McCoy [Requests are Closed]

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**This was requested by stargirlhorse
Hope you like it! Sorry it's a bit short.
I have about twelve requests so they will be closed for now and open once I get those twelve done. Plus the next chapter is chapter 50.**

During the workday at sickbay, you could've sworn you heard the voices of your children. You were an incredibly protective mom so sadly this was a normal thing. Any kid you saw made you instantly miss your own two boys.

Your husband, Leonard McCoy, had convinced you that the boys would be fine, but you couldn't help yourself to go investigate.

Your two boys, Jayden and Hunter McCoy, were sitting on a bio bed with Leonard on a chair beside them. "Okay, that's where I draw the line. No giving daddy shots." You heard Leonard say to them.

"Awwww" Both boys complained, pouting. Leonard sighed and handed them an old fashioned stethoscope. Instantly, their attention was drawn away from not being able to give Leonard a shot. You smiled, taking a few steps into the room.

"Can I give you a pretend shot?" Hunter asked, picking up an empty hypo. Leonard sighed before moving his arm by Hunter, pretending to wince as he got the 'shot.'

"Daddy needs to get up onto the bed so we can treat him." Jayden pointed out, sliding himself off the bed. Hunter followed, both of them gesturing for Leonard to take their place. Sighing, Leonard sat on the bed and nervously fidgeted with his hands.

"Be careful, remember what I told you not to touch. You'll be in big trouble if you touch those tools." Leonard warned, making his voice stern. The boys nodded and got a couple of basic tools.

Jayden hit Leonard on the knee to test reflexes; Hunter climbed onto the bed to look in his throat. In the end, they wrote him a ticket that he was perfectly healthy. Almost instantly after, they had collapsed onto the bed asleep.

"You stood there for a while just watching." Leonard whispered, taking a seat on a chair. You nodded and sat beside him, taking his hand in yours.

"It was actually very cute to watch." You confess, standing up to pick up Hunter. Hunter was smaller than Jayden by a little, so he was easier to carry. Leonard picked up Jayden and you two walked home.

The rest of the day was free from work and was compromised of cuddles. Jayden and Hunter were asleep in their room, so you and Leonard decided to cuddle in bed for a while. Cute end to a cute day.

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