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**This was requested by @CrystalEmmie
Hope you enjoy! Sorry it was short.
I watched Grease Live and now I'm obsessed and in love.... Oops...**

You stared at the huge house before you. Your boyfriend, Pavel Chekov had bought it a few years ago with all his money from StarFleet. There was one downside for you; you hated big houses and you are scared easily. There's too much room for stuff to go wrong in a huge house.

"Why- why is it so b-big?" You stutter, already started to get scared. The mansion towered over you, the Windows pitch black with no lights on.

"StarFleet gave me a lot of money and I just bought a big house because why not." Pavel shrugged, taking your hand. The two of you walked into the large entryway, the ceiling significantly higher than your head.

"Sure, why not." You reason to yourself, taking your shoes off. Your strong grip never let go of Pavel's hand, his knuckles were even turning white.

"Scared?" He asked, laughing as he pried his hand from yours. Your eyes instantly widened and panic began to set in, tremors shaking through your body.

"I hate large house." You say, your voice sounding weak and small. Pavel just grinned an award winning smile and took your hand again.

"Well I'm here, so you don't need to worry." Pavel ensured, leading you deeper into the house. The rooms and architecture were beautiful; the house had to be very old. One room contained only books, paper ones. You smiled a little as your fingers grazed the back bindings of many familiar books. The feeling brought safety to you.

"This is impressive honestly." You confess, beginning to relax more and more as you became more familiar with the house. Maybe this place wasn't so bad after all. Anyway, Pavel was there, so what really could be bad about it?

Oh so much could go wrong. It was around midnight when the floorboards started to creak. Pavel was fast asleep in bed, but you were wide awake trembling. The boards continued to creak and you could swear your heard stuff move around. But Pavel sure didn't complain when he woke up to you cuddled beside him.

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