Sports Wars [Soccer]

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**Hey! Sorry this took a while to be updated, my thumb is currently wrapped up in gauze. Let's just say slicing potatoes went wrong and I cut myself to the point where I should've gotten stitches but my parents said no. Dang potato slicer. Anyway, I have tape holding the tip of my thumb together because it's cut down to the bone. I apologize for all the typos this probably has due to that. Anyway, enjoy! Haven't played soccer in ages btw, so probably inaccurate.
And yes I know it's football in other places, but I'm American and so is many of the crew so it will be called soccer.**

Soccer, a game full of eye to foot coordination. Something you and many of your friend lacked. Take Leonard McCoy for example, basketball was his sport. He mainly worked on hand eye, not foot eye. But, Pavel Chekov (the supposed hockey master) was great at eye foot coordination.

"You all know the rules, so I don't have to explain them, right?" Kirk asked, bouncing a ball on his legs. He seemed to be the best at the sport, so naturally he was the leader. Everyone stood around, rolling their eyes as Kirk continued to show off.

"I believe our silence is a yes captain, we all know the rules." Spock spoke, standing in a completely straight position. There wasn't a doubt in anyone's mind that Spock would be bad at this.

"Then let's split up. I'll be a team captain, Chekov, you be the other." Kirk suggested, holding the soccer ball in his hands. Chekov walked over beside his commanding captain and sports co captain, nervously rocking on his feet. Everyone was dressed in typical soccer uniforms, making it painfully obvious that he had never really worn shorts, as he seemed very uncomfortable.

"Y/N." Kirk called, smirking as you walked to his side. Of course he chose you. As the captain of a Starship he had access to all records, even high school. He probably saw that you had been the captain of your soccer team your junior and senior year.

"Course." You mutter, playfully elbowing him in the arm as Chekov selected his person. In the end, Kirk's team ended up having you, Uhura, Scotty, and even the new girl, Jaylah. Chekov had Spock, McCoy, Sulu, and he even got Keenser. The little alien had insisted he be included in a sports activity for once; no one had the heart to say no.

"Let's play the game!" Scotty yelled, rocking back and forth on his feet. Before coming to this game he had quite a few cups of coffee, the caffeine really taking a toll on him now.

Kirk set the ball down in the middle, facing Chekov. You stood to his left, Jaylah to his right. You laughed, shaking your head as you realized what Kirk had done. All the athletic woman were on his team, giving the un-athletic men on the other team quite the disadvantage.

The game started, the ball was passed around amongst everyone. Spock got the ball, trying to dribble it down the field but failing pretty bad to do so. He nearly tripped several times, actually falling as Jayah ran from behind him and stole the ball away.

She ran down the field, away from the fallen half Vulcan. Her white hair bounced in her usual pony tale, her coordination playing the game perfect. She may not have been from Earth, but she sure was good at the sport.

"Woo!" Jaylah yelled, getting the ball past McCoy in the goal. The ball hit the net with so much force it lifted to metal from the ground, causing McCoy to scream in fear. Everyone laughed, continuing on the game as before.

It wasn't long before Kirk's team had won, everyone from Chekov's team surrendering in defeat. The losers had to buy everyone dinner, so off to a restaurant you all went to enjoy a night of banter and fun.

This was so so so so so bad I am so sorry oh my god, I tried so hard I just couldn't get it I'm sorry. It was too hard to type but I didn't want to stop and words just jumbled up and everything is completely crazy in my brain right now omg. Anyway, hope you all liked the very bad chapter.

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