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Arielle's POV

Jack for once actually stayed at his own house so waking up in bed by myself felt like a luxury. I brushed my hair spraying through some dry shampoo too give it some more volume. I then put on one of Joes old band t-shirts that he always wears and then put on some leggings and my all black air max. I rolled up my leggings and then packed my bag.

"Where you going?" Joe asked. He seemed bored as hell.

"I've got a photoshoot for Victoria's Secret you can come if you wanna?" I said realising that we haven't actually spent that much time together lately.

"Yeah why not I've got nothing better to do" he smiled and put on his converse. "Can we pleaassseeee take the Lamborghini?????" Joe pleaded as he just weirdly loved that car.

"Of courseeeee"I laughed and rummaged through the drawer we had by the front door to look for my keys. I found them and shouted for Joe.

"My whole body just hurts" I half laughed half groaned as I got into my car.

"Why?" Joe laughed at my pain. I got out my vlog camera and balanced it in my car so you could see myself and Joe.

"Basically me and Casey went to the tattoo shop yesterday and I just couldn't decide what I wanted so I just got loads at once" I said then laughing thinking about what a stupid idea it actually was.

"Wow for someone with good grades and that you're not the brightest spark out there" Joe then laughed.

"Yeah but they look pretty" I then said back, for me them bring pretty makes up for all the pain. "You will see them in the photoshoot anyway" I added to Joe. After a long journey there we finally made it.

"At lastttttt" Joe got out of the car and stretched his legs out. I just laughed and grabbed my bag from the boot. I walked into the room where there was a white screen placed up and a couple of people adjusting lights and that.

"Arielle lovely too meet you!" the photographer called James came over to me. He had cute little curly black hair and brown eyes. He was wearing a black sports t-shirt and a pair of shorts. He then had a pair of flip flops on. For a fashion photographer he wasn't the trendiest person out there.

"You too!" I smiled to him and gave him a hug. He then gave Joe a hug is well.

"Arielle lets get to work" Danny then came out of behind a screen. Honestly hiring him as my manager was one of the best decisions I've ever made because A) he wants the best for me and B) he just makes me laugh so much.

"Oh and hello sexy" he then said to Joe. As Danny was very gay he always tried to hit on my guy friends and they all just went along with it because Danny is only joking anyway and it just makes everyone laugh.

"Hello gorgeous" Joe then winked back to him. I pretended to throw up and then walked over to the stylist who was a bit blunt and full of herself. Nevertheless she handed me the bras and knickers they wanted me to model.

After a log and tiring day I was finally on the last set of underwear. At first I did find me just being in a bra and pants infront of all these strangers a bit odd but then I got used to it and in my little zone. I was in a matching pink pair of lingerie.

"Yes girl that's the one!" Danny clapped as the bright light of the camera flashed in my face. I clapped back and walked over to the laptop where all the pictures are. "That one" Danny then pointed on the screen as the photographer then enlarged it. You could now clearly see all the tattoos I had done the other day and not going to lie I loved the look of them with my nose ring and my blonde hair.

"Oh my god i love it!" I then clapped and got all excited

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"Oh my god i love it!" I then clapped and got all excited. You could clearly see the tattoos on my side and my thigh and you could also just see the one on my foot and under my boobs.

"Jacks one lucky man" Danny then added. I took pictures of the pictures that they took today so then I could upload a couple to Instagram and then.

"Right I will see you tomorrow" I gave Danny and hug and then me and Joe jumped back into my car and drove home but deciding we would get a McDonald's for dinner.

"Are you still annoyed at Zoe and Alfie?" I asked Joe whilst munching on a chip.

"Whenever I think about it I just really annoyed but I think they've caught on to something" he replied back with


"Because Zoe went to me the other day oh Joe are you okay you don't seem yourself and all that and then all the guys are being really blunt on the group chat to Alfie and stuff" he explained. "How come you're not annoyed at Zoe?" He then asked.

"I don't really see it as a big deal like it honestly just doesn't bother me" I half laughed as I pulled up into the driveway.

"Oh hey" I said to everyone as they were sat down on our sofas. I was kinda used to everyone being here and as they all had a key to get in it didn't bother me.

"So we are off the LA for the teen choice awards soon!" Zoe clapped.

"Yeah have the nominations come out yet?" Alfie asked. Zoe nodded and showed us her laptop. Zoe was up for best beauty vlogger whilst I was just up for best female vlogger. Joe, Caspar and Alfie were all up for best male vlogger whilst Conor was up for best internet musician.

"Oh my god I'm up for an award!" Jack then got all excited. I was a bit confused when he said this because this was an international thing and jacks not the biggest YouTuber out there so I couldn't think about what he could be up for.

Best YouTube couple.

This award was between Me and Jack, Zoe and Alfie who have one it 2 times before. Joey Graceffa and his boyfriend Daniel. Jim and Tanya were also up for it along with Jenna marbles and her boyfriend.

"Jack you're not up for an award we are up for an award" I laughed putting emphasis on the we.

"Just let me have my moment please" Jack huffed. I could see that Alfie was annoyed that me and Jack were up for this award as I think he thought of us as 'competition' but let's face it there is no way me and Jack are going to win this.

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