So this is Paris?

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Arielle's POV

Today was the day Jack was taking me to Paris to try and make up for what he did. He said he would pick me up at half past 12 so then by the time we get to Paris or whatever it will be time for dinner. So I got up at around 8 ish and got into the shower. I washed myself and my hair and got out and ready. I decided that the better I look the more he would want me. Right? I straightened my newly blonde hair and did my make up doing a darkish eye and a nude lip. I decided on eating a white crop top with slits in the side. And then a nude/tan colour long skirt and heels that match. Once I finally got finished getting ready I took a selfie in the mirror and posted it on snapchat.

 From: The better looking Maynard

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From: The better looking Maynard

I've just left my place so I will be maximum 10 minutes X

I didn't bother replying as I've decided I'm going I play hard to get which knowing Jack he's going to make hard to do. But he knows he has to pull something out of the bag to get me at least half back. I packed my all which Michael Kors bag with my passport and everything else that I would need during the day. I walked downstairs and saw Joe and Zoe sitting at the breakfast bar both on their laptops.

"So today's the day" Zoe clapped as I walked by here side to see what she was doing on her computer. She brushed my hair through with her hands to get rid of knots.

"I don't know weather to be nervous or what?" I laughed.

"Trust me it will be goooood" Joe winked.

"Yeah that's way for you too say, you know what's happening" I lightly hit him across the head in response. I grabbed the carton of milk from the fridge and poured it into a glass and then drinking it.

"Shit he's outside" I put my glass back down. I looked at Zoe as she wiped of my milk moustache which I had gained. "Okay remember to record Big Brother for me" I waved goodbye to her and Joe and walked out to see Jack standing out in front of a matte black Bentley car as he knew they were my favourite. He was wearing a black shirt with a black blazer and then also black trousers which he had rolled up at the ends. He then was wearing some white loafers with this and then in his pocket in his blazer he had a which napkin thing to match. He had styled his hair how he usually does but you could tell he had put some more wax or gel or whatever he uses to try and make himself look like he has made more of an effort.

"Hey" he spoke and gave my a hug. He kissed both of my cheeks like they do when they are really posh like in one of those Housewives series. I smiled back as he opened the door of the car and held my hand helping me into the car. He shut the door gently and then ran around and jumped in next to me. I smiled to myself liking how much effort he is actually making. The car journey began awkward but then the uber man asked us if we would like to connect out phone.

"Yeah thanks mate" Jack smiled as he passed him the Aux cord. He put on Partynextdoor Tbh as he knows that's my favourite song. I smiled to myself again.

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