A Silver Ring

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Zoe's POV

"What are you doing here?" I managed to say. I was very angry but at the same time I just wanted to give him a massive hug and tell him to never leave me ever again.

"I can't not spend another day without you Zoe" he said back, looking dead into my eyes. Everyone else was just sitting on the chairs behind me and Alfie. I couldn't think of anything to say. I was just completely shocked.

"You don't have to say anything Zoe, and I know actions speak louder than words and all that, but I will never stop trying to get you back. I need you Zoe and baby Sophia needs her father. I refuse to let me not be with you, I will not waste all these years we have spent together making all these memories because I fucked up. I am so so so sorry Zoe for putting you through all of this drama that I have caused" he spoke.

"Alfie you know i love you so much" I smiled through the tears.

"Zoe I have to ask you something" Alfie coughed. I could see Arielle look at Joe and gave him a funny look.

"Go on?" I said a bit confused. The fact that I knew the camera was still recording made me somewhat even more insecure. Alfie placed his hand in his back pocket of his light blue denim jeans and pulled out a little red velvet box. I could again see out of the corner of my eye Jack cover Arielle's mouth before she could say anything that would 'ruin the moment'.

"Zoe Sugg" he began saying whilst he bent down on one knee. My eyes began to pour of tears. I knew what was about happen but I didn't want to believe it. "I have loved you since I was 18 and through everything that has happened lately it has made me realise that I can't spend another day of my life not knowing that you are not mine. So erm marry me?" He gulped. I looked over to Arielle who for once actually had a tear in her eye over something romantic and not actually pretending to throw up. Jack had his arm wrapped around her shoulders whilst the rest of the guys were just staring.

"Alfie of course!" I managed to say through the tears. I laughed and wiped the wet of my face.

Alfie pulled out the silver ring with a square diamond in the middle

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Alfie pulled out the silver ring with a square diamond in the middle. I placed out my left hand as he slowly slid the ring on my finger. He then stood up and pulled me into a huge hug, picking me up and spinning me around a couple of times. The rest of the guys then walked over to myself and Alfie, giving us both hugs.

"Let me see the ring!" Arielle said as I showed her my hand. "Oh my god it's stunning" she said whilst fiddling with it.

"I'm so happy!" I smiled

"Yeah you look it" Arielle laughed back. The guys didn't seem as excited as me and Arielle as then just jumped onto the sofas and started watching The Only Way Is Essex. Alfie had gone to go see the baby and I could just about see I'm around the corner talking away to her and tickling her belly. "It's nice to see you happy anyway" Ari then smiled. She pulled out her phone and took a picture of me posing with the ring on fully display. After taking 7 million pictures we finally joined the guys on the sofas.

"Naa I'm feeling all soppy now so we should watch like a romance" Jack said. We had been watching TOWIE on repeat for a couple of hours now. Caspar has ordered a bunch of pizzas for dinner which would be arriving soon.

"No please not the fault in our stars again" Conor said reminding me of the time when I found out Zoe was actually pregnant.

"Okay what about the notebook?" I said flicking through the romance section on Netflix.

"Yes I love that film" Arielle decided for all of us that that would be the film we would watch. Her and Jack were cuddled up together in a black throw. I pressed play and then walked over to Alfie and sat down next to him. I rested my head on his body next to Sophia who was also lying down on his body. Nala and Bentley were both fast asleep next to me. And I just thought. This is the way things are meant to be.

Arielle's POV

"Everytime that film makes me cry" I got up as it finished. I wiped my face with jacks khaki hoodie that I was wearing. I picked up all the empty pizza boxes and walked into the kitchen and threw them into a large black bag.

"Right me and Alfie are going to go home. And honestly thankyou so much for everything" Zoe smiled and gave me a massive hug whilst Alfie was putting Sophia into her pink old fashioned pram which I bought for Zoe as a present.

"It was nothing honestly" I laughed.

"No I will take you and Jack out for dinner soon. Like some double date kinda thing" she said.

"Yeah that sounds good" I smiled again and walked over to the front door.

"I will see you tomorrow probably" Zoe waved as I waved back. After me and he rest of the guys watch a couple of episodes of Family guy to lighten the mood a bit after the film they all decided they would spend the night here like they do every other night anyway so it wasn't anything new.

"See you in the morning" I smiled to them all as me and Jack walked upstairs. "Love you all" I added. They all said night back.

"Would you ever get married?" Jack asked as we finally both got into bed after.

"Maybe, definitely not now though" I thought about it. "What about you?"

"To you? No way" he joked. I hit him lightly on his bare body. "Naa I'm just joking. Yeah I guess maybe one day it would be cute" he said.

"But me a Joe made a promise that if we are both not married by 30 we are gonna marry eachother so you better hurry up" I laughed.

"Don't worry I'm planning on doing that a lot before you're 30" he laughed and wrapped his muscly arm around my shoulders as I snuggled into him more.

"God a Zalfie wedding. The viewers are going to die" Jack laughed.

"At least people won't be asking us constant questions" I half said half whispered as I was slowly falling asleep as Jack was playing with my hair.

"Yeah I'm looking forward to a bit of peace and quite"

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