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Jacks POV

Me and the guys were sitting down in a booth in the club watching the girls dance around.

"When's the little one coming?" Jim asked Alfie

"Don't even talk about it mate" Alfie said wiping his hands in his trousers.

"You scared?" I laughed

"More than scared" he laughed back.

"Why don't you just do a runner?" Joe laughed as a joke. Very drunk.

"Joe your a genius" Alfie said.

"What?" Joe replied back with almost instantly going back sober.

"In gonna do a runner" Alfie smiled

"You can't be serious?" I said back knowing he was serious. If I knew he wasn't being serious then I would of just laughed along or something.

"Yeah tonight"

"Alfie please tell me this is the alcohol speaking" Joe said back panicking.

"No listen mate. You and Ari's garden is huge. There must be a fence I can climb over" he nodded.

"You know what, whatever you think is right mate" I laughed and patted him on his back. I got up and walked over to the bar to get a drink.

We got back to Joe's and Ari's place and all us guys were sat outside having a beer.

"It's freezing why are we out here" Conor moaned.

"Right guys I have a cab waiting for me" Alfie whispered as he put his phone into his pocket.

"So when are we going to see you?" Oli asked

"I don't know guys" he huffed. "I'll speak to you soon"

And with that he was off. Just ran into the darkness of Joe and Ari's garden.

"This is fucked man" I ran my hands through my hair thinking about way too many things at once.

"This isn't going to end well" Conor groaned. It's like we have all spent so much time with each other we all physically can't do it anymore.

I sat on the sofa thinking about what to do. Do i tell Zoe that well Alfie can't handle it and has ran off to the middle of no where. And I can't even think about talking to Arielle. Fuck sake.

"What's that noise?" Ari asked. After a couple of jokes about this man that fixed the water once everyone looked over to see Zoe just standing there with a pool of water under her.

"Oh my god Zoe!" Joe jumped up.

"Oh my shit okay Joe go get her bag and I'll help her into the car" Ari panicked

"Where's Alfie?" She asked. This question actually made me want to throw up a bit. This is one of the biggest secrets I've ever had to keep. And one of the biggest lies I'm ever going to say

"I have no idea. He was still outside when we all came in" I gulped, my voice also breaking in the middle of sentence

"Erm I'm sure we will find him" Ari smiled but then gave me this look as if she were saying what the fuck. Find Alfie right now

"Right I got the bag" Joe ran back down the stairs. He was definitely panicking is well. Ari wrapped her arm around Zoe and gently ushered her into the car.

"Are you guys coming?" Ari asked before leaving.

"Erm yeah I'll follow in my car" Oli stood up grabbing his keys. It's almost like in the space of 5 minutes everyone has just suddenly become sober again. From the situation or should I say situations that have occurred.

"Are we going to tell Zoe?" Oli asked in the car

"We can't can we?" Caspar replied with

"What about Ari?" Conor said

"That would be even worse" I laughed "she would flip shit" I said thinking about her past arguments and how Phsyco she goes

Joe's POV

Zoe was on the back of Arielle's white leather car. Screaming her head off and all I could think about was Alfie. This was all my fault making that stupid little joke. But in my defence he didn't have to take it so literal and actually go do it.

"Where should I park?" Ari spoke to herself as j was sat in the back with Zoe. She was crushing my hand but I was way to scared to do anything.

"ARIELLE I HONESTLY COULDNT GIVE A SHIT RIGHT NOW. JUST GET A FUCKING PARKING SPACE AND GET THIS FUCKING CHILD OUT OF ME" Zoe screamed her head off. This was the first time I have heard Zoe swear like that in a long time. Arielle's face turned shocked as she pulled into the nearest spot. For four in the morning the car park was actually quite full. Ari parked and jumped out the car and ran around to Zoes side and helped her out of the car whilst I ran ahead into the hospital to warn them.

"Hi erm pregnant woman about to give birth" I panicked not knowing what to say. These are the things they should really teach us at school not fucking algebra. Zoe struggled in with Ari as the nurse bought her a wheelchair to sit in.

"Sorry miss Sugg who's the father?" The nurse asked. Good question I thought to myself. Where is the father?

"Erm we don't know ma'am" I smiled back knowing that it would be easier for me to say rather then Zoe

"Oh right erm okay who would you like in with you because the baby is coming out soon" the nurse smiled to Zoe

"Ari and Joe" she said back breathless.

"Yeah that's us" I said clarifying. The nurse smiled and then walked quite quickly to the room and helped Zoe on to the bed

"Okay should we go for it? You ready?" I nurse gave a supportive nod to Zoe.

"Okay" was all Zoe could say grabbing onto Arielle's hand whilst I stood at the other end with 2 other nurses.

"Oh my god" was all I could say whilst the baby was coming out.

"Joe something supportive would be good" Ari gritted her teeth

"Oh right yeah, come on Zoe your almost there!" I clapped.

"Congratulations Miss Sugg. Your daughter has been born perfectly" The nurse smiled wrapping the baby girl in a white towel and then handing her to Zoe who was bright red, extremely sweaty and very tired. "Do you have a name?" The doctor added

"Sophia" she smiled but with a tear rolling down her face.

Sophia Sugg Deyes

Hey guys! Sorry that my updates have been taking so long but I hope they are worth it. Please carry on reading and voting and comment what else you would like to happen or what you like ect xx

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