A Pair Of Heartbroken Bitches

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Alfies POV

"No no no please Zoe" I pleaded. There was no way that I could not be with her. Not again

"I can't do this to myself and Sophia"

"Do what?" I asked

"Lie. To me and her. I just can't" she said wiping tears from her face.

"Well erm what do you mean by break are you saying we will get back together?" I panicked trying to think of any reason to get her back.

"Alfie I don't know okay. Just leave"

"Zoe I can't do this" a tear fell down my face

"Oh but you can leave when I actually want you too be here and when I actually need you" she said not actually sad anymore but more angry now.

"I freaked out. I already told you that"

"That's a shit excuse" she hit Arielle's keys to her Lamborghini on the floor causing a loud noise to erupt.

"Well I don't understand what you want me to do?" I said confused

"I just want you to leave fucking hell" she screamed. "I'm sorry" her voice broke. And with that I decided it was probably best for me to leave the love of my life and my child.

I closed the door to the house that holds so many memories. I kicked one of the Palm tress that were in Ari and Joe's driveway and walked into the streets of London in the pouring rain. I found a little run down cafe at the corner of a run down street. I have no clue where I was but I knew I didn't know anybody so that was okay.

"Can I have a coffee please" I smiled to the man behind the counter I gave him a fiver and told him to keep the change. I found a seat in the back corner of the cafe. It was still cold in the cafe so I wrapped my coat around my body even tighter.

"Hey gorgeous! Usual please" I saw someone familiar at the counter

"Arielle?" I said confused. "New hair?" I said even more confused at her newly died hair.

"Yeah, you like?" She said flicking her long hair which she had now dyed a blonde colour. She now kinda looks like a mix of Kylie Jenner and Pia Mia. "Casey did it" she smiled all pleased with it. "Anyway what are you doing out its late. Well for you anyway" she laughed looking at the rusty clock above my head which read half past 10.

"I spoke to Zoe" I laughed.

"It didn't go well then?" She frowned sitting down opposite me.

"Nope. She said we should take a break" I laughed again thinking how fucking stupid I was.

"So really not good" she half laughed as the guy who she clearly knew handing her a hot chocolate.

"When you next around?" The waiter man asked her.

"Field? Probably New Years, a couple of days before and after" she laughed.

"I'll see you there" he winked.

"What about Jack?" I asked. Somehow what just happened reminded me of Jack

"I don't even know. He's taking my to Paris the day after Boxing Day so I'll see then I guess" she shrugged. "See you around" she half shouted as she walked out of the door.

Zoes POV

"hey Joe" I knocked on his bedroom door.

"Oh Zoe hey erm come in" he shuffled up to one side of his bed.

"I just wanted to let you know i really do appreciate you trying you know"

"Oh it was nothing" he laughed.

"It was a bit more then nothing babe" she giggled. "And I forgive you for what your did"

"But you didn't forgive Alfie?" He said confused clearly

"But that's different" I huffed, very tired.

"How?" He asked

"Alfie was the one who left. You stayed" I smiled. "Actions speak louder than words" I added and looked up to his clock.

"Merry Christmas Broseph" I ruffled his hair and then walked down the stairs into the living room and sat down on the sofa. I was tired but you know what kinda tired where you can't sleep. I was that. I connected my laptop to the telly and went on YouTube re watching all of my and Alfies old videos.

"What you still doing up?" Arielle walked in later. It had just gone half past 1 so normally I am fast asleep. "Santa won't come if you don't go to bed" she joked. She put her keys on the kitchen counter and hung her coat up over a radiator. And then jumped on the sofa next to me.

"So I bumped into Alfie on the way back" she started.

"Don't even" I paused the video of me and Alfie.

"Didn't go well I heard?" She replied with.

"You could say that" I half laughed.

"Who needs boyfriends anyway" she joked and then took my laptop from me. She went onto Netflix and typed in Bad Santa. "Don't even lie this film is hilarious" she laughed thinking about the film.

"We're just a pair of heartbroken bitches" she laughed pressing play on the film and wrapping a blanket around us two.

"Two broken hearts make a whole" I joked back. I took out my phone and took a snapchat of us too and wrote the cap top as Merry Christmas. A time for new beginnings. I uploaded it and then put my phone on silent and sat on it so it wouldn't disturb me and I wouldn't go on it and look too see if Alfie has uploaded anything. Yeah even though I said I wanted the break. I still care. He is the father of my child. I took a deep breath and slowly fell asleep.

Arielle's POV

"Oh my god it's Christmas!" I shouted holding my vlog camera and running into Joe's room and jumping ontop of him.

"Yay" he said sarcastically in his deep morning voice.

"Presents?" I asked him like a 5 year old girl.

"Fine" he then groaned as I pulled the bedsheets of him. "You got new hair?" He then asked

"No it's always been like this?" I said back sarcastically

"I will push you down the stairs" he replied back with which made me laugh.

"we have to take an Instagram" I laughed and took a picture of Me Zoe Sophia and Joe and captioned it. Look forward to all the blonde hair selfies. And ps Merry Christmas.

"Merry Christmas everyone!" Zoe smiled and pulled us into a group hug.

Christmas is a weird time of the year.

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