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"What do you mean?" I asked Barry.
"I can't move them. It's like I have no control."
"According to this X-Ray, you have a fractured spine, but no signs of paralysis," Caitlin said. "But it seems now that you may have temporary paralysis until your spine heals."
"But who's going to go out with Chloe?" Barry asked.
"She's going to have to go out alone until you can get better."
"But I can't do that. We can't allow that. She's carrying a child and I have to get better. I won't allow this to happen."
"Barry, there's nothing you can do," Cisco said wheeling in Dr Well's wheelchair. "For now, this will do. I found some device under it that helped Wells gain speed and energy, so maybe it will do the same for you," Cisco said before we picked Barry up and placed him in the wheelchair.
"Do you know what we haven't done?" Barry asked me. "We haven't told my dad....About the baby. He would be glad to hear that. Do you want to go see him?"
"If it makes you feel better," I said before we went down to the garage. I got Barry situated in the van, and we drove to Iron Heights.
On the way we had to come up with a story so people wouldn't have suspicions. We came up with the story that Barry fell down the stairs in the middle of the night when he was going to get me a glass of water. You can't get mad at someone for getting their pregnant fiancé a glass of water, right? Anyway, we proceeded to go into Iron Heights, sign in, and talk with Henry.
"Hey dad,"
"Hey Slugger. Long time no see."
"I know. So much has happened since we last talked. Some good and bad."
"I see one negative right off the bat. What happened?"
"I....fell down the stairs."
"I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you get better soon."
"Thank you. But we came here to tell you that you are going to have a daughter in law, and a grandchild," Barry said pointing to me. Henry smiled and congratulated us.
"Congratulations you guys! You will make great parents."
"Thank you!" Barry said. "And I'm glad to have found the perfect person to enjoy it all with," Barry said putting his hand on my baby bump. I put my hand on top of his and we looked back at Henry. Henry was occasionally shedding a tear while admiring us.
"Henry, you're time is up," the guard said.
"Sorry Slugger. Congratulations you two."
"Thank you Henry," we said before Barry cried into my shoulder.
"It's okay Bar. We'll find a way to get him out of here, sooner or later."
"I'm sure we will," Barry said before he got his head out if his hands and kissed me.
We went back to S.T.A.R. Labs and found out that Cisco was out on a date with Kendra. But Caitlin and Joe were hard at work.
"Is something wrong?" I asked.
"Yeah, terribly wrong. Grodd's back."
"I thought we got rid of him?"
"Not well enough. He's returned, and he's smarter than ever."
"How can we stop him. The one who really understood him was......Wells...."
"He's not here. Barry can't fight, but I can. What do I do?" I asked.
"We are trying to track him down now. We have to wait for Cisco to come back. We were checking Well's office for information and found this," Caitlin said handing Barry a flash drive with a letter attached.
"What is it?" I asked.
"It looks like something from Wells. I don't want to watch it."
"C'mon Bar, would you watch it if I watched it with you?"
"I guess..." he said. I brought him home and we watched it on the tv. But first we read the letter:
"Barry and Chloe,
     If you are reading this, something bad has happened to me. I made this for you because even though my mission was for me to kill you, I still had a soft spot for you. And since I am no longer there with you, I made this as a gift. You can thank me later."
We played the video and watched. It was mostly talking about how he has been stalking us for the past 15 years of our lives and has always been there to witness everything. During the middle, we still didn't see why he wanted us to thank him. But it wasn't until the end that we understood why:
"My name is Harrison Wells and I fully confess to the murder of Nora Allen. Henry was set up, and I was the one who was really there that night. I'm gone and can't explain how or why I was, but I did it." Barry was now crying and wailing in my arms.
"He confessed, he confessed!" Barry cried.
"I know, I know." I kept telling him. Now I was crying. Henry was now going to be free, and he was going to be there for his son.
I brought Barry back to S.T.A.R. Labs and Joe, Iris, and Cisco were frantically pacing around the cortex.
"What's going on?" I asked.
"It's Grodd. He has Caitlin. We tried having Harry go in as the Reverse Flash and calm him down, but Grodd has gone-"
"Bananas.....Sorry....not relevant."
"He wants Caitlin to make more gorillas like him, and he's gone wild. Harry has been trying to fight him off, but it's not working. We have been trying to come up with a plan but nothing works."
"What about the breaches?"
"What about them?"
"What if we bring Grodd to one, open it, and he gets sucked in?"
"Yeah, but then he's Earth 2's problem."
"So, at least he's not here."
"We can try. Caitlin, try to get Grodd to go to intersection at 6th by the power plant," Cisco said through his earpiece.
"And I can have the police lock down the perimeter," Joe said.
"Perfect....C'mon Caitlin."
"He agreed. I told him that we just need to get supplies and he wants to break into the power plant," Caitlin replied.
"Perfect, before he gets into the power plant, we can stop him. Gotta suit up," I said before I suited up and sped to the intersection.
Cisco set up everything and they brought the device that we would throw to close the breach. Within an hour, Grodd was getting closer and we got into position.
"Grodd, I will get the supplies and you wait here, okay?" Caitlin asked.
"Okay, Caitlin good," he said as Caitlin walked into the power plant. As she was taking her time, Grodd moved closer to the opening. I came out and began fighting him to get him in faster. It worked, and I closed him into the breach successfully.
"Caitlin you can come out," I said before she came out of the Power Plant. We celebrated the victory and returned to S.T.A.R. Labs.
When we arrived, I greeted Barry and sat next to him. A few minutes later, Cisco returned.
"Look who I found," Cisco said revealing Henry standing in the opening of the Cortex.
"Dad!" Barry said speeding over to him. We were all surprised that Barry was able to move so quickly after everything he went through. Henry gave him a tight hug, and Henry invited me to join in. I was smushed in between them, and they were careful not to squish the baby.
"Cisco, how did you?"
"You thought I was on a date with Kendra all day? The date ended a couple hours ago. I've been working on getting Henry out of jail. When we found the drive, we watched it and sent a copy to the police. We gave it to you, so you wouldn't have any suspicions. And here he is."
Thank you Cisco," Barry said hugging him.
"No problem," Cisco said.
"Chloe, Barry, could I have a word with you?" Henry asked me.
"Sure," I said leading him to the treadmill room.
"Look, I know I just got out of Jail, but I have to go. Yes, that may seem strange, but I lost 15 years of my life. I have to get it back together. I'll still be around here when you need me though. I need to go get a house, and try to resume my life. Thank you for using your powers for good, and being great role models everywhere."
"Thank you dad," Barry said before he hugged him. Now it was my turn:
"Goodbye Mr Allen," I said before hugging him.
"Goodbye Mrs Allen to be, and that name belongs to you two now. Call me Henry."
"Bye Henry," I said before he left the treadmill room and said bye to the rest of the team.
    I hope this makes up for not updating on schedule. Thank you for everything and I hope you are enjoying this book. Thank you for all the Votes, Adds, Comments, and Reads on my other books. I have a Supergirl book published, but I am also planning some other things so stay tuned for those. -Flashette1
*Thank you for almost 3K on my first Flashete book!*

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