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**Sorry again updates are slowing down on everything! There's a lot going on in my life and I want to write when I feel like I can. That feeling hasn't been coming too often.
I would like to ask, if some of you could comment just simple ideas/prompts for chapters? Not in a request way, where if I don't get it done it's a problem, just some ideas. I'm currently run dry, so just need some. Hope that makes sense! Thank you! Enjoy the chapter! It's not that good and kinda confusing.....**

Jim Kirk was at his wits end. You were off on vacation visiting your old friends from high school at a reunion, leaving Jim to take care of your kids. Being the captain of a starship and the father of three was difficult enough, but not having you around just made it all worse.

The oldest, twin boys, were three years old. The other, a seven month old baby girl, was younger. Tommy and Liam, the boys, were going through their 'terrible two's and three's' stage of life. Katie, the girl, had trouble sleeping through the night without you there, even though she was a daddy's girl.

"Okay, who wants to go see your uncle McCoy?" Jim asked the twins, smiling wide. They both stopped running, pausing the stare at their father as if he was speaking a new language.

"No!" Tommy yelled, throwing the toy in his hand at Jim and pushing over Liam. Liam fell to the ground, crying from being startled and the small bump onto the metal floor. In the other room, Katie began to scream, being awoken by her loud brothers.

"Awe come on guys, give your dad break." Jim sighed, picking up Liam and setting him on your bed. He quickly went into the other room, gently scooping up Katie in his arms. She was a tiny baby, merely a speck in his clutch.

"Nooo!" Both twins wailed, one in pain the other in protest. Jim sighed, quickly going back to the main bedroom. He sat on the edge of the bed, picking up Liam in one arm and keeping Katie secure in the other. Tommy continued to run around like an anarchist.

The Kirk family never had good timing with anything. After you and Jim had the twins, you decided to wait a while for the next kid. Like, four or five years before you were pregnant again. Not even two years later you were pregnant with Katie. The bad luck could span from something that big, or something as small as you deciding to call at that moment.

The monitor loaded, your husband and kids appearing on the screen. Jim looked beyond stressed, Tommy pranced in front of the screen briefly before face planting and beginning to cry. "Wow, didn't expect this, hello!" You say, Liam looking up at where your voice had came from.

"Dad!" He complained. "Mommy's in the TV again!"

"Liam, it's just a video chat. Hey Y/N, nice to see you, you look lovely." Jim complimented, maneuvering over to the desk chair. He now had all three kids in his lap, Katie continuously kicking Tommy in the back.

"Hello. I only have a few minutes, but I decided to call and check in. They're causing a ruckus I see, hey kiddos?" You ask, changing your voice so the kids paid attention. They looked at you, their big blue eyes amazed at the technology.

"Yeah?" They twins asked simultaneously, continuing to stare at you with those adorable eyes. Even so young, they were the spitting image of their father.

"Be good to your daddy, okay? Can you help mommy out? Can you sit on the bed and play quietly for a few minutes? Please?" You ask, gently watching as they nod and squirm off Jim's lap. They obeyed you instantly, but never Jim. Katie grinned at now having her father to herself again.

"They're driving me crazy. I was gonna go to work today, but I think I'm going to just stay home with them today. I realized this morning that no matter how crazy they are, I don't spend enough time with them." Jim told you, booping your baby girl on the nose. Through the camera, you could see her giggle, curling her body up.

"Awwww." You coo, grinning so wide you felt your muscles tighten. Jim laughed, keeping an eye on the trouble twins behind him. "Hey sweetie, I need to go again, but I'll call you later. Love you!" You shout, hoping the kids would hear. Liam and Tommy jumped up, waving their hands and giggling. Katie continued to curl up into Jim, protesting to the loud sound.

Jim laughed, smiling. "We love you too. Talk to you later."

You turned the chat off, laughing to yourself. Jim set Katie back down in her bed as she began to doze off, quickly sending a message to Spock saying he was taking the day off. The twins still were playing on the bed, now laying under the blankets pretending for it to be a fort. Jim yelled, startling the kids into a fit of screaming and laughter. Being a father was stressfully a privilege that Jim would hold onto till he died.

Sorry if this isn't the bed, Halloween one coming soon! And sorry I haven't been updating Monster, I've been busy and stuff. One shots are just easier at the moment. Anyway, hope you all enjoy! Feel free to comment ideas, just please understand if I don't get them done.

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