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**Requested by @NinjagoPheonixNinja
(Please let me know if I got it wrong so sorry if I did. Just off the top of my head I'm trying to remember.)
Sorry it's short and enjoy! I hope you're okay with the character being Kirk.
Requests are open! Although, I haven't been too motivated to write so understand it may take a while. Well, write reader inserts that is. I'm so sorry**

"She did it.." Spock muttered to himself, looking down at the results. You had passed the supposedly impassible test. Only one person had passed the test before and that was James Kirk, one of StarFleets best starship captains.

Immediately, Spock needed to consult his captain on how the test was passable. Jim answered the same way he did before, just gotta think. Spock wasn't satisfied but left anyway.

You snuck in after Spock had left and kissed Jim's cheek. "Thank you Jimmy." You said, a huge grin on your face. Jim smirked and also smiled what should be an award winning smile.

"Glad I could be of help. You did as I said, just let instinct and not rules take over?" He asked, taking a bite of his food which had just came. You snuck some fries off his plate and smirked.

"Yes I did and as you could tell it worked perfectly." You gloat, breaking a fry in half and eating it.

"Well, glad I helped you." Jim answered, wiping his mouth and swallowing before leaning across the table and firmly kissing your lips. "You're so beautiful when you're happy."

"And you turn bright red when people are staring at you." You laugh, watching Jim panic as he noticed all the other people around that witnessed that public display of affection. Jim settled down quick enough and smirked.

"And you're cute with a little ketchup on your nose." He remarked, taking a napkin and dabbing the condiment from your skin. You blushed almost as red as the ketchup. "And I love that too."

"You're being particularly sweet today." You tell him, unable to stop blushing and smiling. You two had been dating for two years, yet everyday felt like a first date. Sweet, awkward, and romantic.

"Gorgeous." Jim complimented one last time before kissing you quick and going back to his lunch. You continued to blush as he ate (and you stole the fries.) People would look, but you didn't care as long as Jim was there with you.

It's been taking me a while to write one shots for some reason, I'm leaning more towards actual books now. Just so everyone's aware it may possibly go down to an update every two weeks. I will try every week I swear, but just so you know.
Aaaaand I published a Chekov book co-written with JustALittleTrekkie and its called Not Alone so you should check it out if you've got time.

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