Extra 112: Leaving and Loving

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(How about that new photo?)
"I gotta go," I said to Barry as I pushed him off me. I got up and began to pick up my clothes, which were scattered over Barry's bedroom floor.
"This night......I won't forget it....It's too bad I have to leave it all..." I put my clothes on as he spoke:
"Then don't. After everything we've been through....Even after this night.....You're not gonna consider staying?" Barry asked as he propped himself up on his elbows and watched as I dressed. "You're just gonna walk out on me?"
"It's not like that....." I said as I finished, and a single tear fell from my eye. I wiped it away and thought to myself: If only he knew.....I stood into the center of Barry's room before he joined me. He snaked his arms around my waist and whispered in my ear:
"Then what is it?" Barry asked me before I turned to face him. I pushed him away and escaped his grasp.
"Complicated...." I replied as I opened his bedroom door and sped back to my house. I changed into my pajamas and lied in bed. I couldn't sleep at all that night. Many thoughts racing through my head: why are you letting go? Why are you doing this? Is it worth it? And most importantly......Barry.....He was on my mind all night. After this terrific night, I couldn't help but wonder if that spark we had before was back.......But I got my thoughts straight and I realized what I had to do. Leaving was for the best. I managed to get a few hours of sleep before I was woken up by the blinding rays of the sun.
"Thanks for coming," I said as I opened my door to my guest, Caitlin.
"What's up?" She asked. I lead her over to the couch and we sat down.
"I went over Barry's last night.......We talked for a little while...And then...Things got heated....Real heated......" I hinted.
"I see....But aren't you leaving tonight?" Caitlin asked. "Are you trying to put the pieces back together again? How could this happen on the day of your departure?"
"We just got caught up in the moment I guess.....It was nothing......It was just our way of saying goodbye. He wants me to stay, but I have to go....This is an opportunity I can't give up."
"It's your choice. Do what you feel is right."
"I just needed to tell someone. Do you think it means something? We've tried dating before and you saw how it ended. We luckily stayed friends after that, but I don't want screw that up again. I didn't want to hurt him, and he didn't want to hurt me."
"You know how Cisco, Wally, Iris, and I feel about you and Barry. We want you to be together, but we can't force it. Again, if you feel it's right, do it."
"I still love him.....But I can't say goodbye....After all the times we had and all the memories we made, couple or not. But I know that it's not what he wants. I can't give him false hope. I love him, so I'm gonna have to let him go."
"Go talk to him. You have to-"
"I can't do that to him. It isn't fair. I can't put him through the long distance thing...."
"I get it," Caitlin said before her phone rang. She took a moment to read the notification before she proceeded. "It's Cisco, he's talking with Barry. I have to go," she said before she picked up her bag and headed toward the door.
"Thank you for all your help, really..." I said before closing the door.

Barry POV-
     "We had this wonderful night full of passion and love and-"
      "Don't need to hear any more," Cisco said as he put his hands up.
      "It sucks that she's leaving. I love her, and it kills me to see her go. That night....It was amazing.....It was like nothing neither of us have felt before...And that spark was ignited again. Even when we thought it couldn't be, it was. What if she's the one, Cisco? And she's leaving me...I'm letting my true love get away....But it's for the best. "If you love them, set them free" they always say.""
     "But that's a fairy tale, a cliché. This is real life Barry. You need to tell her how you feel."
       "I can't do that, what if she doesn't feel the same. If she loved me, she'd stay. If she cared, she wouldn't leave. If she loved me, she'd say goodbye...."
       "It's alright, Bar. She already said goodbye to Caitlin, HR, Wally, Iris, and I. The only one she didn't say it to was you."
     "Formally. Our "goodbye" was the other night...What am I gonna do?" I asked, burying my face in my hands.
       "What you have to do.....You have to tell her how you feel....."
        "You're right....I'm gonna speed over to her right now!" I said before I sped off. I was full of excitement and hope that she would feel the same.
          I sped to the train station and looked around. I didn't see her anywhere, until I came to the second to last cart of the train. Sitting outside on a bench with her headphones in and her nose in a book, was my Chloe. I was going to do what I had to do. I walked up to her eagerly and she noticed my presence.
      "What are you doing here?" She asked me as she threw down her book and stood up.
       "I came to see you, I just-"
      "I thought that I made myself clear. I didn't want to say goodbye like this. I wanted all of my friends to stay in Central City and I would text you all when I arrived safely," she said.
      "I know, but I had to see you," I replied. "Look, I know we've had our ups and downs, but I am in love with you and-"
      "Stop," she cut me off. "I can't do this. I have to go," she said before she grabbed her suitcase and her book off the bench. I grabbed her arm as she tried to walk away and pulled her back into my chest. I pressed my lips to hers, in hopes that she would kiss back, but she didn't. Instead, she slapped my face and proceeded to board her train.
That was it Barry....You blew it.

Chloe POV-
What just happened? I thought to myself. Barry kissed me.....And I didn't kiss back.....So many thoughts running through my head right now.....What did I do wrong? Is this the right choice? All I could think about was Barry and my friends. All the lives we saved and the memories we made.....And no matter what I thought of, everything came back to Barry. That's when I realized that I had made a mistake.
I had to get off this train.

Barry POV-
I sped back home in anger and frustration. I was also feeling upset and regret. But I know I had to speed back and tell the others the news.
       "So...How'd it go?" Cisco asked as I entered the Cortex.
      "I'm assuming she's not here because she had to bring her bags back home?" Caitlin asked. My eyes followed the floor.
      "She's...uh- she's not coming. She decided to go. I told her how I felt, and it didn't nothing....I'm just gonna go home..."
     "Bye B-" Caitlin and Cisco said before I sped off home.
      I arrived home and threw my stuff onto the floor. I slumped down into my couch and sat in deep thought. I clicked the tv on after a while and almost fell asleep. That was until I heard a voice.
Chloe POV-
"I see that Criminal Minds is still one of your favorites," I said as I pointed to Spencer Reid talking on the screen. Barry whipped his head around and stood up to meet me.
       "What are you doing here?" Barry asked.
         "Making things right. You coming to the station made me think. And after that, I couldn't stop thinking about it. And then I realized that I couldn't stop thinking about you. I couldn't say goodbye to you today because it was too hard. We've been through so much, and I thought I could get over it, but I couldn't. The kiss....Last Night......It all just seemed like a dream. I thought that leaving town would give me a fresh start to my life, where I could reinvent myself, but by doing so I would be without the best and only part of my life that I'm actually sure of. I love you, Barry Allen," I said before I stepped closer to him and smashed my lips into his. He cupped my cheeks, and I locked my hands around his neck.
After that.......It was like last night all over again......
I hope you enjoyed. This is super long, so I hope it makes up for it being late. Regular content uploads will be returning with the midseason premiere of The Flash on Tuesday, January 24th.
If you have questions or ideas for a short you'd like to see, ask. Thank you for everything!

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