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**Requested by @BookThiefSelection
Hope you enjoy!
In this you are Pike's daughter. AU here too, hope you don't mind. Sorry it took so long I've been sick for a while. Requests are open.
I put a bunch of my books in the watty's 2016 so please vote and read them so I can possibly even have a chance at winning something. That sounds desperate. Oh well.
I wrote a book of riddles too if anyone's interested.**

Khan, the very name can send shivers down your spine. No, not the creepy kind, the kind that makes you want to find the keeper of that name and kiss them till you run out of breath. To run your hand through the thick, black, mildly greasy hair and grin with him a smug smile. You couldn't resist it, the name was as gorgeous, hot, and rugged as the man himself.

"Y/N, unless you're thinking about your work, snap out of it." Your father and teacher, Christopher Pike, demanded. You shook your head, shaking the grogginess from your head. Khan was a student in your class, he was determined, hard working, and oh so gorgeous.

"Yes sir, sorry sir." You apologize, returning to your book. And then it happened, the dream you've been dreaming for ages. Khan actually sat beside you in class. He had some late, yet there was plenty of empty seats. He chose one next to you. You.

"This seat taken?" He asked jokingly, his deep voice penetrating your skin deeper and deeper until you shuddered. Why did he have to be so ruggedly handsome?

"Uh, um, no no it's not taken. Go ahead." You stutter, your hands trembling a little as you turned the page in your digital book.

"Thanks doll." Khan said, a million dollar smile plastering his face. You blushed a deep red color, you dad, and professor, glaring at Khan.

"Uh, welcome." You say, still having the hardest time even looking up from your book.

"Want to go to dinner sometime darling? I'd love to take you to the place of your choice for an evening." Khan asked, your heart stopping. He asked you out, Khan asked you out.

"Yes. Yes yes I'd love to." You ramble a little, tapping your foot as fast as it would go. Khan grinned and nodded, scribbling down his phone number on a piece of paper and handing it to you. He got up and moved seats to his friends.

"Khan," Pike started to say, setting down the digital pen. "You hurt you and you won't be able to have kids. Ever."

Khan nodded, his eyes widening. You blushed even more but you just couldn't believe you got this date.

~~~~~~ *Sorta Triggering, it's not really about me*

Major question here, if I published a fanfic or two about self harm and depression, would you all hate me? Would you call me a hypocrite because I can't hear about people problems yet I can read and write stories like that?

I want to write a Jess Mariano fanfiction centering that issue but... I'm nervous I'll loose followers and people will kinda hate me..

The story will NOT under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES be glorifying self harm.

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