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**I've noticed that people don't really comment anymore, is it something I did or should I maybe do a question and answer thing? Idk I just love talking to my readers but it's hard when people don't comment often.
Updates will be longer apart because I just published another book. I'm gonna attempt to switch off with the two books. Plus I really don't feel like writing these. No idea why. Updates will slow down because I feel like I want to write other things. That doesn't mean I'm stopping I promise, updates may be once a week or something.
Requested by @kittyten12
Sorry it's short and hope you like it!! I've been sick so probably not my best writing. I'm trying, I really am.**

For gods sake who even commands that we have away missions?! What StarFleet leader thought it was a good idea to send people to strange planets to investigate life?! Yes, we look for new life and breakthroughs. Yes, we try and find cures for seemingly incurable diseases. But at the cost of our own lives??

A spear, the sharp tip glistening in the light, flung its way at you. Jim Kirk, the captain of your ship and your boyfriend, wrapped his arms around you and pulled you out of the way. Moments later, the spear buried itself in the dirt where you were standing seconds before.

"Scotty, beam us up!!" Jim screamed into a communicator. Almost immediately, the lines of the transporter beams surrounded both of you and you were on the ship. You didn't have time to escape Jim's arms before he had already taken you to sickbay.

When the adrenaline rush had been soaring through your veins, arrows had nicked your legs. You had barely noticed, but Jim had. "Jim, I'm fine." You insist as you're set down on a sickbay bed. Blood stained the sheets of the bed already.

"You're bleeding pretty bad." Jim nervously mumbled, taking gauze and pressing them to the cuts. You hissed in pain and tears brimmed your eyes.

"Can you get a doctor?" You ask, suddenly noticing in Jim's eyes that he was beginning to panic. Since you've known Jim, he has some bad panic when people he love are hurt. Not bad enough  to be anxiety, but just enough for him to have panic attacks.

"Yeah- yeah." Jim stuttered, running off to find McCoy. When he returned, you were still wide awake and just fine. The cuts seemed to be shallow, they stung but not too bad.

"I'm okay, just need a couple stitches." You tell doctor McCoy, eyeing Jim as he began to hyperventilate.

"Calm down now or I hypo you. She has some cuts from what, arrows? They don't look bad. She's not giving birth to your child or anything. Calm down!" McCoy yelled, waving a hypo at Jim. Jim froze, his eyes widening. He hurried over to a chair in the corner and sat down.

McCoy got to work, first by removing the bloodied gauze and examining. "They don't feel too bad." You state, also looking at the cuts.

"It looks really bad, really bad." Jim said, trembling as he stood up. "Will she be okay? Are they bad"

McCoy calmly stood up and took a hypo to Jim's neck. His eyes rolled into the back of his head and he passed out. "Much better." McCoy mumbled before cleaning, stitching, and bandaging your wounds. You found it sweet that Jim worried so much, but bad that he needed to be hypoed. You stayed with him until he woke up, where you were greeted by a soft, sweet, long kiss.

Alsooooo, thank you for 502 Followers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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