
2.7K 96 33

**This was requested by Mirai98
Hope you enjoy!
Last one for the night! Lesson learned, don't leave me alone in a hotel bathroom for an hour with no one to talk to.**

You sat on the bridge of your home, strange men wondering about the room. Your sister, Jaylah, stood beside one that goes by the name of Scotty. The others, Kirk, Chekov, Bones or McCoy, and Spock, all busily worked about. Jaylah didn't fully grasp the concept of their names, but you figured it out.

"Do you need assistance?" You ask, finally getting bored. Scotty, Kirk, and Jaylah had all gone somewhere else in your home. It was just you, Spock, and the one called Bones.

"I think I got it." Bones grumbled, avoiding eye contact with you. Spock moaned in pain, resisting every nerve he had to press the sore spot on his side.

"I do not think he's okay. Can I please help?" You ask again, taking a cautious step forward. Spock looked up at you, his eyes burning with pain. You held his hand, his pale skin looking dark against your pure white skin. Sure, you had lines as black as the night across your face and whole body, it was a pure different color contrast.

"Doctor, I think it to be wise to let Y/N help." Spock suggested, squeezing your hand tight as Bones tried to poke at the wound. A yell in pain escaped his lips as Bones continued to try and work.

"It is hurting him! Let me do something, do not continue!" You yell, running outside as fast as you could. You quickly gathered the roots of this tree, bringing them inside.

"Darling, tree roots are gonna do anything." Bones muttered to you, sighing as you mashed two of the three up in a bowl.

"Hush Bones." You say, taking a clean cloth and dabbing it into the root paste. Bones frowned and watched, rolling his eyes occasionally. "Spock, this will sting a little but then will take the pain away. It should heal in a matter of minutes, this root has extreme healing properties. I need you to eat this one though. I washed it, it is safe."

"Now now, this isn't going to work. Tree roots aren't magic." Bones grumbled, rolling his eyes as you placed the root paste onto Spock's would. Spock groaned in pain before relaxing. He took a bite of the root, surprised at how soft it was.

"It's working Doctor. I feel much better." Spock informed him, sitting up already. You grinned, wrapping more bandages around Spock.

"Your medicine is weak Bones." You tell him, sticking your tongue out before getting up.

"Doctor, I would suggest you stop staring at her and tell her you have romantic interest. It is getting awkward as you stare at her behind and at her breasts." Spock told Bones, causing him to blush a deep shade of red.

"Spock you hobgoblin you don't tell a girl that-!" Bones began to tell before you swayed your hips as you walked out. That sure distracted him. Laughing to yourself, you joined Jaylah and Scotty in fixing repairs.

Once you were on a federation artificial planet, Bones approached you again. "Hello darling, sorry about earlier."

"It's alright. Men are creatures of habits like that, I didn't expect you to be any different." You say, smiling as you took a drink of something. You didn't know what it was, but it was good.

"Well, I was wondering if you'd like to go on a traditional human date. No staring at your chest or behind, I promise." Bones laughed, smiling an adorable smile. You nod in agreement, partially feeling love for him and partially wanting to know what a human date even was.

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