next time sucker

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Arielle's POV

"IM MOVING TODAY OH MY GOD" I said as I opened up my camera and started to vlog. Everything's been good for a couple of days. You could say normal. We have all been invited to go to VidCon so that's coming up next week "So me being the prepared one I have already got my stuff moved and everything is in the new house so I'm going over to Joe's house to go help him" I smiled to the camera and turning it off. I looked in the mirror and I had already done my make up. I threw my hair into a messy ponytail. I was wearing a pair of leggings and Jacks hoodie which I stole about a week ago. I put on my all white huaraches and grabbed my bag with my remaining stuff in it. I looked around the flat for the last time and a weird feeling of nostalgia came across me. So many memories were here. Many firsts and many lasts. Many laughs and many cries. Many fights but also lots of love. I smile to myself and walked to the front door looking into the house one last time. I smiled and turned of the light and locked the front door. I placed the keys into an envelope and posted them back to the estate agents. I jumped in the car and made my way to Joe's

"Answer the fucking door Jack" I laughed as I could see him through the window panel in the door.

"What's the magic word" he teased

"Let me in please" I huffed rolling my eyes. He opened the door. I walked forward

"Did I say you can come in?"he raised an eyebrow. It was still kind of early for us so he still had that morning voice that guys get when its all raspy. He was wearing some Nike jogging bottoms with a black t-shirt. His hair was all messy and he needed to shave his face. His blue eyes were tinted a shade of pink from either where he's rubbed them or he's somehow still tired. He smelt like a strong aftershave

"What do you want Maynard?" I said trying to play it cool.

"A kiss and you can come in" he smirked. As if he knew I wanted to kiss him. I slowly leant in closing my eyes. As I got closer to him I opened my eyes making sure his were closed. Our lips were millimetres apart.

"Maybe next time sucker" I whispered as I ran under his arm and up the corridor to see Joe and Conor.

"You alright?" Conor asked

"Yeah, excited!" I did I little dance. "How much have you got left?" I asked dropping my bag on the floor.

"Not a lot just 2 more boxes full I think" Joe said. He sounded stressed. Jack walked into the front room and just looked at me. I smiled and bit my lip. He looked back at me and laughed again. Alfie and Zoe have gone back to Brighton for a couple of days to sort their things out.

"I can't believe Alfie bought Zoe a house" I said whilst packing

"I know crazy" Joe said

"I know she said she wanted something big but a house fucking hell" Conor said as we laughed.

"The house cost more then ours is well" I laughed to Joe

"What the fuck" he laughed. It took us an hour to pack up the rest of the stuff in between arguing, fighting and laughing.

"Oi lets have a house party tomorrow" I said as we were all sat on the floor in an empty apartment.

"Good idea" Joe said back

"I'll send a text out" I said back. "Should I ask Lydia?" I smirked toward Jack. He shook his head and laughed "I'll send a text now then" I laughed back.

"Fuck you" he laughed

"Love you too"

Jacks POV

Tonight was the night of Arielle's and Joe's house party. Loads of people were going. From youtubers to just normal friends. I was at mine, Conor's and Josh's house. My friend Mikey was here is well

"Arielle always has mad parties" Josh said

"But she invited Lydia and Lucy how funny" Conor laughed. I shook my head laughing whist sorting my hair out in the mirror.

"Sorry I'm late" my other friend called Josh walked into the house. He was already ready so it didn't really matter that much. It's half past nine and the party started at nine so there was no point in really rushing anymore as we were so late

"I'll order an Uber" he then said walking into another room. I looked at myself in the mirror. I was wearing a black shirt with back jeans. I had a navy/black jacket on top and a pair of black loafers with a white sole. After a couple of shots and photos the uber arrived. He read out the address we had given him and told him it was correct he pulled off. We got to the house and the door was open. You could hear the bass of the music from outside of the house.

"Hi!" Arielle shouted when we walked in. She had a cigarette and a beer can in one hand and her phone in the other. She gave all of us a hug

"I this is Mikey and Josh" I said pointing to them

"Arielle, nice to meet you" she shouted looking at Josh. She liked the look of him you could tell and he liked the look of her. I huffed thinking that this could be the night I get her. Arielle was wearing a simple long sleeved, very short black dress. Her long black hair seemed shorter as she had curled it. She had a nude/pink lipgloss on and some gold eyeshadow. She had some long fake eyelashes in and some winged eyeliner. She looked amazing. She was wearing a pair of really high heels but I was still taller then her. She was already drunk but she was cute so it was okay.

She walked into the party and I followed her

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