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       After the group hug and we said    goodbye, we headed over to S.T.A.R Labs.
       "Hey guys!" I greeted to the team.
       "Hey, you're more happy then usual, what's going on with you?" Cisco asked.
       I gave a glance at Barry and he decided to speak up this time:
        "Chloe and I are pregnant!" Barry exclaimed.
         "Oh my godsh! I'm so happy for you!" Caitlin and Cisco exclaimed.
        "We've been doing a lot of thinking about it since we found out yesterday, and we wanted you to be included in the baby's life. Joe is going to be the grandpa, Iris is an aunt, and Barry's dad is going to be a grandpa, and we were wondering if you guys would be the godparents."
        "We'd love to!" They both exclaimed, running up to us and giving us hugs. It was such a happy time for all of us.
        "And now Caitlin, we have many questions to ask you,"
       "And that's understandable. But I have never had a situation like this before, so you are going to give me some time to do some research and look things over. I don't know how it works with the speedforce and all."
       "Thank you Caitlin!," I said before looking at Cisco. His eyes were glassed over and he was chewing on his pen.
      "Is everything alright Cisco?" I asked.
        "Yeah, it's just that I've never been a part of something like this. And out of all the people you chose me."
        "Because you guys are special to us Cisco. You're more special then you'll ever know. You save our lives every day, and you can't be repayed for that."
       "Thanks Chloe," he said patting my shoulder.
        "What's new with the Metas?" I asked.
        "Nothing new yet. But multiple breakins at different places. The Central City Art Museum being one of them. A new diamond is on display and Colonel Cold is dying to get his hands on it."
        "He's back?" Barry asked.
        "Yeah, and stronger then ever. He's got Leonard and Lisa in his entourage. They're wrapped around his finger."
         "So how do we stop him?"
        "You go undercover. But only one of you would be able to go. If it was two of you, it would be too suspicious."
       "Ill go!" Barry said. "If you go, it may be dangerous. I'd rather it be me."
       "I'll make the plan, Caitlin can do research, and you guys can investigate. Why don't you go out to celebrate or something?"
       "Can't drink," I said.
        "Have a water."
        "Haha, so funny Cisco," I said before we sped out. We decided to go out to that small restaurant that we went out to on our first date. In the middle of our meal, Leonard walked up to us.
      "Well hello there speedsters!" He said.
        "Keep it down. What do you want Leonard?" Barry asked.
        "I need your help. My father is back and he is worse than ever. He placed a bomb in my baby sisters neck and he threatened to kill her with it if I don't listen to what he says. I need you help me stop him. Maybe one of your little tech friends can help get the bomb out, and you can help me end my father."
      "What's in it for us?"
        "I'll leave you alone for a short period of time, so you can adjust with your new addition," he said looking at me. Barry, more protective as ever stood up to Leonard and looked him dead in the eyes:
        "We will help you, but don't ever come near our baby."
        "No promises, and goodbye Flashes. Keep in touch," he said exiting the restaurant after giving us his number scribbled on a piece of paper.   
       We spent the rest of the time eating our meals and talking about the future of us. We mostly talked about our baby and all the life changes that we are going to have to make.
Awww, Barry is so sweet! What do you expect in the future of the story? I also updated the cover for this book. What do you think? Do you like it better than the other? Thank you for reading this book and my other and I hope you are enjoying them. Happy Easter and I will talk to you soon! -Flashette1

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