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**This isn't a request but I just wanted to write it! Next one is Chekov and then more requests get done promise.
Sorry if it's not my best, it's 2:40AM here so.. Yeah..

Everyone knew that Jim Kirk enjoyed the occasionally drink. It didn't really matter who gave it to him, if it was a gift, he would drink it out of courtesy. Some races, it was customary to offer their guests drinks at no matter the cost.

This mission was just a two person one; you and Kirk were selected. The two of you were led to a special room, rock walls surrounding you. It was evident you couldn't be beamed out from here, you needed to be out of the rocky trap.

"Does this make you nervous at all?" Jim muttered to you, glancing around the room. Discreetly, you nod in agreement. Two drinks were presented to you, one green and one blue.

The alien motioned for both you and Jim to take a sip. The green one, lime green at that, was yours. The blue was for Jim. A glance shared between you two before downing a few sips of the off liquid.

It tasted of liquid sugar, like drinking pure honey. Both you and Jim gasped, gaping your mouths open. Desperately, you both ate a few crackers also present on the planet.

"I'm sure that tastes amazing. Just a bit too sweet for the human taste." Jim joked, taking a bite of a cracker. The aliens laughed, seeming un offended by the events.

Time passed and both you and Jim had returned to the ship. While walking off the transporter pad, Jim seemed to stumble briefly before catching himself.

"You okay?" You ask, holding an arm out for him to help steady himself. He managed to steady on his own, nodding as he went upright.

"I'm okay, little tired is all." Jim explained, slowly walking his way to his quarters.

He woke up the next morning in excruciating pain. Jim's stomach was turning and aching for a while, but he had to get up for work anyway.

On the bridge, everyone seemed ignorant to the captains pain. Only Spock seemed to have noticed a little something. "Mr Sulu, please plot a course to the nearest StarFleet base, we should I dock the Enterprise for routine repairs." Jim ordered, closing his eyes as the lights made the room spin.

"Aye sir, are you alright Captain?" Sulu asked, plotting the course as spinning on his chair. The whole bridge had turned to face the young captain, causing his cheeks to blush red. Attention was never his fondness.

"I think I'll go lay down in my quarters for a while, the food the species had to offer was not very good." Jim muttered, standing up from the captains chair. He made it two steps before collapsing to the ground. Chekov and Spock sprung forward, kneeling beside their captain and friend. Nyota called sickbay, Sulu made sure all the ships controls were in check since Chekov had briefly left the post.

"What did Jim do- oh good god!" McCoy exclaimed, already beginning to scan him. Jim's blonde hair messily got on his forehead, sticking to the skin as he began to sweat from a fever. Nurses got Jim onto a stretcher and began their way to sickbay.

You were a nurse, prepping beds for people right now. You were in no way prepared to see your best friend in such a bad state. Jim was pale, his breaths long and shallow. His eyes fluttered and closed, jumbled words escaped his lips in the form of painful moaning.

"Y/N, get an IV in him. I know what this is just get the IV started. And not the normal stuff the one he's not allergic to." McCoy ordered, busily giving Jim various hypos. You started the IV, triple checking he wouldn't have an allergic reaction.

"What happened??" You ask, sitting down on a chair in McCoy's office. You two had decided to relax with a couple drinks after what had just happened.

"Poison. Seen it before with that race, try like to poison the captain to see what would happen. Gruesome game if you ask me." McCoy explained, taking a sip of a small glass of whiskey. You did the same, wincing as the alcohol burned your throat slightly.

"That's just wrong." You state, pouring yourself just a little bit more. McCoy did the same before returning the bottle to its shelf.

"It is. But hey, he'll be fine. I know how close you two are." McCoy told you, really causing relief to swell in your body. Jim would be okay.

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