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*Hey, long time no see. I'm not back, I really have gotten out of Star Trek for the time being. It's hard to write about something you're just not really into at a time. It's been nearly two years of me writing Star Trek fanfiction, so as you can imagine it's been getting old to write. I just gotta take a while to get back into it and to write a bunch. So, I'm not back yet and updates will be far between, but I'll do an occasional little short update like this one. Hope you all enjoy, check out my book Who Knows Anymore if you want updates on me and such, I am writing other fanfiction as well. I have a Newt Scamander one and a Dan and Phil one. Plus, I've been doing lots of depression and anxiety coping skills like watching anime and or youtube and doing puzzles and such. 
I maybe maybe just might do a Christmas group one, but that all depends.
Anywayyyy, enjoy the chapter and I'll see you all in around a month. Sorry >_<**

"James Tiberius Kirk, no more work, no more stress, just us and a stack of horror movies." You say, pulling your best friend by the arm. Jim followed, but dragged his feet in near protest. You knew he had a lot of work to do, but that wouldn't stop you from making him do this.

"Work though." Jim said, managing to wriggle his arm free of your grasp. You stuck your bottom lip out, giving the man a pouty face with puppy dog eyes. He folded, immediately wanting to follow you. There was something about your voice and face that just made his heart melt. "Fine."

You smiled, standing on your toes to kiss his cheek lightly before pulling him to your quarters. A stack of movies were already laid out on the coffee table, snacks prepared and everything. You weren't prepared to lose your convincing fight.

"What movies are we watching then?" Jim asked, sitting down on the couch and sinking in to the cushions. He leaned forward, picking up the stack and flipping through. They were all really old and were barely scary, but you loved them anyway. 

Tremors, IT, Cloverfield, Ouija, and even the really not scary, Gremlins. All movies were some of your favorite films of all time, despite their age and cringe worthy graphics. It saddened you sometimes to know that you can never meet the actors since they died so long ago. 

"Really bad graphic ones, but really good ones." You tell him, kissing the top of his head before climbing over the couch to sit beside him. He laughed at your childishness, wrapping and arm around your waist. Grinning, you turned the movie on, already having put the disk in then player. You preferred to be quite old with some technology. 

"Aren't they all from the 1900's? 2000's?" Jim asked, looking at the cases of the movies to find the release dates. He was right, all were released at least 200 years ago. 

"Yes now shush, watch the clown eat the children." You whisper creepily, holding Jim's arm as you watched the movie. Smoothly, Jim moved his other arm around you, gently pulling you close. You smiled, remaining close to him.


During Gremlins, a Christmas scary movie, you both dozed off into a lightly sleep, wrapped in each others arms. In his pocket was a gift he didn't get the opportunity to give you before he fell asleep. It was a note that said "I love you, always have."

Simple, but a lot of meaning, something you would love very much. Like always, Jim never ceased to impress you.

This was really really bad and short, but I just wanted to get a small update in for Christmas! Merry Christmas if you celebrate. If you don't, happy holidays and enjoy your time. The holidays can be hard for many people but just know that we can all get through this.
Love you all.
Thanks for sticking here.

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