Extra 10: The Superhero Games

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Here is another short for you. This is not part of the plotline of the series and not connected to the storyline in any way. This is also not a part of the justice league and marvel plotlines in any way. This is simply just an original idea. Enjoy!
Barry and I looked around the tree to see Captain America and Black Widow planning their next attack. Barry and I were in a hunger games type situation with Marvel and DC heroes. We had been blackmailed by an unknown person. They threatened to harm our city and every one in at and we couldn't allow that. If we won, our city would stay and we would eventually take out the person who was doing this so all cities could live. But right now, we were focused on winning. I sped straight in their direction and spooked them.
"What was that?" Black Widow asked.
"A flash of lightning, I thought I saw a speedster. Come out come out wherever you are Flash," Cap challenged.
"Actually, Flashette. You've never heard of a lady speedster?"
"I guess today's my lucky day, but not yours," he said throwing his shield at me. I sped out of the way to deflect it and it bounced off of a tree behind me. It eventually came back into his hands like a boomerang. Barry then sped in, throwing lightning at Black Widow while Cap was distracted. She shot her gun at the same time and the bullet went straight towards Barry. He got hit, falling over. I became clouded with rage, and used that to attack the two. I sped and around them, creating a vortex. I then stopped and threw lightning at Black Widow. She went down, but Cap escaped. I then ran over to Barry to check on him.
"Are they gone?" He asked me.
"What? You're.....how?" I asked. Barry opened his hand and a single bullet fell on the grass. I smiled and kissed him.
"You sly dog," I said, allowing him to stand up. We then tracked
moved onto the woods, where our next opponents were. Hulk and Thor, an unlikely pair, but we didn't know how to stop them.
"Let's go!" Barry exclaimed.
"But it's a giant and a God with a hammer. How are we going to-"
"Just follow my lead," Barry ensured. We were about to go when a red figure burst out of the trees. I could hear his witty remark and I knew it was Tony Stark. I knew that War Machine would be there soon, so we decided to get out of there quick. ;) We came to a clearing where Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver were. They were fighting Green Lantern and Wonder Woman.
We hid and after a while multiplie cannons fired, signifying that many deaths occurred. Barry did a quick sweep of the area and we were the only ones left.
"We did it, we won!" he exclaimed. I hugged Barry and he spun me around.
"Not so fast!" A familiar voice yelled.
"If it isn't our old friends Laurel and Oliver," I said. "It doesn't have to be like this. We can go against them and win. C'mon, don't make us do this."
"Well we never really decided who would win......Speed vs Skill."
"It's on!" Barry challenged.
"Barry!" I snapped.
"Well, there can only be one city that wins and Starling is going to be it!" Oliver challenged before shooting an arrow. Oliver charged at Barry and I charged at Laurel. We fought hand in hand, until she threw one of her bombs at me. I fell to the ground and covered my ears. The screeching was getting to me and I curled up until it stopped. When I came to my senses, Barry was tied up, I was on my knees, and Oliver and Laurel were now towering over me.
"We never really liked you Flashette," Oliver said jabbing an arrow into my abdomen. I fell onto my knees and felt the blood rise up and eventually out of my mouth.
"NO!!" Barry yelled.
"Now you," Oliver said walking over to him. I couldn't let him die, so I used every ounce of my strength left to speed over to Oliver and Laurel and knock them over. I hit them in just the right place and the right speed, killing them. I untied Barry and fell over in exhaustion.
"Chloe, stay will me!" Barry said rushing over to me and holding me in his arms.
"I love you and I will never stop," I said cupping his cheek in my hand.
"Don't go, please, stay with me!" Barry said crying. The arrow had been covered in my blood and my abdomen was soaked. Barry's hands were covered in my blood as well.
"Flashes Win" I said before I blacked out.
Barry won, ensuring his cities safety but he wasn't finished there. He found who was running the whole fight and shut it down. It was later found out that Martian Manhunter was the leader of it all. Barry fought hard and came out on top, defeating Martian Manhunter. As for his future, he still continues to go out as The Flash and the city forever honors Flashette and her bravery. His team also later found out a serum in Barry's system, similar to what Roy Bivolo affected him with earlier. All of the heroes contained it in their systems, and it was later found out that that was the cause of all the violence. The serum clouded their minds, and made them unaware of what was really going on.
Here is another short just because. The ending was sad, but Flashes won. Not all heroes were included but there were others that weren't written about. I know it sucked, but I decided to publish it anyway. Thank you and I will see you in the next short. -Flashette1

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