Drunk sex

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Joe's POV

Loud music started to pour in from downstairs and guests quickly filled the house up. I straighten out my white t-shirt and put my timberlands on. I followed Amy down the stairs  and walked over to the kitchen island which was filling with all different alcoholic drinks and some soft drinks for Zoe or to mix the alcohol with. I poured Amy a vodka mixed with Coke and I grabbed myself a can of beer. It felt awkward here I guess. Like everyone was staring at me and Amy.

"Heya" Arielle jumped out of no where. Also with Jack.

"You alright?" I asked them

"Yeah what about you guys?" She asked. She seemed a lot more chilled out at the moments. Probably because she was very drunk. She was wearing a white pair of jeans and a black strapless and cropped top with a pair of nude high heels. Pretty casual for her.

"So we should go on a double date soon" Amy replied with like her enthusiastic self.

"Yes definitely!" Jack replied with im guessing before Arielle could say anything.

"So I'm just going outside" Arielle smiled. It's like she can just about spend 5 minutes with Amy without going crazy. Jack kissed her on the cheek and she walked out of the sliding doors to the garden sitting down with Danny her manager slash friend.

"How's it going mate?" Jack asked me as Amy finally left us two

"Yeah things are okay I guess"

"I guess?" He repeated in a question tone.

"Well let's face it Jack. I've been better" I laughed taking a sip from my beer.

"How's Amy?" He asked

"Yeah she's good I guess. Uploaded her first video yesterday and she already hand half a mill subs" I nodded

"Ah okay that's all good then" he nodded a bit un interested

"Guessing you dont like her either" I laughed

"Not going to lie, no" he laughed. In a way this made me laugh.


"I can't be horrible" he half laughed again

"Naa come on mate just tell me"

"Yeah but you don't see what we all see clearly" he held his hands up "because trust me she would definitely not be your girlfriend if you did" he laughed and walked away over to Conor and Josh.

What they all don't know is I do seen it. Honestly.

Jacks POV

One of my favourite things in the world. Drunk Sex.

"Fuck Jack" Arielle moaned scratching down my back with her acrylic nails. I mean the party has only been going for an hour or so so I must be doing something right.

"Oh my god Jack yes right there" she screamed. I sucked a very defined love bite on her neck.

"I'm gonna cum!" She then screamed. I went in and out of her harder and faster as we both reached our climaxes.

"Fuck me" Ari laughed still out of breath.

"You were good baby" I kissed her nose and threw the condom in her bin next to her bed. We got changed back into our clothes and Arielle tried to fix her make up but in my opinion it didn't really work. She brushed her hair through and we both walked back down the stairs.

"And where were you two?" Oli raised an eyebrow

"We were just having a chat" she thought of.

"Oh my god Jack right there, sounds like a great chat" Conor laughed quoting something she said probably whilst we were doing it.

"Shut up" she laughed hitting him lightly

"Maybe you guys should shut up next time" Oli winked.

"Both of you are assholes" Ari rolled her eyes. She walked of outside again and lit a cigarette. She starting speaking to Tanya and Zoe who were both outside. Looking like they were having a big gossip.

"So how long until the wedding" Joe come over nudging me

"You can speak mate" I laughed back "you and Amy are practically engaged"

"What?" He said

"Well that's what's she's been telling everyone" I surrendered.

"No way"

"Catch up mate" Conor said backing me up. Joe's face was a picture. He looked like she had just seen a ghost and shat himself and the same time.

"Hi babes"

"Speak of the devil and she appears"

"More like speak of the slag" Arielle whispered to me who just came back in shivering from the coldness and smelling of smoke. But I have kind of gotten used to it. I actually love that smell now.

"Sorry what?" Amy said

"I didn't say anything?" Arielle lied. She's a really good actress not going to lie. Any just rolled her eyes. Arielle saw and kissed her teeth.

"Don't you just hate it when people think their the shit?" Amy said taking a sip out of her straw. This comment was clearly about Ari. And this was clearly not going to end well.

"Don't you just hate it when people just use other people?" Arielle spoke up.

"Come on Joe" Amy grabbed Joe's hand and started to walk away. Joe stayed still. Refusing to move "Joe?" She repeated. Ari looked shocked. Not expecting the outcome.

"I don't wanna go" Joe said calmly

"What?" Amy said in her accent which sounded like she has never been to an English class in her whole life.

"I don't wanna go" he repeated but in a more angry tone. Clenching his jaw afterwards is well.

"So I guess you have been saying some things then?" Amy walked around Ari playing with her hair. I guess trying to be intimidating.

"Please babe. When have you let me even speak to Joe in the last month" Ari laughed. Not even fazed about what's happening.

"Babe?" Amy spat. I could see Arielle roll her head around. Getting annoyed. "I don't think we are on that level" she chuckled.

"Oh sorry what would you like me to use. Scumbag. Slag. Or what about fake?" Ari walked up closer to Amy. Whispering in Amy's ear.

"You know what Arielle. I've had enough of you. You think your the fucking shit. Oh my parents died but look at me now. I've changed made money done good. But oh no Ari I know. I know that if you wasn't even born. You're parents would still be here. You're boyfriend, what was his name again. Hmm let me think. Antoine? That's it. Well if you weren't here he would still be here" she said mocking Arielle. And that's it Arielle went fucking apeshit. Swearing. Thinking of everything rude to say. And I could swear this bit happened in slow motion. Arielle grabbed for Amy's fake hair and pulled her head down. At the same time she lifted her leg up and kneed her right in the face.

"Oh shit" I said grabbing Arielle back knowing if I didn't she would end up in a cell.

"Get the fuck out of my house and don't you ever step near me or Joe for that matter. And don't even think about liking my Instagram post or whatever" Ari shouted trying to get out of my grip. "Let me go" she said to me. Amy's nose had blood dripping out of it rapidly. She screamed when she looked at her hand. Amy reached her hand out to Arielle's face Scratching down her her. Ari somehow got out of my grip and launched for Amy going fall frontal pyscho. After a couple of minutes me and Joe managed to separate the 2 girls. I looked at Ari who's make up had smudged everywhere and had a scratch on her face which was bleeding. But then I looked over to Amy who's nose was still bleeding and had multiple cuts and bruises on her face.

"Hey look baby girl you won" I said brushing her hair out of her face.

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