Rock, Paper, Scissors

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Jacks POV

"Oh yeah Arielle how did you spend your Friday night, oh just looking after a screaming baby" Arielle managed to carry on moaning as she was rocking baby Sophia back and forth in the arms.

"Oh come on it's really not that bad" I laughed eating some Pringles whist we were watching Americas Next top model.

"Yeah because you're not doing anything!" She snapped back. I really couldn't take her seriously at the moment so I just burst out laughing. And right now if looks could kill I would be dead.

"Alright alright alright I'll help" I held my hands up and walked over. We burped her and fed her.

"Okay well there is only one more option left" she looked me in the eye. Both of us knew what it was.

"There is no way I am changing her nappy. Nooooooo way" I stood away from her.

"Well this was you're idea so you can do it" Arielle replied with taking a step back towards me.

"Rock paper scissors?" I then suggested. She rolled her eyes and put the baby onto the sofa.

"Rock, paper, scissors" we both said at the same time.

"Yeah God is real!" Arielle jumped. Zoe said that sophia would probably only need changing once as she wasn't going to take that long. Arielle did scissors whilst I went for some paper.

"Bullshit" I huffed as I picked her up and then walks into the downstairs bathroom. I laid her down on the surface and quickly took of her nappy. I wiped around her bottom and then put some of that powder you have to put on to stop them get any rashes. I then put on a new clean nappy and threw the old one in the bin.

"Okay I'm going to throw up" I walked back into the front room.

"That's why you get for getting us into this shit" Arielle then laughed. I handed over the baby to her and then sat down next to her and wrapped my arm over her shoulders.

"Yeah we are not going to have a baby for a good 4 years" she laughed.

"I was really not thinking about having one anytime soon either" I then laughed. Finally the Chinese takeaway we ordered arrived and we sat around just eating takeaway all evening.

"Oh yeah i didn't show you the pictures from my photoshoot" Arielle said grabbing her phone from her pocket and shimming over towards me.

"No way is that you" I said looking through some of the pictures on her phone. I sent a couple to me so when some one asks who's your girlfriend I can show them these bad boys of some pictures. I handed her phone back to her and then took mine out. I went on Instagram straight away.

@jackmaynard: my girl is on fireeeee🔥🔥 gonna have to wear oven gloves when touching her geeez😂😂

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@jackmaynard: my girl is on fireeeee🔥🔥 gonna have to wear oven gloves when touching her geeez😂😂

I uploaded the picture into Instagram and tagged her on it.

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