Extra 132: Oh, the horror

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"What movie did you chose tonight?" I asked Barry from the kitchen as I readied the snacks. I stood, awaiting the answer, getting no reply. I called out Barry's name, silence answering the question. I turned around full of suspicion, only to see Barry directly behind me.
"BOO!" He yelled, trying to scare me. I jut stood there blankly, ignoring his attempt. I then turned to finish the food, and Barry's hands fell to his side with a sigh. "I thought I had you that time!" Barry pouted, frowning. I then turned around and hugged him.
"Do you know how hard it is to scare me?" I asked into Barry's chest.
"I didn't know it'd be that difficult...But be prepared for movie night tonight," Barry said with a grin. I pulled away from his embrace and continued filling up the smack tray. "It'll scare your socks off," Barry said, deviously rubbing his hands together.
"And if I'm not wearing socks?" I asked, turning to face him. I smiled at my joke, but he didn't care the slightest. It actually made him frustrated that I was taking everything differently then how he wanted it to go. Barry's eyebrows were furrowed, and his arms were crossed against his chest. Actually, I found it kinda cute.
"It's the scariest movie you'll ever see..."
"And that is?" I asked.
"(Insert scary movie here)" Barry paused for effect, and I thought of the title in my head. I let it bounce around for a second before realizing what it was.
"Oh, that one," I say, the lightbulb going off in my head. "I remember seeing the previews for it! It doesn't look scary at all."
"That's not true, you're just trying to put up a front. I know you're scared. And if you do get scared, you can bury your face in my chest until the part's over."
"Okay," I said with an eye roll as I put the last piece of the tray together. I knew that in the end, Barry would be the one scared. Barry grabbed the water bottles off the counter and brought them to the living room as I placed the snacks on the coffee table. After the snacks were all set, I placed my phone on the couch next to me and shut off the lights before sitting down. Barry joined me, draping a blanket over the two of us before clicking play on the remote.
The beginning of the movie started out slow, similar to any other movie, the introduction of the characters, setting, plot, etc. But after the exposition was over, the
action-horror part of the film began to take off. I didn't mind it, as I was used to movies like this as a teen. But Barry on the other hand was like a scared puppy. During the scary parts of the movie, he'd be the one to throw the popcorn, squeal, or Barry his head deeper into my shoulder. And when it was over, I could tell he couldn't be happier. I went to turn on the lights, and when I did, I could see Barry's childhood comfort toy resting on the table.
"You had to bring him?" I asked, pointing to it. Barry shook his head.
"H-he's always been there," Barry said with a nervous grin.
"I'm gonna stay down here and clean up, why don't you head off to bed? I'll meet you in a few minutes."
"You want m-me to go...alone?" Barry asked, taking his dinosaur off the table. He looked over at the stairs in fear.
"Yes, just like you do every other night," I say, pointing to the stairs. Barry looks up the dark hallway and gulps. I then walked into the kitchen and hear Barry's footsteps going up the stairs. After he was settled in and the downstairs was clean, I joined Barry in bed.
I walked upstairs and went into the bedroom, only to find Barry laying in bed. The covers had been pulled up, so only his eyes were exposed. With a smile, I changed and joined him in bed. Rather than me cuddling with him, he was the first to latch onto me. I smiled again, thinking of my little scaredy cat of a husband. Barry and I talked for a while as we laid, me trying to calm his mind before we went to sleep. When tiredness took over, I slowly reached out to turn the light off. Before I shut it off, a hand was on mine. I turned to my other side to see Barry smiling. He removed his hand, and it rested on my hip.
"Do you think we can leave this on for the night?"
"Yes, we can leave it on," I stated before Barry pulled me into his arms. I gave him a kiss before we trailed off to sleep.
SHORT FOR YOU! I hope you enjoyed! I've had this idea for a while, and I'm glad I could get it out. And sorry for the inactivity, but the problem should be resolved soon! Love you guys!
-Flashette1 ❤️⚡️

*I know this is short, but longer updates are coming soon!*

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