
2.9K 108 36

**This was requested by @CrystalEmmie
Sorry I changed it a little and its short! Hope everyone enjoys!**

Spock and Kirk always had major disagreements. Usually they were settled easily by ignoring each other for a while, but sometimes the insanity of being trapped on a ship took over. The two men were the closest of friends, yet neither would admit it.

"Why are you so ignorant!" Kirk yelled, rolling his eyes and sighing in frustration. Spock had been rambling about genetics and family. He had mentioned Kirks family genetics, much to the captains disliking.

"I was simply informing you that your grandfather and grandmother had Alzheimer's and it is a genetic disease so as you grow elderly the risk is plenty there." Spock stated, confused as to why Kirk was getting so agitated.

"Spock, for the last time, I don't want to think of what's gonna happen to me when I'm old!" Kirk yelled, clenching his fists in and out. The whole crew on the bridge, including you, had learned not to interfere with they banter.

You worked by Uhura on the bridge, your specialty being stabilizers on the ship. An argument between Kirk and Spock was not uncommon to happen.

"I was warning you captain, if you would listen maybe you would care." Spock replied, his physical stature changing as he got more annoyed. Kirk sighed in anger and stood up from the chair.

"Spock! Stop now! I do not want to hear it nor do I care so you're wasting the oxygen resources on the ship to tell me!" Kirk yelled, standing with his fists clenched. Spock slowly stood up from his own chair, taking a few steps to Kirk so they were close.

"The oxygen on the ship is recycled so frequently it is never a wasted breath." Spock stated, smirking a little bit. Immediately, Kirk snapped and swung a punch. You leapt up, Chekov and Sulu following.

Kirk and Spock began to fight, throwing each other around the bridge. Spock got the upper hand and managed to neck pinch Kirk; their captain collapsing to the ground in pain. You placed your hands on Spock's shoulders and pushed him into a turbo lift.

"The captain is unreasonable." Spock stated to you, smoothing his shirt. A little green blood trickled from a split lip, dark circles forming around his right eye.

"Somedays, you are Spock." You tell him, walking him to your quarters to clean him up. Sometimes, the captain and Spock could be impossible.

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