72 Hours

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Arielle's POV

Jack sat on the end of the row, then myself, Zoe and then Alfie.

"You excited" I asked Jack. There was only half an hour left of the flight so I was doing my make up as I have to go straight to the audition after the flight. I would weirdly like a life like this. I love being busy and doing things one after another. I mean what's the point in living if you not going to do anything with it.

"Yeah first one and all that so" he smiled. We slept most of the flight so we haven't really spoken. "What about you?" He asked

"Yeah so excited to see everyone!" I said. I have been to VidCon 4 times already so this time is my fifth.

"Like who?" Jack said

"Kian and Jc especially" I replied back with. Kian Lawley and JC Caylen were literally my favourite people from America. We just get into so much trouble but it's so funny. Last year we spent 3 hours running away from the police. I guess it's bad but looking back at it now it was the funniest. "You'll get along with everyone don't worry" I said rubbing his shoulder. I could see that he was worried

"Your making an effort aren't you" Jack then nudged me trying to put me off my make up. I gave him a dirty look.

"You look buff so it's okay" he winked

"Was that you trying to be cute" I laughed

"Did it work?"

"Only this once" I winked back as he put his arm over my shoulder.

"Will you take my case?" I asked Jack. Now that Zoe and Alfie are back together they are now going to share a room. Caspar and Joe are sharing so me and Jack decided we would share. He said yes and got into a cab with everyone

"Good luck" Zoe whispered as she hugged me. I thanked her and jumped into a taxi and told him to go to Victoria's Secrets offices

"Hi, Arielle Rogers. I'm here for an interview" I said to the woman at the counter. She smiled and hen led me to the main office.

"Hi, nice to meet you" Their was two men. The creators Gaye and Roy Raymond and then this one woman who looked friendly enough. They asked me lots of questions, then they asked me the get changed into different types of lingerie, Pyjamas ect...

"Okay Arielle, we have an offer for you" One of the brothers said. my heart was pounding. All i could do was nod.

"We are happy to give you a job, a permanent contract"

"oh my god thank you so much" I said

"But" the other brother started. oh fuck. "You would have to leave england, come and live here in LA" What is all i could think. I mean LA wouldnt be that bad as i have lots of friends here, and no family to worry about. "And you would have to stop YouTube"

"What why?" I said, YouTube has done so much for me over the past 5 years. I cant just drop it can i? But i mean i could be a Victoria Secrets Angel

"We can't risk it all. Your safety for starters, You know what becoming a model for us means, your going to get known. More then your known now. I mean look at Cara, Gigi and all them, they are surrounded my paparazzi all the time. we cant risk you vlogging and putting on the internet where you are. Also we cant risk you reveling our projects and are clothes in the backgroud of your videos. Sorry" The woman said and huffed

"erm how long do i have to think about this?" I asked them

"72 Hours" The man said. 3 days he could of just said.

"Well erm i'll e-mail you soon. Thank you for your time" I smiled trying to act nice but honestly i have no idea what to think right now.  

From: hot spice Jack

We are going out for dinner soon, How long until your back?x

I text him back saying i was in the taxi now and i would only be 15 minutes. I sat in the back of the cab stressed not knowing what to do. I didnt care about the pay. But i dont know what i want to do anymore. I dont know what the dream is anymore. Do i want to be a model. Do i want to be a YouTuber. I dont even know anymore, I gave the man a 50 dollar bill and told him to keep the change even though the cab was only 25 dollars. I just needed to get out of the car and get some fresh air. I checked into the hotel and made my way to Jack and I's room

"Hey, whats up?" Jack said

"Just tired" I lied. He cant know what im thinking. he would go crazy. He pulled me into a bear hug and kissed my forehead. I got changed into an oversized white and black baseball t-shirt. I put on some long white sock which had black stripes along the top, I then put on my all black Timberlands. I put my hair up into a messy bun.

"How can you do that?" Jack asked staring at me intensely as i was putting in my contact lenses so i could wear some sunglasses. I laughed placing it in and blinking it rapidly. I laughed as i realised Jack was staring 

"Your cute" Jack said filming me on his phone. Probably a snapchat or something. I put on the sunglasses and then me and Jack walked outside too meet everyone

"How'd it go?" Zoe asked giving me a hug

"I dont wanna talk about it" I said back, We all decided we would just walk to the resturant instead of getting a cab. Me and Zoe walked ahead of everyone

"They said i could have a permanent job there" I started

"Whats the bad thing then?" She said back obviously confused

"They said i have to move to LA" I said to Zoe

"And thats not the worst thing in the world, Kian and JC live here"

"And i have to quit YouTube" 

"What, but thats like your everything" Zoe said 

can your everything change though? 

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