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**Requested by @thewitchofgotham
Hope you enjoy! Sorry I changed it a bit, I was a little confused at the request. It's also short... Well hope you enjoy anyway!
Contains Beyond spoilers. It's AU from the movie.**

Being the twin sister of James Kirk had benefits, but some very bad things. The ship was under attack by a race. The glorious ship was ripped piece by piece as the new species invaded its walls. Integrity was lost, the Enterprise fell out of the sky.

You and Spock were jettisoned to the strange planet in an alien ship. Spock was attempting to fly, you were laying down. That's just how the positions worked out in the ship. You should've been in the pilots seat and not him, you worked on flying more.

Of course, the pod crashed. Spock crawled out, awaiting you to come. You did, but painfully and slowly. "Y/N?" Spock cautiously asked, holding your hand as you pulled yourself from the vessel. You couldn't even stand, you just collapsed into Spock and winced.

Immediately, alarm bells began to sound in Spock's brain. You were hurt and Doctor McCoy was no where around, it was up to Spock to assist you. A piece of pipe was sticking out of your side, embedding itself into your stomach.

"Y/N, this will hurt." Spock told you, heating up a piece of metal. You groaned just before Spock yanked the pipe from your side and pressed the hot metal to the wound. You howled in pain, instinctually wanting to press the wound.

"Spock!" You scream, tears bursting from your eyes. You gripped your side, twisting the flesh in your hand. Spock pulled your hands away, pressing his forehead against yours as you pulsed in pain.

"Shhhh. Shhhh. I got you." Spock cooed, pressing his nose to yours. You squeezed his hands, your fingers beginning to ache with pain.

"This hurts..." You mumble, continuing to cry. Spock continued to hold you close, being incredibly gentle.

You couldn't walk, the pain was way too great. Spock ended up carrying you as gently as he could before stopping for the night. He held you close, gently rubbing circles over the wound. You had a fever; the wound was getting infected. But the soothing circles felt good, being with Spock felt good. You knew that he would get you to Doctor McCoy and healed.

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