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     Barry returned from the cliff, and was more stressed and anxious than ever.
     "I need to get back there. We need to find a way. He played us and he needs to pay...."
      "There's no way. We closed all the breaches."
    "Actually, there is a way..." Stein said walking into the cortex. "You have been staying up late trying to solve this speed equation, but you can't. All you have to do is find someone who could solve it."
     "There's no one that could.......or maybe there is....."
     "Barry.....where are you going with this?"
     "No way Barry. You're not going to say who you think you're going to say.." Cisco said.
     "Harrison Wells.....Eobard Thawne. He probably invented the speed equation..."
     "But how are we going to find him? He's gone.."
    "From this timeline. If we go back in time.."
    "No! You can't. It's too dangerous!" Harry protested.
     "It's the only option we have if we want to get Zoom. We have to do it."
     "You can't. There's consequences that you are not ready for."
     "I have to do this. I have traveled back in time a few times before. How bad could it be? Let's go Cisco," Barry said before walking to the pipeline.
      "Be safe," I whispered into Barry's ear. I gave him a quick kiss, and I walked up to the cortex with Caitlin. Barry began running around the accelerator, and a portal gradually opened up. He jumped in, and that was the last I saw of him.

I began running through the portal that was created and I saw some crazy stuff. Past memories and future memories all in one. But something startled me when I realized I was being chased by a ghost busters type monster. I burst out of the portal and I seemed to have temporarily lost the monster, but I landed in a familiar scene. It was the scene where Chloe and I were capturing Hartley in the square. The funny thing was that we were both there. If I was going to make this work, I had to temporary take care of this Barry so I could go in. When Chloe was focused on Hartley and they were speeding back to S.T.A.R. Labs, I grabbed this Barry and pulled him into a vacant street. We fought and he became more and more confused with every move. I managed to beat him, and I stabbed him with a substance that Caitlin gave me before I left. I dragged him into the dark part of the street, and ripped the emblem off his chest. I gave him my emblem, and replaced mine with his. I sped back to CCPD to check everything out. I walked up to my lab and saw if there were any answers there. Eddie came in a few minutes later.
    "Hey Bar!" Eddie exclaimed. I was wondering if you have any of those cases we were looking at."
    "The results are analyzing. Hey, i'm making a video montage for Iris' birthday. Can you help me?"
     "Sure, even though her birthday isn't for a few more months. What do I do?" Eddie asked.
     "You just have to answer a few questions."
    "Okay," Eddie said before I started the recording. He answered the questions I asked and I thanked him when I was done. Iris was going to love this. I went to S.T.A.R Labs afterwards after finding nothing.
     "Hey Barry, where did you go?" Chloe asked me.
     "Took a little detour."
    "Oh. Okay," she said walking over to me and hugging me. She wrapped her arms around my torso and smiled at me. I smiled back and kissed her. It was weird only because I knew that this wasn't my Chloe that was in the other timeline with our child.
      "Great work here today every one!" Wells exclaimed wheeling in.
      "You too Barry," Wells said giving me a glance. He wheeled off to his computer and bumped into the table like he always did. The team and I went downstairs to talk to Hartley. A few minutes into talking, I brought up a point that Harrison found interesting.
      "Guys, I would take the gloves away. He has them wired...if he hits it at the right frequency, it will blow up the glass and he will escape."
      "Very interesting Mr Allen," Wells said before asking Hartley to give up his gloves. He did after a while and Cisco checked them.
      "They were. How did you know Barry?" Cisco asked.
     "Just a hunch. How about lunch?" I asked.
     "I want to have a chit chat with you Mr Allen," Wells said bringing me upstairs. Cisco gave me a worried glance before I was taken upstairs. He stood out of his chair and whacked me in the head. I woke up in the time vault strapped to a chair.
      "Who are you?" Wells asked me.
      "It's me. Barry Allen. Why do you ask?"
       "Because our Barry wouldn't have known about Hartley's gloves. You must've had to have been through this before. You're a time jumper."
     "Alright, I am. And I need your help solving an equation."
     "And I'm not going to do that. So you basically jumped multiple timelines just to die. And that's what i'm gonna ensure," he said raising his hand at me while it was vibrating.
      "I wouldn't do that. If you kill me now, than you will never be able to go home. In my timeline, you've gone home and returned back to your time. Go ahead, kill me. But if you do, you won't be able to get back home ever."
     "Fine," he sighed after contemplating. He walked over to where Gideon was and pulled out a flash drive type device. He untied me and handed it to me. I got up, brushed off my pants, and walked out of the time vault into the cortex after he handed me the device. Wells was wheeling along behind me, and the other Barry stood between Cisco and Caitlin.
     "Him, it's him. He's the imposter. I told you he was real."
     "C'mon Barry, tell him," Cisco told me.
     "He's right. I'm the imposter. I came here looking for an answer and I got it. It's time for me to go-" I tried to say before that creature came into the room. I sped around trying to dodge it, and it wasn't working.   
     "WORKSHOP NOW!" I yelled to every one. They all followed me down and shut the door. That bought me some time so I could explain the plan. The other Barry and I ran around the accelerator, and he threw me in. I ran through seeing all those events again. One I never understood was where we were in the hospital and we were all crying. That must be a future event because that never happened. But my thoughts were interrupted when that creature caught up with me. I made it through the portal back home, but so did that creature. It followed me into the cortex, and successfully pinned me down. It began sucking the speed force out of my system. I felt weak, and I felt like I was dying. But I regenerated when Harry shot him.
      "Thanks," I said getting up. Chloe ran over to me and hugged me. I told them about the other timeline, and how nothing seemed to be affected. We talked for a while longer before I remembered what I had brought back from the timeline. I went to the time vault and found Gideon. I put the drive device into the slot in the corner and got no response. Nothing was happening. I slammed my fist on the table in frustration and it's like it came to life. The drive was working and I had all the answers I needed. After I got my answers, I went upstairs and told Chloe I had to go to Joe's house and I would meet her at home. I got to Joe's house and Iris was on the couch looking at photo albums of Eddie.
     "Hey Iris. I have an early birthday present for you. I know it's not for a while and I couldn't wait to show you. Watch it," I told her. As soon as she saw what it was, she was crying:
     "What do I like about Iris? I like how she's independent and how she could speak her mind. I love how she goes after what she wants, and doesn't let anything put her down. I love how nothing limits her and how she keeps going when times are tough. I love how she smiles and her beauty inside and out. If I weren't to see her tomorrow, I would tell her that I love her so much, and if something were to happen to me, that I would want her to  move on. She deserves to live her life, and she can't be stuck on me forever. Though she loves me and I know she will always, I would want her to move on." Iris was now crying at this point and she had no words. She cried into my shoulder and thanked me repeatedly for everything I had done. I let her vent until she was done and I returned home. Chloe was already in bed, but not fast asleep yet. She turned the bedside lamp on when I came in and spoke:
    "Hey Bar."
   "Hey Chlo. Sleepy?"
   "No, just waiting for you to get home. How was the other timeline?"
    "Interesting. Other than being almost killed by Wells and by a creepy monster, pretty good. You?"
    "Okay. I've been experiencing pain and all but that's not unusual. But I'm glad everything went well."
     "I'm glad everything's good here," I said before changing and getting into bed. I feel asleep with Chloe in my arms.

     In the middle of the night I shot up out of bed. I was experiencing pain I never thought I could experience in my life. Barry got up because he was concerned. I wanted to tell him I was okay because I didn't want him to worry, but I couldn't because I wasn't okay. I was feeling severe pain and Barry and I both knew what was coming.
How was chapter 23? I hope you are enjoying the book. Thank you for the Votes, Reads, Comments, and Adds. Big things are happening! And a plot twist that is very unexpected. Stay tuned for that. Now that all the episodes are here, I'm going to have to update once a week when new episodes come on. Unless it is content that I have created. -Flashette1

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