When the Sparks gone can it come back?

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Zoe's POV

"Okay so we have just gone back to Arielle's house quickly to get some clothes as we are going bowling" I said to my camera throwing my hand up in the air to show I was excited. Me and Arielle had just got changed and done our make up. It was now 8 o clock. We had ate McDonalds all day as the woman messed up our order and had given us so much food.

"You excited?" I asked Ari and I flipped the camera into her.

"I can't do bowling" Ari laughed "it just goes sideways into the gap thing" she added. She was wearing a backless black body suit and a purple skirt. She then placed on a pair of high Chelsea boots. Her fake tanned legs were long for someone who was the same height as me. Ari said I needed to look extra hot to make Alfie realise something. Can't remember what though. So she gave me a white blouse and a grey type skirt. She gave me a belt to put on over the top and told me to tuck in the blouse. She gave me a gold bracelet to put on is well.

"You should start your own fashion range oh my god" I said looking at myself in the mirror.

"Maybe" she laughed getting some hair spray out and spraying my hair.

We drove to Joe's house and they were all waiting outside. Jack, Joe and Caspar jumped in our car and Alfie and Conor jumped in Oli's car. Arielle set her sat nav on and then started to drive.

"You look well nice zoe" Jack said although he wasn't looking at me he was looking at Arielle. Arielle was looking back at him through the mirror.

"Yeah. I love the skirt" Caspar winked

"Thanks guys" I laughed slightly embarrassed as I can never really take compliments well.

"Alfie's been down today" joe said after a couple of minutes of silence. "Definitely not himself" he added

"I love Alfie. You guys know that" I started "but you heard me. There's no spark"

"When the Sparks gone can it come back?" Caspar asked

"I guess so"

"How?" Arielle asked

"I don't know. I need something big. Something that that proves his love. I just feel like it's always me putting in the effort" I huffed. Alfie may not think this but you can't help what you feel right?

Arielle payed for parking a put the ticket in the car so it was visible. She locked her car and followed us all behind with Jack. He whispered something to her and she laughed. He winked

"How many of you?" The woman at the counter asked

"8" I replied with counting everyone in my head

"How many games?"

"3?" I said looking at everyone they just all nodded. Me and Ari got some shoes and we physically couldn't do bowling in our shoes. We sat down in the little booth that was by our lane and changed out shoes.

"How about we all go in teams?" Jack suggested

"Just because your shit and you know you're going to loose" Oli laughed "but teams does sound good"

Normally in these situations I would go with Alfie or Joe simple.

"Don't go with me or Joe" Ari whispered "make it look like you don't care about what happened"

"I'll go with Conor" I said. He looked confused but I gave him a look to go along with it

"Fuck sake Zoe" Ari said going along with it. "I was gonna go with you so then I would win" she laughed

"She good?" Conor asked

"Very" she replied with. I smiled. The teams were me and Conor, Oli and Joe, Caspar and Alfie and then Arielle and Jack as no one wanted to be with Ari as she can't play bowling and everyone wanted to win

"But why do I have to be with her" Jack moaned in a jokey way so Ari could hear him

"I suggest you shut up before I throw a bowling ball at your head" Ari smiled

"You love me" Jack said

"You wish" she winked back and walked off too sit back down. He bit his lip and then walked back over to his drink. Ari and Jack would honestly look so cute together and even though Jack can be such a fuckboy sometimes I feel like he would treat her differently.

Alfie's POV

What why is she partners with Conor for. Like she would always be my partner but now I would expect her to be partners with Arielle or even Joe but really Conor where did that come from. Yeah her and Conor get along well but really after 1 argument she's all over him. Or am I paranoid.

"This isn't even funny guys" Jack said throwing his hands to his head as Ari threw the ball down the runway. Everyone laughed but Ari pouted and sat down taking a sip of her drink and pulling out Her phone

"You alright?" I asked her sitting down

"Yeah what about you? How's your face?" She asked concerned but also trying not to laugh

"It's fine you can laugh" I said half laughing myself.

"It is funny" she laughed "he was a boxer fuck sake"

"Just my luck" I laughed "what about you and Jack?" I then asked

"There is no me and Jack" she replied with half smiling when I mentioned it

"Right" I raised my eyebrows "you fancy him though?" I asked


I raised my eyebrows again.

"Okay maybe a little but shh" she said looking over to him. He was dancing with Oli

"Cute" I said back. She pretended to throw up.

"How do I get Zoe back?" I blurted out. Me and Zoe have really broken up but if a guy started talking to her I'm pretty sure she said she was single

"She said she wants something big" she smiled

"What" I said clueless

"Have you ever thought about moving to London?" She asked. I shook my head

"She really liked the other house we looked at. Just saying" she said then walking off as it was her go.

A house. Seems pretty big.


A/N: hey guys! I don't really do Authors notes but I would like to Thankyou all for 200 reads. It means a lot. Please keep reading, voting and sharing. Luv u X

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