Chekov [Important A/N]

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**This was requested by @kw-2187 . Hope you enjoy! I'm not the best of thinking of pranks, but I hope it's still good.
One of the edits submitted by @Miss_Grayson
The one posted above was made by her. It's her tribute to Chekov.
There's an important authors note at the end, be sure to read it!**

As Pavel Chekov put it, Russians were notorious pranksters. You couldn't find a Russian man or woman that didn't love a good prank. You denied this at first, you had a close friend who hates pranks and grew up in Russia. But Pavel kept insisting, pranks were invented in Russia.

"PAVEL ANDREIEVICH CHEKOV!" You scream, tightly wrapping a towel around your body. You storm out of the bathroom, shampoo bottle in hand.

Pavel innocently looked up, gasping as you chucked the shampoo bottle at him. It hit him and broke open, the gel staining his yellow shirt a green color. Pavel had put blue dye into your shampoo to turn your hair a dark blue color.

"Yes my love?" He asked, trying to contain the fit of laughter that wanted to erupt inside of him. You glared at him, adjusting the towel around your body.

"You know that thing we do that you love? Yeah that's not happening for a long while." You say, strutting out of the room, being sure to sway your hips. Pavel sighed, regretting his prank as soon as you said that. At least he hadn't put hair remover in the bottle like he wanted to at first.


Pavel returned home to his quarters to a delicious smell. You had decided to bake him a chocolate truffle pie with extra whip cream. It was unhealthy and fattening so it was only made for special occasions. McCoy was very strict on diets of everyone on the ship so they stay top health.

"That looks amazing." He told you, taking a seat at a counter. You smiled, setting the pie in front of him.

"Shall we eat a little and save the rest for later?" You ask, grabbing a couple forks and a plate. Pavel nodded, getting himself a piece. Just as he was about to take a bite, you put your hand on the back of his head and shoved his face down.

When he lifted his head, chocolate pie stained the curls on his forehead. Whipped cream and chocolate pudding clung to his face, slowly sliding off in chunks. "That's for dying my hair." You whisper, kissing Pavel's sweet cheek.


Later that week, you made the severe mistake of falling asleep on the couch. Your hand was outstretched, the other resting on your stomach. A blanket was gently draped over your body, keeping you nice and warm.

Pavel saw this as the opportunity for a little revenge. He took a can of whipped cream, gently spraying some onto your hand. He then took a feather and tickled your nose, waiting for you to reflex and touch your face.

Instead, you used your other hand and ended up hitting Pavel with the whipped cream hand. He yelled in Russian, startling you awake from your nap.

"Every! Time!" He shouted, running into the bathroom to clean up. You got up and washed your hand in the kitchen, shrugging to yourself before returning to the nap.


You were determined to have the last prank. Sure, Pavel's last attempt failed in his face, quite literally, but this was pride. You needed to have the last laugh.

Plastic wrap on the door, a classic one but a good one. No matter what, it never ceases to make a laugh. The last thing Pavel wanted to come home to was another prank, but you had no idea of his rough day.

"Ackkkkshdugsywhs." Pavel yelled, becoming suffocatingly wrapping in plastic. You laughed, quickly taking a few pictures of his morphed face before helping him out of it.

"Did I win?" You giggle, kissing his forehead and laughing more. Pavel glared at you, storming into the bed, cursing as he stubbed his toes. He face planted into the mattress, curling up.

Instantly, you stopped laughing. You sat down beside him, gently running your hand through his hair. Sobs racked through his body, neither of you spoke a word for a long time.

"You can never win.." Pavel muttered, whipping around on the bed and tickling you. You screamed and tried to escape, but you were unable to.

"Stop! Fine! I give, you win you win!" You yell, laughing until you began to hiccup. Pavel laughed, choking on his own tears.

"I win. Thank you, that cheered me up." Pavel said, snuggling you close in his arms. Settling down, you snuggled up. The two of you cuddled until it was dinner, in which you got food and then cuddled until sleep. It ended up being a nice end to a prank war.

Authors Note time.

Okay, so I have decided to go back to ONE UPDATE A WEEK.
Maybe more than one, but for sure one. School is starting soon so I'll be busy and stressed.

Hope everyone understands.

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