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**This was requested by Mirai98 . Hope everyone enjoys! Sorry I kinda changed it just a little. As I said before, to those with Chekov requests, it may take a while so I can mix in some other characters to it. Anyway, enjoy!
Plus I started a Scotty/Jaylah book!! So that'll be taking some time. I'm going back to at LEAST ONE UPDATE A WEEK. School starts soon and I have to finish summer homework so I'll be busy.**

Starfleet had a big dance every year. Every person above the level of ensign is allowed to attend, sorta like a prom. Only this was much more laid back. You were a lieutenant, making you eligible to attend.

Your father, Christopher Pike, had set some rules for you. If a man or woman asked you, you could make the yes or no decision. But, they had to go through a lecture done by your father. Deep down, you knew whoever asked you was in for quite a treat.

"Hey! Y/N! Can you wait a minute please?" You hear, turning around to see a messy Leonard McCoy running your way. His shirt was wrinkled, exposing a part of the skin on his side. His dark hair was tousled like he had been sitting in front of an air fan for a while.

"Yeah Leonard? What happened to you?" You ask him, surveying him up and down. As soon as he stopped running, his hand grasped his ripped side in pain.

"Just a small lab incident, I'm fine. I wanted to see if you wanted to go to the dance?" Leonard asked, gasping for breath. He continued to press his hand to the burn, swallowing air all he could to breathe.

"Oh, Leonard, I would love to!" You yell, a smile on your face. You had secretly had a crush on him for a long time, but never knew he felt the same way.

"Great! I'll pick you up at seven for it." Leonard responded, a grin now plastered to his face through pained expressions.

"You have to meet my dad first, he's really protective so good luck, but you seem like he would like you. Also, please go to the hospital. I'll see you tomorrow night? I'll give you my phone and address." You ramble, writing down your address and phone. Quickly, you handed it to Leonard and he tucked into into his pant pocket.

"Thank you so much." He mumbled, limping towards the hospital building. Smiling, you glanced back at Leonard. This was gonna be interesting.

The next night, Leonard showed up at your house. You had decided to cook dinner for both him and your  dad, lecturing Pike the whole time so he didn't get nasty. Pike wanted to cook, but taken from experience, you knew that was not the way to go.

Leonard came dressed semi casual, his dark hair no longer tousled. He walked with a slight limp, a brace over his side. "Hello, I'm Leonard McCoy." He said, smiling. He held his hand out, waiting for Pike to respond to the gesture.

"Nah." Pike just muttered, walking back to the kitchen.

"Anyway, I made spaghetti so I hope you like it Leonard." You say, trying to change the subject. Leonard continued to smile and took a seat on a stool beside the island counter.

"I'm not too picky, I'm sure it'll be good." Leonard complimented, nodding thanks as you got him a glass of water.

"So, Leonard, got any kids? Ex wives? Pregnant ex girlfriends?" Your dad immediately asked, causing the both of you to choke on air.

"Dad!" You exclaim, blushing a dark red color.

"Um, okay. I have an ex wife and a baby girl. No pregnant ex girlfriends. And Joanna was born when my wife and I split. No particular reason, we just realized we weren't right for each other." Leonard explained, seeing your eyes light up with sympathy when you heard he had a daughter. You knew he had an ex, but you didn't know about the baby.

"Awww how old is she?" You ask, setting down the mushroom you were chopping for the sauce.

"She's coming around one year old. Her mom and I divorced ten months ago; I get Joanna on weekends. I can visit whenever I'd like though we both have partial custody." Leonard explained more, showing you a picture of an adorable baby girl in his wallet. Pike sighed, taking a sip of beer.

"What intentions do you have with my daughter?" Pike asked, eyeing Leonard down.

"I intend to take her to the ball and possibly to a late dinner afterwords if she would like. I guess then go from there." Leonard shrugged, sighing to himself. This was gonna be a long night.

At the end of dinner, as Leonard was leaving, Pike had to say one more thing. "If you hook up with my daughter without her consent or no one ever tells me, I will kick your butt so bad that limp won't even be a limp. It'll be a crawl."

"Uhh... Yes sir I promise I won't hook up with her unless she wants to." Leonard answered, his eyes widening a bit with fear. Grinning, Pike shook his hand and gave him a little hug.

"You seem like a fine young man, have fun." He said.

"Thank you sir."

The night could've been worse, so at least it didn't end terribly bad.

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