Danny and Sandy

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Zoe's POV

Arielle woke up stressed. Today was the day of her fashion range launch. She was doing that thing where she can't stop talking

"Okay guys I've put everything on the table for breakfast" she said quickly whist eating her cereal. Everyone sat around the table and ate different things.

"Oh my god Zoe I got you a present" Arielle clapped as the postman arrived with several boxes and letters.

"What I should be getting you a present!" I said kinda shocked

"Well open it" she said all exacted for me. I opened it and it was a box full of clothes. "I made some special clothes for you as you bumps now getting bigger. I made you different sizes for when the bump grows" she said

"What Ari you shouldn't have" I hugged her. It's true though she really shouldn't have.

"You better wear some of it tonight" she winked. She turned on her camera and started to vlog the day.

"And I got Zoe some special maternity clothes to wear!" She said rummaging through the box. I said thank you again to her. She hen carried on talking to the camera. Everything has been pretty calm for a couple of days apart from Joe announcing that he's started to see this girl. Arielle said she's only seen her once when she was leaving the house but that's it. Everyone was a bit confused and shocked when Joe mentioned this as he is literally with us all the time so like when did he meet her and all of that? 

"So Joe is your girlfriend coming tonight?" Caspar teased him

"She's coming to the after party yeah" he replied back with

"You serious?" I laughed back with

"Yeah why?"

"Just started to think she wasn't real" I said which made everyone laugh.

"What you guys all thought she didn't exist?" He asked. Everyone just stayed silent awkwardly looking at eachother. "Assholes" he called us as we laughed awkwardly.

"Let's watch a film" I decided as no one was really doing anything but it was still too early for me and Ari to start to get ready. Let alone the guys. After flicking through endless amounts of films we decided we would watch grease.

"You and Alfie are a bit like Danny and Sandy" Jack laughed.

"Oh my god I can kinda see it" Ari laughed

"Shut up" Alfie laughed and then we carried on watching the film.

"That is such a good film oh my god" Arielle stood up shaking the blood back into her legs as the film had finished.

"Come back" Jack groaned as he kept falling asleep during the film so he was all feeling soppy and cuddly. Arielle huffed but then sat back down next to him resting her head on his chest whilst he wrapped the blanket around them. I was really happy for them 2 and I think I was finally in a way accepting Jack to be with Arielle if you get what I mean? I'm just weirdly protective of Arielle I guess. I walked up stairs and into one of the spare bedrooms where me and Alfie stay when we are here. Nala was out in the garden playing with Bentley. I jumped into the shower and started to get ready

Arielle's POV

I got ready super quickly for some reason. And I was also really scared for some reason. I was wearing all my new collection obviously. I had on a big furry white coat with some black leather trousers and a simple black crop top which dipped low at the back but you couldn't see it as I was wearing the jacket. I had on some black boots and had a black handbag with it. I slid open the garden door and breathed in the fresh air which was getting slowly more cold. I sniffled and walked over to some table and chairs. I pulled the chair out and sat down lighting a cigarette.

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