Hey Mum, Hey Dad

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Arielle's POV

"So Zoe should be coming back today" I smiled to the camera. Today was Christmas Eve and today was the day my parents died. "So I am just about to film my main channel video so I am just setting it up behind the Christmas tree which baby Sophia chose" I laughed which was true. She chose the biggest and fattest tree at the market.

I have never told my viewers the story of my parents. I have just told them they died. And that's it. No explanation. No nothing. So today I thought. That's what I'm going to do. I placed a chair in front of my camera and turned the camera on.

"Holy shit I'm doing this" I laughed but not the laugh where you find it funny. The other one.

"So erm I don't think I'm going to edit this video because there is no way I'm gonna want to watch this back" I wiped my hands on my fluffy pyjama trousers which I got from Primark. And to be honest it was an utter bargain.

"So i was thinking this year the whole gang have been pretty open about what's been happening with everything so I thought me as myself would be open about well what you guys have been asking since I have made this channel and well I'm going to tell you" i huffed "and well that question is what happened to your parents and you boyfriend"

I took a deep breath and began

"So today when I was 14 so 6 years ago now well me and my parents did not have a lot of money so my Mum and Dad went out to buy my Christmas presents and England being England it was like hailing and it wasn't even late it was like what half 5 six o clock apparently and they were driving in London. Streets were busy and hailing so driving must of been pretty hard. And that's it. You can tell what happened. A bus drove straight into there car and yeah well they died straight away. And well the rest of my family like my Uncles and Aunties didn't like my mum or dad at all so they all refused to look after me so that was me straight into a care home. Which wasn't really a care home. Just a place to sleep. And if you didn't turn up one night they didn't care. They didn't try and find you one night. I cared for myself I guess. But i didn't care for myself you could say" I laughed "that's when I met my boyfriend Antoine. I got friends with the guys in his gang and all that. Well I was being a teenager or whatever you wanted to call it. I started drinking loads, doing drugs and smoking. My grades and health went down. And well the next year. A bit after the 2 year anniversary of there death Antoine died is well. An overdose. It wasn't meant to happen. He was just being himself but he took 1 too many pills or 1 millilitre too much of liquid. And i blamed myself for all of this. I lost concentration in all my classes. Grades dropped. My health dropped and well. I fucked up" I wiped my face which had tears all over it. "So erm yeah gosh look at my getting all sad" I half laughed. "Merry Christmas" I smiled but my voice broke. I turned the camera off and connected it to my laptop whilst taking off my make up which had basically come off anyway. As I said before I definitely wasn't going to edit it so I uploaded it straight away with the title Merry Christmas.

Zoe text me saying she as going home quick to grab some extra things for tomorrow and she would be over later. I got changed into my light blue high waisted denim jeans which had tips on the knees. I then out in my camel coloured cropped turtle neck and my camel colour Ugg Boots. I threw in my green parka coat and an overly large bag which I put my usual things in it and this time grabbed a blanket.

Every year I go see my Mum and Dads grave. Only once a year though. Never anymore and never any less. On my way to the grave I picked up two bunches of flowers. One of red roses and one of white Lilly's. I arrived to the grave stones and laid out my old blanket which I sat down on top of.

"Hey Mum, Hey Dad"

Jacks POV

"Oh hey Zoe" I said awkwardly as she opened the door to Joe's and Arielle's place.

"Hey" she half smiled back. I knew she was kinda angry at me but not as angry as she was at Joe.

"Erm where's Ari?" I asked her

"Christmas Eve, have a think"


"Well done point to you" she laughed. I smiled her thank you and walked out

"Hey Jack" she called just before I could leave

"She will appreciate it. Don't be scared" she smiled "and also I don't hate you" she laughed

"Thanks Zoe" I smiled to her again. I walked out into the freezing cold and walked into the he direction of the cemetery.

"Why the fuck is a cemetery so big" I laughed to myself. It was empty considering it was Christmas Eve.

"Erm hey" I coughed awkwardly.

"Jack?" She half panicked wiping her face.

"Can I sit?"

"Oh shit yeah of course" she shuffled up on her blanket

"I got you some flowers" I smiled handing a bouquet of flowers to her.

"Thanks" she laughed. "You didn't have to"

"But I did" I laughed again.  "I was an ass"

"You were more then an ass"

"But I'm sorry" I batted my eyes.

"Why are you such a dork" she laughed. "You know I only Coke and see them once a year. But you know the day after I met you I came here and I told them everything. And then the day after we kissed I came here again and told them everything. But then the day you broke my heart I came here and yeah again I told them everything"

"Arielle you know I didn't mean to break your heart"

"But Jack that's the thing you did. And you know how long it took me to trust you. To let you call me yours"

"I want to make it up to you. To show you that I love you"

"And what's that"

"I wanna take you to Paris. The day after Boxing Day"

"Jack that won't work" she laughed.

"Arielle please. You need to let me"

"Let you what jack?"

"Let me show you how much I love you"

"You have one chance"

"That's all i need baby girl" I winked

"You nerd" she laughed.

"I'm your nerd, and you know that"

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