Protective older brother

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Jacks POV

I woke up with a serious hangover. After the film we all went to a club, you know one of them proper ones in the centre of London. Where there are girls in bras and underwear and just in underwear serving you champagne whilst they have a sparkler in there hand. That kinda thing. Arielle was already awake and in her laptop editing her vlog from last night.

"Do you ever get hangovers" I groaned almost wanting to throw up. She drinks the same if not more then me and yet she's up already and working. Fuck that

"Nope" she laughed popping the p and ruffling my bed hair. She closed her laptop and snuggled into me.

"What are you doing today?" I asked her

"Me and Zoe are going food shopping" she said excited "trust me food shopping is exciting" she then added. I surrendered my hands. "And then I have a meeting about something that I cannot tell you about" she poked my nose. "And no I'm not going to leave to LA to become a runway model" she laughed. She got out of bed and changed into a pair of black ripped jeans and white cropped turtle neck. She put her hair in a bun and put some lip balm on her lips. She put on her all black yeezys

"Joe is here, he's probably not awake. If you need anything text me. I will be back before dinner" she smiled. She kissed me and left. I fell back asleep for about an hour and a half. I took a shower and got changed into my joggers and a plain white tee shirt. I put on a baseball cap. I made Arielle's bed up for her and then walked downstairs. I took a slice of pizza that we must have ordered last night and then sat down next to Joe

"Fancy a game?" He asked holding up an X box controller. I made a noise whilst eating trying to say yes. Joe turned the game on and chose all the right settings and all that. I finished my slice and wiped my hands on my trousers. I picked up the controller and started to play. Sooner or later all the guys made it round to the house as everyone just has keys for everyone's house.

"Where's Ari and Zoe?" Caspar asked

"They've gone food shopping after Arielle's meeting" I said kicking my legs trying to score a goal on Fifa

"What's the meeting about?" Joe asked

"She said she couldn't tell me so" I half frowned.

"So all of my mentions have been asking about you and Arielle" Conor said after a couple more games. Alternative people playing each time.

"Saying what?" I laughed

"They want to know when your going to ask her out" he replied back with. This one question was stressing me out.

"She would say no anyway" I huffed

"Naa she would definitely say yes" Oli laughed

"I think you both like eachother more then you would like to admit" Alfie said. Which was very true

"And don't even bother saying it's complicated or whatever" Caspar jumped onto the sofa. Joe paused the game and turned to me

"Look Jack at the end of the day you like Arielle and Arielle likes you but if you don't want a relationship with her then your going to have to stop. Because honestly Arielle really likes you now. She's got past the point of playing games and all that, she sees you as a person she can honestly trust" he said seriously

"She actually said this. She actually likes me?"

"Yes, so either give it up or become a man" Joe said like a protective older brother

Looks like I'm becoming a man.

Arielle's POV

"Okay I just finished my meeting which I will promise I will announce very soon. And now I am going to meet Zoe and we are going to Morrisons to go do some food shopping so erm yeah let's go" I spoke to my vlog camera. Honestly my vlog camera is my Bestfriend sometimes, I literally tell it all my secrets but never upload it. Lord I hope no one finds it one day. After about a half an hour drive from the meeting place I made it to Morrisons. I found Zoe's car and parked next to it. She smiled and the got out of her car. She gave me a hug and we took a trolley each.

"How's your day been?" I asked her walking down the fruit and vegetable isle. Me and Joe have vowed to be more healthy so I was picking up every other thing.

"Yeah not bad. Alfie kept asking why I didn't drink last night and I have to keep making up excuses" she huffed

"You need to tell him" I told her for the 1000 time.

"But no I don't you see" she started picking up a bag of grapes

"What do your just gonna have a baby and not tell that dad" I laughed

"No I'm not going to have the baby you see" she said. My jaw dropped and I stopped dead in my tracks

"You can't be serious"

"No listen Ari. It's a genius idea! Alfie will never have to know. He won't freak and and leave me it's great!" She clapped

"Zoe no"

"Why not Arielle you don't understand"

"Zoe no. Your having s freak out. Listen to me. Alfie loves you and you love Alfie. Alfie won't leave you if you have a child. Alfie adores you. There is no was you are killing hat child inside of you. Think about how precious life is and you just want to take it away. This child will change your life Zoe"

"Your right I guess" she said as we payed for all our food and put the bags in the boot of our cars

"All the guys are around mine and Joe's. Come round after you pack the food away and you can tell Alfie then"

"Okay tell Alfie" I huffed and got into her car. I gave her a wave and then drove off to the house. This is going to be an eventful night I thought to myself.

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