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**Chapter 1! Not as long as I would've liked but these are short and sweet so.. Enjoy!!
Idea by @NinjagoPheonixNinja **

Spock woke up completely shocked. His pointy ears were gone, emotions roared through his body. They seemed to push at each side of him, causing a dull ache to form.

"What the-!" Spock shouted before you snapped awake. You failed and tugged at the sheets on the bed, desperately looking for what had alarmed Spock.

"Spock? You okay!?!" You exclaimed, holding his hand in yours and instantly noticing a difference. His hand was warmer than usual for a Vulcan. They are warm blooded like humans, but have a colder internal core temperature.

"I'm human Y/N! Everything Vulcan gone!" Spock cried, standing up and beginning to hyperventilate. Tears poured down his face, the sight seemed incorrect and heartbreaking.

"Spock sh sh calm down." You coo, standing up out of bed and holding his hands. Spock fought, not seemingly wanting the comfort.

"How do I calm down?! That never works! Telling someone to calm down only makes them... Not as calm!" Spock continued to shout, now dropping to his knees. The emotions were too overwhelming it was hard to bare.

"Spock. Stop. Look at me." You firmly state, gripping your hands on his face. You almost had to force him to look at you. He complied almost immediately.

You gazed into his brown eyes, his heavy panting eventually beginning to subside. You rubbed your noses together in an Eskimo kiss, smiling softly. "See. Nice and calm." You whisper, keeping his face in your hands.

"Thank you." Spock whispered back, beginning to lay down on the floor. You laid beside him, holding him close.

"I love you sweetie. I love you." You mumble, kissing his lips. Spock kissed you back, muttering a barely audible 'love you.'

A couple weeks later, Spock was Vulcan again. No one knew how that happened. He just became half Vulcan again suddenly. As much as you loved 100% human Spock, you loved 1/2 Vulcan and half human Spock.

Sorry it was short! Short and sweet is the way I try to go.

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