Whos Up For A Nandos?

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Jacks POV

"Do you really have to go to your office?" I groaned as Ari's hand slipped from mine as he rose from her bed wearing a red matching Victoria's Secret set of underwear which went well with her tan which I forget is fake.

"Yes I do" she replied back with and then changing into one of my Khaki t-shirts which had some holes in it as she was really short it came close to her knee caps. She then opened one of her drawers and put on some leggings and her khaki Roshe Runs which had a black Nike tick on them. She bushed through her newly blonde hair which made it go back to straight again. She wiped her face and brushed her teeth quickly and then out her RayBan glasses on her face.

"What you doing today?" She asked

"I'm not too sure yet. Probably gonna go to nandos with the guys and then just chill somewhere" I groaned ruffling my hair.

"Ah alright fair enough. I'll see you soon then" she smiled and sprayed some perfume onto her body and then put on her black fluffy coat and grabbed her umbrella. She placed several folders into her handbag and then began to walk out.

"Do I not get a kiss?" I pouted

"Don't get ahead of yourself Maynard" she smirked.

"That's not how you were acting last night" I winked.

"Your a twat" she laughed and walked over to me. She leant over me and kissed me.

"It will only take 15 minutes" I whispered.

"I'm already late" she laughed and then kissed me again and got up.

"You owe me" i said before she closed the door to her room and walked out. I laughed to myself and then grabbed my phone from the bedside table. It was half past 10 which for people who have like office jobs is really late and a proper lie in but for people who work on the internet like us well half past 10 is early. I got out of her bed and decided to make it. I've learnt that small things like that make a difference to girls. Weird right?

I jumped into her shower and washed my hair. Unfortunately Ari only had girly shampoo, conditioner and shower gel so my new manly scent was Strawberry and Raspberry with a hint of Coconut. Great. I got out a wrapped a towel around the bottom half of my body and walked back into Ari's room. Her having an ensuite was pretty handy because I have been awake all this time and not had to speak to one single person. I found her hairdryer and roughly dried my hair. I grabbed my phone and went on Whatsapp and found the guys group chat which included: Me, Conor, Caspar, Joe, Mikey, Oli and Alfie. But not Alfie never spoke on it.

Who's up for a nandos, in about half an hour?

I typed it and press send. The guys all immediately agreed without any questions.

"Clothes" I thought out loud to myself. There was no way I was going to nandos in a suit. That was a big no no. I looked around Ari's room and it was like a lightbulb went off in my head. Ari never gave me any of my clothes back and well I pray to god that she didn't burn them or anything. I walked over to her white and grey chest of drawers and pulled open the bottom one and there was my clothes all perfectly folded unlike the rest of her clothes which we never folded but hung up messily. They were also in colour order and then at the end were my aftershaves, razors, shampoos and just all my other things I had left here. She couldn't of been that mad at me because she folded them? You get what I mean?

I found a black t-shirt and some white jeans. I also found a pair of Adidas Superstars which were mine so I put them on and grabbed my phone and headphones with my cards into my pocket and then made my way downstairs.

"Look who it is" Joe said in a lad-ish type way.

"Hey" I laughed an gave him a hug. "You alright Zo?" I asked Zoe who was sitting at the counter on her laptop

"Yeah I mean I would be better if I didn't have to listen to you and Arielle all night long" she joked rolled her eyes but then giving me a hug

"Well I can't help but be that good" I joked back.

"Sounds like Ari's good is well" she then laughed back.

"Right Mikey's outside, you ready?" I asked Joe. He nodded and then grabbed his keys from the side.

"See ya!" We both said to Zoe as she waved back to us.

We finally arrived at nandos. And there was no joking around we found a table and ordered our food immediately. After we all got out drinks from the dispenser we sat down and waiting for the food.

"It must of went well last night then" Mikey stated. "Never seen you this happy before" he laughed

"Trust me I heard them going at it all night. It must of gone more then well" joe rolled his eyes. I gave him a death glare.

"No, yeah it did go well" I could feel myself turn a shade of pink.

"Aw does Jack really really like a girl" Conor said in a baby voice and then pinched my cheek.

"Fuck off" I laughed trying to play it cool.

Truth is I really do like her.

Arielle's POV

"Go on girl tell me the gossip" Danny said in his overly camp voice as I was giving him a lift home from my office.

"Yeah it was good" I said concentrating on the road

"Really it was just good?" He repeated knowing I was also lying.

"Okay okay yeah it was great, almost perfect" I finally admitted.

"And then what tell me what happened?" He raised an eyebrow at me

"He just stayed the night init" I said back knowing that Danny would hold it against me forever if he found out I slept with him.

"You had sex with him didn't you" he then said. We pulled up to some traffic lights so I quickly pulled out a cigarette from the packet which was beside me and lit it whilst opening the window.

"Maybe" I said back taking a pull from the fag.

"For fuck sake Arielle" he laughed which made me laugh as I pulled up to his house.

"What should I do" I said seriously

"Well I think little miss Arielle Rodgers is in love but doesn't want to admit it"

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