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I woke up at S.T.A.R Labs. Barry shot up from his chair and ran to my side.
"He could have killed you. You have to start thinking a lot better. You have to think for two," Barry said.
"I know, I wasn't gonna let Jax die."
"And we are happy he's here, but you have a baby to think about now."
"Alright Bar," I said before I got up. "Hows Hewitt?" I asked.
"Good, Contained. He won't be going anywhere."
"Thats good. Anything new?"
"The usual."
"Except for a Break in at....Central City Picture News......"
"Iris," Barry said before he suited up and sped off. I hesitated to go after him. But I gave in and went after him anyway.
A few minutes into fighting, the enemy spoke: "Zoom wants you dead Flashes," the villain said before she blasted us with light beams. I turned away, but Barry not quick enough. The light got him and he stumbled to the floor. I continued to fight and managed to get her helmet off of her. She became blind, and I sped her to the pipeline. I sped back to get Barry when she was successfully contained.
When we arrived at S.T.A.R. Labs, Barry got checked out immediately. The prognosis was that he was going to temporarily blind. He was going to be blind for a few days.
"Chloe, since you are pregnant with a speedster baby, you are going to need to be checked out every once in a while, to make sure everything's alright. You are going to need to come in sometime this week. You're only a couple weeks, but we need to make sure everything's alright, especially from that blast you took."
"What? Barry's blind. I can't do it now. He won't be able to see it......We won't be able to enjoy it...Together....."
"I'm sorry, but you have to do it on schedule. If you want to make sure everything is okay and if you want it or stay that way."
"We have Zoom to face and new friends to interrogate. I don't have time for this. Crime doesn't stop when I do."
"And I understand, but if you want this baby to live. Then-"
"She'll do it," Barry interrupted. "I don't want to affect our baby's life because of me. I want both of you to be safe. Don't worry about me."
"Bar," I said before I kissed him. We rested our foreheads on each other. I know he couldn't see, but that didn't make the moment any less memorable.
"Not to ruin the moment, but Zoom is still out there, and we have no information on Dr Light."
"The only evidence that they could pick up was this helmet," Joe said walking into the cortex.
"Thanks Joe!" Cisco said taking it from Joe's hands. As soon as it touched, Cisco changed. His whole body tensed up, and it was like he was gone for a few seconds. When he came back from his daydream, he told us what had happened.
"It was a vision. Linda is doctor light....but this is a doppelganger....Like Harry. She wants to kill you, so she can bring you to Zoom like a trophy. Zoom is very powerful and we are going to have to find a way to stop him. You can't handle him a-"
"We'll wait for when that time comes. Now about the baby....."
"We need to go out and get a break.....Anyone up for a drink?"
"I could go for some caffeine. Barry?" I asked.
"Sure!" He replied. He sprang up from his chair and walked in the opposite direction of the exit.
         "Other way, Bar," I said grabbing his arm and leading him to the S.T.A.R. Labs van. Caitlin and Cisco joined him in the van, while I sped over.
       When we all arrived and got situated, we noticed Cisco wasn't completely into the conversation. I further investigated and saw him staring at the barrista.
"Check this out love birds," he said tapping my shoulder before he walked over to the counter.
"I'd like a small Flash with a side of you're number," he said before winking.
"You're sweet and all, but I'm not looking for a relationship.....Sorry."
"It's okay. Forget about the drink," Cisco said before he walked back to the table. He pouted and slouched down in his chair.
"On a happy note, we have some news for you. We have cool superhero names and usually naming is you're thing, but since you have a power, we came up with a name for you.....Vibe...." I said.
"I love it!" Cisco said before he got up from the table. "I have to get another coffee. I'll be right back."
"Hi, can I have a-" Cisco said before he was interrupted. The barista slid a cup over to him.
"One large Flash on the house, with a side of digits," she said sliding him a piece of paper with her number. "I'm sorry I.....rejected you before. I'm new to the city and i'm shy."
"That's okay. Maybe I could show you around sometime."
"I'd like that," the barista said before she put out her hand to shake:  
      "Kendra Saunders."
"Cisco Ramon," Cisco said before he grabbed his cup and sat back down.
"That's how it's done son!" Cisco said slamming the paper against the table. Every one looked in our direction and Cisco gave everyone an apology.
"Sorry that's my fault......Go back to your sipping people...."
       Sorry for not updating. This is a shorter chapter than usual. I will try to update another tonight. I also have a Supergirl update that I have to make as well. I was also thinking of making a Grant Gustin, Markiplier, or Jacksepticeye Fanfic as well. Let me know if that would be something you're interested in. I was also thinking about writing another Flash Fanfic continuing this series after this book. (Book 3) Let me know if you are interested in that as well. Thank you for the Reads, Comments, and Votes.

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