to Ari as we were all standing in a circle.

"Jack I would of told him I loved him ages ago so don't get yourself too gassed" she joked back. He just shook his head not being able to think of a response.

"Okay erm Zoe I have news" Joe walked over as we all made space for him in our circle.

"Go on?" I said nervously as he said the news part in not a happy tone.

"Well erm Alfie is here. But well erm he's here with Lydia" he said. Once is said this no one said anything but I could see everyone scan the room from them too.

"Jackpot" I said looking over Arielle's shoulder to see Alfie and Lydia all cuddled up in the corner of the room. Everyone turned around to look and then turned back to face me.

One tear ran down my face. And I blame myself for all of this. If I just forgave Alfie on Christmas then I would be happy right now. Well in would be happier then seeing the guy I'm in love with cuddle with someone who isn't me.

"Fuck him" I said and then walked over to Conor and wrapped my arm around him.

Revenge is the best pay back.

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