Extra 115: Painters Will Play

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      "This looks great!" I said to Barry as I put my paint roller down and looked at what I just accomplished. I had painted another wall successfully, while Barry was working on his strip.
      "Can't we just use our speed for this! This is taking too long!" whined Barry.
      "I want to enjoy every moment of this. This is what every couple dreams of. Moving in with their significant other, and spending all their time on home improvement projects. I love this!"
       "Well I don't. Can't we take a break?" Barry asked.
        "We just started. This is really fun. C'mon!" I said to Barry.
     "Fine! A few more minutes," Barry said before he picked up his brush and I picked up my roller. After a few minutes, I put my brush down and looked at the other wall I successfully painted. I turned to Barry, who was dabbing his brush onto the wall, making little dots.
      "What are you doing?" I asked. Barry turned around.
       "Painting," Barry replied.
      "Painting what? Is there a wall I'm supposed to be seeing.....You got a lot done," I said, sarcastically. "We all know who the man in this relationship is." Barry whipped around from his position and walked slowly towards me.
       "It's easier for me to paint something that I want, rather than what I have to do," Barry said before taking his brush and wiping a streak onto my forehead. I pushed him away and gasped.
      "BARRY!!!" I yelled. I touched my forehead and took notice of the paint splotch on my finger. "You're gonna get it!" I said before grabbing my roller and rolling it down his shirt. It teased him a little bit, while paying him back for what he just did to me. He then gasped at what I did and it didn't stop there. Back and forth we went, tricking and teasing eachother with the paint. We were both covered and that's when I called it off.
      "I'm gonna go get changed," I said before walking up the stairs. I grabbed the bucket of paint that was at the bottom and secretly carried it up with me. Barry had his back turned, paying close attention to the many paint stains on his shirt.
      "Thanks for making my shirt into the next best thing!" Barry yelled. "I wonder how much I should sell it for....Maybe i'll put it on ebay or something," said Barry.
      "It's not finished yet," I said before Barry looked up at me. By that point, the paint had already been on it's way down and I drenched him in paint.    
        "You're gonna get it now," Barry said before speeding up the stairs and grabbing me. He brought me back down and I fell against the tarp we had layed out on the floor. Barry came over to me and sat ontop of me. He began tickling me, and we wrestled for a while. After a while, we began to make out on the floor and it got heated fast. Barry sat me up and we contiued. When it got really intense, I stood up and pushed myself towards Barry. He pushed me up agaist the wall and we continued for a little while longer. Before it got too hot, I stopped.
        "Wow.." I said, panting.
      "Yeah," Barry replied.
      "Wait!" I said as I pushed Barry off me and looked at the wall behind me. It had smudges in the paint where I was standing. And on the wall across from us, a Barry sized smudge.
         "I just painted that!" I exclaimed. "You know what that means....We get to do this tomorrow!"
      "Yay.." Barry said, sadly. "Does the make out thing carry over as well?" Barry asked, perking up. If we're painting tomorrow, I know what I want to do tonight!" Barry said, pulling me towards him. "Let's make more smudges."
Here's another short for you. I have a few more shorts in the works, as well as some updates of book 3 for you guys. I was going to release an 80K special, but I have decided I am going to wait and make it an 100K special, so it can have more content and more surprises for you! I hope you enjoy and I'll see you in the next short! -Flashette1

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