Lydia and Lucy

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Jacks POV

I've always flirted with Lydia. She's always flirted back. It's always been like that I guess, well I can't remember when it hasn't. Me, Conor, Lydia and Lucy are filming a clothes swap video. Conor and Lucy partners and Lydia and Myself pairs. I'm standing infront of Joe, Oli, Conor, Caspar and Lucy, oh and a camera which I find weirdly more embarrassing.

"Okay so this dress is beautiful" Lydia started placing her hands on my shoulder looking up at me. People always comment at the way we look at each other and all that but I think it's absolutely shit. Nothing's really there. Maybe I fancy Lydia but I don't know. I never really i know when it comes to feelings.

"And I mean jacks physique really suits it" she then added. I just winked back at her which made her face turn a pink shade. Cute. Maybe.

"Shit sorry" I heard from afar which distracted me from what Lydia is say. I saw Zoe tip toe in and then Arielle afterwards. Arielle was paler then yesterday but she had no make up on and her hair was up in a ponytail. Yet she looked amazing still. She did that eyebrow thing to me, you know where they lift there eyebrows up and down kinda saying hi without speaking. I did the same back.

"Jack?" I got interrupted

"Yeah sorry" I shook my head looking back over to Lydia who was staring at me frustrated. She carried on with whatever she was saying.

"Okay so thank you for watching. See you next week!" Lucy said to the camera. Conor was standing next to her then I was standing next to him and Lydia next to me. Who was still acting slightly off with me.

"Right what time are we going out?" Zoe asked

"What time is it now?" Caspar asked clueless

"Quarter too 7" Joe said

"Okay should we just leave when everyone's ready?" Zoe then said. We all agreed. I walked into Joe's room and found my bag. I rummaged through it and found a black t-shirt and some black jeans which I got changed into. I then found a green bomber jacket which I threw on on top. I looked in the mirror and found some hair gel and fixed my hair in the mirror. I found a mint and put it in my mouth

"I'm ready" I said strolling into the front room. Ari and Zoe sitting on the floor doing their make up in their dressing gowns

"Okay looks like we're not leaving for a while" I joked

"Shut up" Arielle laughed back. I laughed again.

I sat down on the sofa and pulled my phone out before the rest of the guys joined me

"Could this finally be the night" Oli said

"What?" I asked confused

"You and Lydia will finally get together"


"Catch up Oli its all about Arielle now" Caspar said

"Shut up". I looked over to Arielle who was laughing with Zoe. Her teeth we were perfectly straight and white. Her make up seemed perfect to me but to her it seemed incomplete. She held up two lipsticks and Zoe pointed to one and Ari opened it and applied it. Red. She then strutted out. She was very well petite, just shorter then Zoe but very curvy. Big boobs big bum. That kinda thing. Very hot. After about 5 minutes she walked back in wearing a short tight black dress with a mesh type of material at the top and the sleeves. The rest of the dress just being normal clothes material. She was then wearing a pair of platform heels with it

"This alright?" I heard her say to Zoe. It's weird it's almost like there is a divide between Lydia and Lucy and Arielle and Zoe.

"Perfect!" Zoe said and then Zoe walked out and walked back in wearing a khaki green colour dress with a white collar on it also wearing a pair of black heels. I heard Ari say something like gorgeous.

"We all ready? The ubers are outside" Conor asked everyone. Everyone nodded as we walked out of the apartment. Myself, Conor Alfie Zoe and Arielle got in one car and everyone else got in the other.

"Is this station okay?" The driver asked, infecting about the radio

"Yes thanks" Alfie said back. The driver smiled and then pulled off. Every moment in the car I was focused on Ari. Her hair was down now and still straight but somehow she has gotten more volume in it. She was wearing some natural eyelashes which made her bright green eyes more open.

"You destination" the man said pulling over. I threw him £10 before jumping out the car

"Let me help" I said to Ari who was struggling to get out of the car in her heels

"Thanks" she awkwardly laughed. She took my hand as I gently pulled her out of the car. Our hands were still connected even when we got out the car.

"Shall we go in?" Lydia said coldly. Me and Ari immediately let go of each others hands and walked off

"Saw that" Joe winked "someone's not happy" he said nodding his head towards Lydia who was on her phone walking with Conor and Lucy. I just laughed.

After 10 minutes queuing up we all finally made it into the club. The hot thick air smacking my face. We all found an empty ish corner and located ourselves there. Ari dragged Zoe straight onto the dance floor. They were laughing, throwing their arms up in the air, swaying there hips to the beat of the song. Conor and Caspar had gone to the bar to order everyone's drinks. Lydia was standing on her phone whilst Lucy was speaking to Oli.

"Fuck it mate" Alfie said whilst him and Joe came over to me

"What?" I laughed

"Go for it" they both said. I hesitated.

"Hey!" Arielle came over with Zoe. Ari stood next to me and Zoe next to Joe. Them 2 had obviously pree drunk at the house.

"Whatcha talking about" Zoe asked

"Oh erm nothing" I said itching the back of my head

"What's wrong with her?" Zoe then said looking over to Lydia

"She's jealous" Alfie said. I gave him the eyes to tell him to shut the fuck up

"Why?" Ari laughed. By now Caspar and Conor were back and had handed all the drinks out. Ari took a sip of her drink through her straw

"I mean well because you too clearly look much more hot then her" I quickly said before Joe or Alfie could say anything else.

"Come on let's get a photo!" Ari shouted over the music after an hour of dancing and talking. She handed her phone to Conor

"Right do I silly one!" Conor half shouted. I looked over to Ari who had closed her eyes and stuck her tongue out. Before I could even pull a face Conor has taken a photo. I pulled a face and he took another.

"Okay now a cute one!" Arielle jumped. I laughed. I wrapped my arm around her small waist. She smiled and I did the same. Conor took 2 of these is well. Arielle, Conor and myself the gathered around the phone.

"Oh my god look how he's looking at you in that one!" Conor pointed out to Arielle. "Yous almost look like a couple" he laughed

All I could see was Arielle's smile

And Lydia's anger.

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