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     After 20 minutes, Caitlin had successfully gotten the bomb out of both Leonard and Lisa.
      Barry and I went back to CCPD and continued to finish our work. During our work, I got a call. I was told propably the worst news that you could hear. I dropped my phone and it fell to the floor. Barry sped over and wrapped his arms around me.
     "What's wrong?" Barry asked.
      "It's Harrison Wells, he's back."
All I saw was the look on Barry's face change and the protective side turn on.
       "It's okay. I won't him come anywhere near you, or the baby."
      "Thanks Bar," I said looking up at him before giving him a kiss. We hurried up on our work and sped over to S.T.A.R Labs.
     "So he really is back?" I asked.
      "Christina McGee saw him last night at Mercury Labs. And Patty saw him when she went after King Shark alone. He rescued her."
      "I doubt he's good. I don't trust him. Make sure he doesn't come anywhere near us."
      "That would complicate things," Harrison said walking into the room.
     "Stay away!" Barry yelled.  
     "Look, I'm not going to harm you. You're world is in danger and you need to trust me."
      "How can I trust you when a person just like you killed our parents and almost us."
       "Look, I'm not that person. I'm not even from here."
        "You need to leave Harrison," yelled Jay from the other room.
        "Oh, I didn't know Mr Gerrick was here as well."
        "Yes I am, and they don't need your help. I'm all the help they need. I closely encountered Zoom."
       "But not close enough. He has my Jessie and I need to get her back. You guys will realize how important parenthood is when it is your time. But now it's mine."
"And how do we know we can trust you?"
"Well you don't exactly have a choice do you?"
"I guess not.." I said before Martin Stein walked into the room.
      "Gee, is anyone allowed to just walk in here?" I asked. "You guys need better security."
"Just checking on the speed cannon. Umm..." Stein said.
"Harrison Wells....but he's okay for now."
"Okay, this Harrison reminds us way too much of the other. How about we call you Harry....yes...Harry," Cisco said.
      "I sense a lot of tension. How about we split up. Jay, Martin, Chloe, Barry, and I will check on the speed cannon and you can stay up here with Harry." Caitlin directed at Cisco.
      "Nuh uh gurl. The last time I was left alone with Harrison I die--"
     "What? Cisco..."
      "Okay, I don't know what this Wells did to you, but I'm not him," Harry chimed in.
     "Jeez," Cisco said before we walked to the elevator. When we got down the elevator, we could see the speed cannon.
     "Here she is," Jay said showing it to us. "Isn't she pretty?"
    "Sure, sure," Stein said walking over to it. He kept admiring it until he stopped suddenly. He began to "fire up" in front of me. His lightning was blue and he was furiously shaking.
      "Uh, Barry..." I called.
      "Yeah, oh..." He said noticing Stein.
    "Caitlin," He yelled. She ran over and immediately took action. She brought him upstairs and began to work on him. After a few minutes of research she came do a conclusion.
     "Guys, since Ronnie....died, Stein doesn't have sometime who is compatible to this firestorm..."
     "So without a compatible person he dies."
      "Yes, in order for him to live, we need to find someone who is. And I found 2 matches," Caitlin said from the computer.
      "Where?" Barry asked.
      "One works at a car shop and one is a former scientist. I can invite Mr Hewitt here and you can get Mr Jackson."
       "On it," Barry said before we sped off. We arrived at the Car shop and spotted or target.
       "Are you Mr Jackson?"
       "Yeah and you are..."
      "Barry and Chloe Allen. We were wondering if you'd like to do us a favor."
     "If it has something to do with fixing a car, then yes. If it's something else.. Then no."
     "Well the accelerator-"
     "The same accelerator that ruined my football career..."
      "Sadly, left 2 of our friends merged together. They were called firestorm. One of them died, and we need someone compatible with him so he can live. You were a perfect match. Would you be interested in helping out?"
      "Sorry, but I'm just going to continue working on this car. Good luck," He said before we left.
      When we returned at S.T.A.R Labs, we received negative news from Caitlin:
      "Mr Hewitt was a negative. He won't merge. But Stein is stabilized. Mr Jackson is our only hope. How did it go?"
      "Not well. He refused."
      "It's okay. Everyone has their time right?" Stein said.
       "Yeah old man, but yours isn't now," Jackson said from the entrance of the cortex.
       "I'm telling you, better security..." I said.
      "What are you doing here?"
     "I changed my mind. I want to help. This man needs me and what good am I gonna do if I don't?"
     "Thank you Mr Jackson," Stein said as he stood up shakily. He put out his hand to shake, and they merged. Suddenly they became one, and all you could see was a man of fire.
    "It worked!" I cheered. Cisco put the splicer on Jackson and they split again.
     "This device will allow you to split when you please."
     "Cool yo!" Jackson said.
     "Thank you!" Caitlin said to Jackson. The meta alarm rang and Cisco was already at the computer.  
     "No, no, no. That's not good......It's Hewitt. He's gone rogue."
    "Who hasn't", Barry muttered under his breath. I sped to my suit and changed.
     "You're....." Jackson tried to say.
      "Yup," I said before I sped away.
I found Hewitt at a football field. He was up in the air. And his fire wasn't orange like Steins, it was red.
    "I didn't think you'd come," Hewitt said.
     "You need to stop now," I said.
     "Why? Being bad is more fun," he said hurling a fire ball at me. I was pushed out of the way by Barry's familiar arms.
      "Thanks," I said to Barry before I got up.
     "Too bad you both have to die now. I don't mean to ruin the moment," Hewitt said.
      "I don't mean to crash the party, but I didn't get an invite," Jackson said interrupting Hewitt's plans.
     "That should have been me!" Hewitt said before hurling a fireball at him. Jackson dodged it and fought back. Jefferson was down, and Hewitt was getting closer to him.
      "Too bad. You lose your first battle in the same place where you lost your future," Hewitt told Jackson. Hewitt was about to finish off Jackson, until I blocked the shot fired. I took the blow for Jackson, and flew across the field, bashing into the wall of the bleachers.
Sorry for the lack of updating, but I made up for it with this long chapter. Also sorry for leaving you in suspense. I hope you are enjoying this book and I hope you enjoyed the first book. Thank you for the reads and votes from all of my books and I hope you enjoy them. I also have a Supergirl book that was just updated, so check that out if you're interested. Thank you! And until next time.....

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